Learning Me Dutch podcast aims to share my adventures of studying Dutch. You can find new words, verbs with examples, grammar stuff, cultural talks and much more while always aiming to keep it fun and interesting.
#4 - Deciphering the Weather News
15/02/2021 Duração: 25minIn this episode I'm talking about weather and how important of a subject it is in Netherlands. Also I'll read a news article about latest cold weather and try to decipher it piece by piece together.Link to article:
#3 - Cold Words
08/02/2021 Duração: 12minIn this episode of LMD I’ll talk about snow and cold. Why? Because nowadays it’s snowy and cold as hell. So while we’re now double stuck at home, both due covid to lock downs and snowy, cold as steel weather, we can extend our vocabulary around it.
#2 - Order and pay for the pizza's while learning about frozen Dutch races
09/01/2021 Duração: 22minIn this episode I’m going to talk about - Indefinite pronouns, which is the fancy grammatical definition for good old something somewhere someone etc- Elfstedentocht, frozen races covering 11 cities- Learn the verbs needed to order pizzas- Some personal suggestions and tips that worked for me while learning dutch
The Pilot
05/06/2018 Duração: 12minIn this pilot episode, you can listen about modal verbs, fun and facts and new verbs.# The Pilot - Episode #1In this pilot episode, you can listen about modal verbs, fun and facts and new verbs. A basic beginning to the podcast.##Modal Verbs - HulpwerkwoordenIk werk vandaag - Ik moet vandaag werkenZij praat uren lang over zichzelf - Zij kan uren lang over zichzelf pratenWat kan ik gebruiken, als ik hoofdpijn heb?- Je kunt een paracetamol gebruiken. Paracetamol is goed for alles!## Verbs - Werkwoorden*Werken - werkte - gewerkt*Ik werk in Chocoladefabriek en mijn baas heet Charlie. Hij is een succesvolle Amerikaanse ondernemer*Bezoeken -> bezocht*We bezoeken het graf van oma elke twee wekenIk heb gisteren mijn familie bezocht*Praten -> gepraat*Zij praat niet eens met mij. Ik heb nog nooit met hem gepraat.*Blijven --- bleef --- gebleven*Hij blijft hier alleen vandaagJe bent dom en je blijft dom!Contact: [email protected]