Ayurveda and Vedic Living presents lifestyle and meditation techniques for enhancing your life in a healthy and spiritually fulfilling way based on the ancient Vedic traditions of India. The emphasis is on practicality and simplicity. We present techniques that you can make use of today simply by adjusting your routine and diet in small ways with only a minor investment of time and virtually no expense. Every episode includes a unique mantra with instructions for its use because health and spirituality are natural partners.
#12 - Panchakarma - Luxurious P urification
03/08/2010Panchakarma is one of the most enjoyable Ayurvedic routines
#11 - Agni and Good Health
20/07/2010Agni is the digestive fire and vital to good digestion and overall health
#8 - Ayurveda and Spices
20/07/2010Ayurveda uses spices not only for flavoring, but also as medicine
#7 - Ayurveda and Cooking
20/07/2010Ayurveda emphasises that food must be cooked properly to have maximum health and spiritual benefits.
#6 - Kapha Dosha - The Stability and Solidity of Earth
20/07/2010A balanced Kapha Dosha is important for strength and good health.
#5 - Pitta Dosha - the manifestation of fire and water
20/07/2010A balanced Pitta is a valuable thing. Without it we can be anxious and angry. Podcast includes many tips for balancing Pitta.
#4 - Vata Dosha - The Queen of the three doshas
20/07/2010A balanced vata dosha is the key to balance and good health.
#3 - Dinacharya - Daily Routine
04/12/2009The principles of Dinacharya give us simple ways to manage our daily life in ways that are healthy and spiritually balanced.
#2 - Stress Free Eating
02/12/2009Slight adjustments in our holiday eating routines can help to reduce stress and avoid those extra pounds that we typically gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
#1-An Introduction to Vedic Living
01/12/2009The Basics of Ayurveda and the three doshas and how they affect health. Techniques for improving balance. Presentation of Ganesha mantras.