Message To Kings - A Biblical History Of Man

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 125:12:06
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Message to Kings is a history podcast dedicated to telling a chronological Biblical history of man. The primary focus will be the Biblical events and characters of history supported with historical references and external events. Combining a story-telling style with an historical focus, Message to Kings strives to incorporate spiritual concepts, parallels, prophecies and practical applications from history to our world


  • Episode 252: 32AD Passion Week Monday: Is it Lawful to Pay Taxes

    18/02/2025 Duração: 21min

    The rulers and authorities sent spies that they might seize Jesus with their words. The question was "should we pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" Paralleling this scene and King Solomon's wisdom, we cover the gift of discernment and the gift of word of wisdom.  Matthew 22:15-22Mark 12:13-17Luke 20:20-26Luke 12:12-12:131 King

  • Episode 251: 32AD Passion Week Monday: The Parable of the Wedding Feast and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

    04/02/2025 Duração: 20min

    According to Luke 20:20, the chief priests sent spies who pretended to righteous to Jesus to catch him at his words.  As a consequence of the hypocrisy of the religious leaders and to reveal the age to come, Jesus tells the Parable of the Wedding Feast. The parable reveals the ignorance and judgment of the religious leaders, the age to come, and the wedding supper of the lamb.  Matthew 22:1-14Revelation 19:7-9Revelation 21:1-2Romans 13:14Ephesians 5:24-252 Corinthians

  • Episode 250: 32AD Passion Week Monday: The Parable of the Two Sons and the Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers

    28/01/2025 Duração: 25min

    The religious leaders send spies among Jesus' followers to try to trick Jesus with complex questions. In this context and the turning of the tables, Jesus tells two parables about a vineyard and the wickedness of the religious leaders. The parable of the two sons is about two sons. One is wicked, honest, and repentant and the other is religious, deceitful, and unrepentant.  Which one did the will of the father?The parable of the wicked vinedresser speaks to the love of the God, that would send prophet after prophet to Israel followed by his own son which would be rejected and killed. The parable was a condemnation of the religious leaders as much as it is a prophetic annotation of the days to come.  Matthew 21:23-22:14Mark 11:27-12:12Luke

  • Episode 249: 32AD Passion Week Monday: The Fig Tree Cursed, Intercession, and the End of the Religious Mountain

    14/01/2025 Duração: 24min

    In the morning, Jesus goes to Jerusalem and sees a fig tree.  Even though it wasn't the season for figs, he curses the fig tree "may you never bear fruit again." In the evening, the disciples passed by the fig tree and saw it withered and dead.  They were amazing and asked Jesus about it.  In this episode, we discuss the withered fig tree and the future death of the religious mountain in Jerusalem. Matthew 21:18-22Mark 11:12-24Hosea 9:10Jeremiah 8:13Micah 4:41 Kings 4:25John 1:48-50Luke

  • Episode 248: 32AD Passion Week Monday: Jesus cleanses the Temple, Table Turners

    07/01/2025 Duração: 19min

    Passion WeekMonday: Cursing the Fig Tree, Cleansing the TempleJesus started the day cursing the fig tree which represents Israel and preceded to the Temple Mount. He stepped into the Court of the Gentiles and created a whip and drove out the money changers interrupting the Passover weekly procedures. The scribes and chief priests were so angry, they met to discuss how to destroy him.  In this episode, we consider their language and the divine justice that will occur in this place of the Court of the Gentiles, per Josephus in the Siege of Jerusalem in 70AD. Matthew 21:12-17Mark 11:12-19Luke

  • Episode 247: 30AD: The Triumphant Entry

    03/12/2024 Duração: 15min

    "Why would the stones cry out?"Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey, and the crowds go wild singing praises quoting psalm 118. The Pharisees asks Jesus to rebuke his disciples, and he replies, "if they don't, the stones will cry out." In this episode, we cover the Triumphant Entry, and why the stones would cry out.Matthew 21:1-11Mark 11:1-11Luke 19:28-44John 12:12-19Zechariah 9:9Psalm 118Luke

  • Episode 246: 30AD: The Anointing at Bethany and Jesus' Three Anointings

    19/11/2024 Duração: 19min

    Six days before passover, and the final act before passion week, Jesus is anointed at Bethany at the house of Simon the Leper by Mary, the sister of Lazarus. In this episode, we discuss this anointing for his death, and the other anointings of Jesus' life.  Luke 7:36-50John 12:1-8Matthew 26:6-13John 19:38-42John

  • Episode 245: 30AD: Jesus Comes to Zacchaeus's House

    05/11/2024 Duração: 17min

    Perhaps Zacchaeus, a short wealthy tax collector, heard the cry of blind Bartimaeus "son of David," and he scrambled up a tree to see Jesus on the road.  When Jesus came by on the road, he called up to Zacchaeus, and welcomed himself to his home. Jesus sees him, and calls him by his name which means "pure." In this episode, we cover the salvation of Zacchaeus.    Matthew 5:8Luke

  • Episode 244: 30AD: Blind Bartimaeus

    29/10/2024 Duração: 14min

    On the road through Jericho, Jesus encounters Blind Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus cried out "have mercy on me son of David!" Jesus stood still and ministered to him.  In this episode, we cover the faith of Bartimaeus and his revelation of the gospel and the face of God himself.  Matthew 20:29-34Mark 10:46-52Luke 18:35-18:43Jeremiah 33:32 Chronicles

  • Episode 243: 30AD: Helicopter Moms and Character Lessons

    22/10/2024 Duração: 16min

    The mom of the Apostle John and James, the sons of Zebedee, kneels before Jesus.  She asks for her sons to be at the right and left side of Jesus. Jesus rebukes her and teaches the disciples about servanthood, going lower to serve others, and how he will pay the ransom for many.  Death to self = serve othersMatthew 20:17-28Mark 10:32-45John 13:1-17Matthew

  • Episode 242: 30AD: Lazarus Raised from the Dead and Death to Self

    15/10/2024 Duração: 16min

    Jesus is told that Lazarus is sick, but instead of rushing to his aid, he waits two more days. In this account, we cover the delay and the raising of Lazarus from the dead. As a practical note, this account is such, that it speaks to the death to self that we must all experience daily:  Death to Self: (1) It stinks (2) Its painful (3) Its personal (4) Its purposefulRaised to Life: (1) Jesus raises us from the dead (2) to bring him glory! John

  • Episode 241: 29AD: Jesus at Hanukkah, The Shepherd Knows His Sheep

    08/10/2024 Duração: 14min

    Jesus goes to Jerusalem to celebrate Hanukkah. In this nationalistic setting, the Jews inquire if Jesus is the Messiah.  Unfortunately, they cannot see it despite the miracles, the Hanukkah prayer for miracles, and the simplicity of Jesus' teaching "my sheep hear my voice."Matthew 10:22-39Luke

  • Episode 240: 29AD: The Parable of the Laborers and the Harvest of the Ages

    01/10/2024 Duração: 14min

    In the Parable of the Laborers, Jesus alludes to the end time harvest of souls up to the eleventh hour ministry. In this episode, we cover the harvest and the calling up of the idle workers in five successions. Jesus saved the best for last, and we should rejoice our names are written in the book.  Matthew 20:1-16Matthew 9:38Matthew 5John

  • Episode 239: 29AD: A New Perspective on the Rich Ruler

    24/09/2024 Duração: 21min

    A rich ruler kneels before Jesus and says "what must I do to be saved?" In this episode, we compare this encounter with the questions of Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus answers the question from an Old Testament perspective, because it was an Old Testament question...what must I do...We conclude this episode comparing Old Testament faith with New Testament faith.  Matthew 19:16-30Mark 10:17-31Luke 18:18John

  • Episode 238: 29AD: Jesus teaches on Marriage, Family, and the Faith of a Child

    17/09/2024 Duração: 18min

    Jesus travels down to Judah, from Galilee, to celebrate the Feast of Dedication (or Hanukkah).  He arrives and is tested by the Pharisees with questions on marriage and divorce.  He answers these questions and proceeds to teach on consecration and the faith of a child.  Matthew 19:1-15Psalm 139:23-24Mark

  • Episode 237: 29AD: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

    03/09/2024 Duração: 13min

    A pharisee and tax collector went to the temple to pray.  The pharisee, in self-righteousness, thanked God for not being like other men, that he fasted twice a week, and he was a tither. The tax collector repented for his wicked heart.  In this episode, Jesus compared these two to reveal the hearts of men. Luke 18:9-14Isaiah 14Matthew

  • Episode 236: 29AD: The Parable of the Persistent Widow

    16/08/2024 Duração: 16min

    In the parable of the persistent widow, Jesus speaks of a widow who wears down an unjust judge to receive justice. This parable speaks to spiritual warfare and taking back from the enemy. Additionally, Jesus compares it to his judgments and the great faith of his believers.  Luke 18:1-8Daniel 10:14-12James

  • Episode 235: 29AD: The Ten Lepers Cleansed, Sozo Salvation, and We Should Never Settle for Less

    31/07/2024 Duração: 13min

    Ten lepers cried out to Jesus to be cleansed from leprosy. They were cleansed as they went, but one of them came back, and glorified God.  As he glorified God, he was made whole (most likely receiving back lost extremities).  In this episode, we discuss Sozo salvation and how we should never settle for less.   Luke

  • Episode 234: 29AD: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

    18/07/2024 Duração: 13min

    In response to Peter's question about forgiveness, Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving servant. In the parable, the Master forgave his servant the equivalent of $3.5 billion, yet he didn't forgive his servant the equivalent of $5 thousand. The message is that the equivalent of what we hang onto when we don't forgive or surrender is nothing compared to what Jesus paid on the cross.  Matthew 

  • Episode 233: 29AD: The Kingdom of God is within you. Revival is you!

    12/07/2024 Duração: 13min

    Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come.  Jesus' answer was 'the kingdom of God is within you.' In this episode, we discuss how the kingdom of heaven is within you and how you are revival!Luke

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