Build and grow a sustainable business. From products and marketing to professionalism and clients, you’ll get answers to the hard-hitting questions. Join entrepreneurs Sean McCabe and Ben Toalson as they let you inside their discussions on the many facets of making a living online. You’ll come away from every episode with something of value that you can apply to your business. Unlock the full archive with a seanwes membership:
499: Build a Profitable Agency – Part 4: Creating Processes and Automating Everything
30/09/2020 Duração: 01h48minSo, you've figured out your flagship service. Great! After following what we covered in the last episode, on pricing and packaging, you now have a strong offer that converts. Most of the clients you attract accept the offer you're making. Awesome! Since we know we have something that works, now it's time to automate it. (Important note: You want to automate what works. Don't automate what doesn't work! If you don't have a flagship service, or you don't have an offer, or you're not getting clients, or the majority of clients you're attracting are not accepting the offer you're making, DON'T AUTOMATE. Go back and fix the previous steps first.) Remember, automation is powerful. If you're already heading in the right direction, automating is your best friend. But if you're heading in the wrong direction automation is your worst nightmare. The word "automate" may make you think of robots or machines. But while tools, software, macros, and algorithms are great, there's another way you can automate that involve
498: Build a Profitable Agency – Part 3: Pricing Your Service
23/09/2020 Duração: 01h50minThere are 3 ways you can price your service: 1. Hourly Pricing 2. Flat Rate Pricing 3. Value-Based Pricing I've talked about Value-Based Pricing on the seanwes podcast for over 7 years now, so it might surprise you to learn we're not using Value-Based Pricing for the Daily Content Machine. This comes down to the difference between providing custom work vs. a productized service. A productized service is not customized for each client. This means the price is fixed—like a product. When does it make sense to offer a productized service instead of a custom-tailored service? You'll get the answer. Once you decide on the type of service you want to provide, and your pricing model, then you have to come up with the actual price. You also have to decide whether or not you want to have different packages—and what prices those should have. We're covering all of that in today's episode.
497: Build a Profitable Agency – Part 2: Finding New Clients
16/09/2020 Duração: 01h57minYou want clients and you want them now. But you don’t simply want *more* clients. You want more of the *right* clients. Because more bad clients is a nightmare. - Clients who **don’t pay you.** - Clients who **push you around.** - Clients who **don’t communicate.** - Clients who **demand extra revisions.** You want GREAT clients: - Great clients pay well. - Great clients pay you on time. - Great clients don’t demand extra work. - Great clients let you follow your process. That sounds incredible. How do we find these great clients? Great clients can only be *attracted*. They cannot be chased. In other words, you need to act like someone great clients want to work with, and draw them to you like a magnet. We’re sharing multiple methods you can use to **get great clients even if you don’t have a big audience**.
496: Build a Profitable Agency – Part 1: Your Flagship Service
09/09/2020 Duração: 01h59minThis is the start of a new series that goes behind the scenes on what it takes to create a highly profitable agency. We quietly launched seanwes media this summer, with a new flagship service, and it’s already a six-figure agency before we’ve really even started promoting our one service. The service is called Daily Content Machine. Learn more at The offer is simple: We turn your weekly show into daily content. Every day, 7 days a week, you’ll have 5 videos to post on the big 5 platforms. Imagine the impact your brand will have with 150+ videos going out every month! All you have to do is record your weekly show. Okay, now you know the service. But the purpose of this podcast series is not to sell you on our service (though we’d love to work with you). The point is to help YOU create your own highly profitable agency. We’ll pull back the curtain and break down how to: - Identify your ideal client - Make competition irrelevant - Create processes and systems - Know exa
495: We’re Back! A New Series to Help You Make Money
01/09/2020 Duração: 01h02minSean is back on the seanwes podcast! Today we’re sharing a special episode of our members-only Q&A show, Fired Up Mondays, where Sean joins Dan to tell us what he’s been up to on his sabbatical year. We also announce an exciting new series starting in the NEXT episode called “Build a Profitable Agency”. We’ll take you inside how we’re building seanwes media from the ground up. You don’t want to miss this! Aside from these announcements, we cover some great great questions from the Community members this week! Members get to experience Fired Up Mondays every single week, but we’re excited to share this particular episode with you publicly. Here are some of the questions we cover in this episode: • How do you use Value-Based Pricing effectively if your value-based price is for a year of work, but you bill in monthly installments? • How do you handle the disconnect between the value of the year-long work and the billing structure? • How do you balance long-term investment in your business with your short-ter
494: Sabbatical Episode: You Dont Have to Finish Books
08/05/2020 Duração: 54sI was just about to eat lunch, but I have to record this. My wife Laci was sitting on the couch and looking kind of down and I said, "What's going on?" She said, "The book that I'm reading just really isn't that interesting. It's really hard to get through." And she looked kind of dejected, like she was required to finish this book. And I said, skip it. Move on to the next book. If you spent the rest of your life reading non-stop—you didn't sleep, or eat, or drink; you just read books—you wouldn't even be able to read all of the books that were published this year, let alone all the books in the world. Most books, they're actually not that great. Very few books are excellent and worth your time, and if you spent the rest of your life reading only the excellent books, you still couldn't get through them all. So don't feel guilty. It's the book's job to grab your attention and pull you through. And if it's not doing that, move on to the next book.
493: Sabbatical Episode: What if I Have Nothing Worth Saying and No One Reads What I Write?
07/05/2020 Duração: 08minYou haven’t written that book, or started that blog or podcast you’ve wanted to start, because you fear you don’t have anything worthy to say. I mean, you kind of think you have something worthy to say, but what if other people don’t think so? What if they don’t pay any attention to you at all? “Worthy” is another way of saying “valuable”. But value is subjective. Information can be worthless to one person and invaluable to another. This means you don’t get to determine what is valuable to someone else. Only they can decide what is valuable to them. We all have wisdom to share. Even the things that seem mundane, or uninteresting, to us can be novel to others. It’s not up to you to decide what’s valuable, it’s up to you to write.
492: Sabbatical Episode: Revenue Down? How To Pivot Your Business
20/04/2020 Duração: 09minUnless you’re Amazon, your business is probably bringing in a lot less revenue right now. Payment processors for small businesses are reporting that transaction volume is down as much as 50%. As a business owner, what do you do in a time like this? People have changed how they’re spending money, so you have to change how you make money. You can not afford to sell products people don’t need in a time like this. Unless your products are ESSENTIAL, you need to pivot. Pivot means to change direction and head in a new direction. Give up how you used to make money in the past. Times have changed. The world is different. You must reinvent yourself. Denial will result in going broke. Pivot to providing a MONEY-MAKING service for people who HAVE money. If you sell nice-to-have products, you’re going to have a bad time. You were lucky to be able to do that in a good economy. Now it’s time to face reality. If your market is mostly people who don’t have money, you’re going to have a bad time. The only way you’re
491: Sabbatical Episode: It’s a Strange Time to Have No Home
13/04/2020 Duração: 09minWe moved out of our home at the beginning of 2020 to embark on a sabbatical year of nomadic travel. With no house or car, we set out to travel the world. Then the pandemic hit. This is an update on how we’re managing to #StayHome without a home.
490: How to Keep Going When Everything’s Changing
01/04/2020 Duração: 01h07minThere’s a lot going on right now. That’s an understatement, right? The COVID-19 pandemic has taken everyone’s attention in the last few weeks, and rightly so. Hopefully you’re in a situation where you’re safe, and healthy. But that doesn’t make it easy. A lot of things are changing all around us, and quickly. How do we stay on track with our lives? How do we keep working, playing, eating, exercising, and supporting one another when every day brings more uncertainty? Today we’ll talk about the mindsets and tactics needed to keep going, even when the world is more uncertain than ever.
489: Sabbatical Episode: Finding Community (Part 5 of 5): Making Time for Community
18/03/2020 Duração: 13minThis is it! The final episode of our 5-part podcast miniseries, Finding Community. If you’ve been following along, you know the incredible role a positive, uplifting community can play in your life. It can keep you on track, get you unstuck, make achieving your goals only a matter of time. But that’s just it: time. Who has time? We’re all busy, juggling a hundred different demands… and now we’re supposed to participate in a community, too? Has Sean discovered a magical 25th hour you can add to your day? Well… no. But he can tell you how to prioritize what’s important. Why you don’t have time for community. The reason Sean created this series is not only to teach you why finding a positive community is so important, it’s also to let you know about a great opportunity. We’re incredibly proud of the Community Sean’s built at seanwes. The investment for annual seanwes membership increases on March 20th. Now is the best time to join, get access to all of our courses and training, and lock in the current r
488: Getting Paid What You’re Worth
18/03/2020 Duração: 01h17minMoney can be a touchy subject. When you work a job, your employer often forbids you from discussing it. When you sell products or services, you struggle to put a price on them that lets you make sales… but also lets you make money. You might find yourself thinking, “I wish I could get paid what I’m worth!” But how do you even know what that is? To be clear, we’re not talking about your personal worth; you can’t put a value on that. When we talk about getting paid what you’re worth, we’re really talking about finding a balance. There’s one thing that determines what your product or services are worth (and if you’re an employee, you’re still selling a service!): - The value to your customer. Aligning that with your needs is the key to getting paid what you’re worth. Today, we’re talking about how to find that alignment.
487: Sabbatical Episode: Finding Community (Part 4 of 5): Starting vs. Joining a Community
16/03/2020 Duração: 08minToday we’ve posted Part 4 of our 5-part podcast miniseries, Finding Community. Sean’s talked about replacing negative inputs in your life with positive ones, and he’s explained how to find people pursuing greatness in your field and grow alongside them. Community is key. The question is: should you join an existing community, or start one from scratch? The answer is in today’s episode. Before you start a community, seek one out. Starting your own community is tremendously rewarding. It’s also a lot of work. If you can, find an existing community in your field and join it instead. But don’t just join the community… pour yourself into the community! - Show initiative. - Pretend like you’re getting paid to be there. - Act like an owner. - Help the people around you. Do these things, and watch the community organizer take notice. When you add massive value to a community, the organizer will want to promote you… and that’s just for starters. Sean hires his team members out of the Community—hey, that’s
486: Sabbatical Episode: Finding Community (Part 3 of 5): Learn From People Ahead, Connect With People Beside
13/03/2020 Duração: 09minToday we’ve posted Part 3 of our 5-part podcast miniseries, Finding Community. In the first two episodes, Sean gave us the crucial steps for replacing the negative inputs in your life with positive ones. With all that new positive energy, we can get to work pursuing our creative passions! But once we’ve created our great work, then what? We want to share it with the world. We want to forge friendships, make connections, build an audience around our work! Today Sean shares exactly how to make that happen. Getting someone famous to promote you. Everyone wants a shout-out from a famous person, right? It would be great if someone with huge reach promoted your thing to their audience. The problem is, it’s too late. If you try to befriend someone famous so they’ll promote your work, they'll see you coming. Everybody wants something from them. So how do you get someone with influence to promote you? You have to befriend them before they’re famous. Oh sure, you’re thinking, if you could predict who was goin
485: Sabbatical Episode: Finding Community (Part 2 of 5): Surround Yourself With Positivity
11/03/2020 Duração: 08minOn Monday we posted Part 1 of a 5-part podcast miniseries called Finding Community. Part 2 is available today! You can’t just cut out the negative. In Part 1, Sean talked about the necessity of cutting out the negative inputs in your life, whether that’s social media accounts or the people sitting next to you. But you can’t just cut out negativity, that leaves a void. You have to surround yourself with positivity. We all know the expression “24/7”—it means “all the time”. Sean wants you to remember a new expression: 14/7. Why 14/7? - You should be spending 8 hours sleeping. - That leaves 16… - But let’s say you have some negative people you just can’t get away from. So you get 2 hours with which to be flexible. But the rest of the time, those 14 hours a day… you’ve got to pipe positive inputs into your ears. You need to offset negativity with 5x as much positivity. As much as we try to cut out negative inputs, there’s always some that will still get through. Any negativity that you can’t cut out,
484: Validating Your Big Idea
11/03/2020 Duração: 01h27minThere’s nothing worse than launching to crickets. That’s what we call it when you pour time and effort into designing and building a great product—a piece of art, an online course, a great app—you work on it for weeks, or months… or years. You actually finish the product. You put this amazing thing you made out in the world… And no one wants it. In response to all your hard work, you get… nothing. Just the sound of crickets chirping. You know, figuratively (or maybe literally, depending on where you live!) That’s just the worst: making something that you love, and then finding out nobody else is interested. Was all that time wasted? Is there any way to salvage this product? Maybe if you used different launch strategies… We never want you to end up asking those questions. When you make a product you want people to buy, there’s a simple rule: you have to make something people WANT to buy. It’s not enough to make something you want. It’s not enough to make something you think other people want… you n
483: Sabbatical Episode: Finding Community (Part 1 of 5): Cut Out Negativity
09/03/2020 Duração: 10minSean’s recorded a podcast mini-series called Finding Community, and the first part (of five) just published today. Below are some highlights, takeaways and quick wins from the recording (in case you’re more into reading than listening right now): Everyone needs a supportive community. Why does community matter, and why do you want to focus on finding community? A supportive community is rocket fuel for: - Finding your people, your audience, your tribe. - Starting or growing your own business. - Being financially supported by your creative passions. - Getting support when you’re stuck. Every time Sean has leveled up in business, it was because of a relationship, not just information. As helpful as information can be, you need context to apply it to your own situation. That’s where community comes in. Community can’t survive negativity. A negative attitude destroys communities. We’re not talking about critique or constructive criticism: you know true negativity when you encounter it. Negativity pulls
482: Can We Get Personal?
04/03/2020 Duração: 50minWe all have things in our lives that we can’t wait to share with everyone we know. There are other things we’d just as soon keep to ourselves, yet we want to make a connection with other people. We want to feel heard and understood. On top of all that, we have a business to build, and a brand that we want to present to the world. So when is it okay to share, and when is it not? How do we talk about those things that aren’t easy wins, that aren’t sunny days on the beach, that aren’t sipping champagne in front of our private jet? How do we share the real stuff, the hard stuff… or do we share it at all? It’s hard to know how personal to get when we’re putting ourselves out there, especially on social media. How do we balance a desire to be real, to be authentic, with the responsibility we have to our audience, and to ourselves? Those are the questions we’re going to answer today.
481: Sabbatical Episode: You Can Travel the World If You Really Want To (Yes, You!)
02/03/2020 Duração: 01h02minDo you want to travel the world—or even travel your own country—with nothing but the pack on your back? Imagine that freedom—knowing you’ve already got everything you need. There’s that line, “The things you own… end up owning you.” Well, what if you didn’t need to own hardly anything? Between remote jobs and AirBnb, that unfettered life has never been more accessible… But you could never actually do it, of course! You have a job, a car, an apartment… or maybe even a house. You’ve got leases and responsibilities and you’ve got a really nice couch. But if there’s a part of you that just wishes you could pack it all up and hit the road… Maybe it’s time to listen to that voice. And if the voice is too quiet to hear… Sean is here to amplify it. In this call I had with Sean, he aims to prove that you can travel the world if you really want to. Yes, even you. Despite all the reasons and excuses… if this is what you really want, you can do it. This show will give you a lot to think about… and you might need
480: When You’re Tired of Adulting
26/02/2020 Duração: 01h03minYou should be proud of yourself: you’ve got a lot on your plate. You might be running a business, and, as I’ve heard it said, the great thing about running your own business is you can choose whichever 16 hours a day you want to work! Or you might have a job that takes up most of the day, and a passion that you work on in the mornings, or the evenings, or both. On top of all that, we all have our share of adulting: you know, doing the laundry, calling the bank, making sure there’s something in the fridge when we need it. And I haven’t even touched on all the other people you have in your life, some of whom might need you to do all of the above while carrying them around or solving their LEGO woes. You could be excused for just wanting a breather sometimes. Or maybe just wanting to give it all up and live in a tiny cabin on a moor. Or you could join a monastery, and possess nothing but a bowl, a robe, and a spartan room. If any of that is sounding appealing right now, you’re not alone. Feeling overwhel