Voices and Visions from Outside Mental Health
Sex Drugs Harm Reduction | Caty Simon
21/01/2025 Duração: 01h10minHow do decriminalizing drug use and sex work advance mad liberation? What lessons can psychiatric survivors learn from the harm reduction movement? Caty Simon’s activist leadership spans the low-income rights, psychiatric survivors, sex worker, and drug users union movements, and she was a key organizer at Freedom Center in Western Massachusetts. Caty is on the […] The post Sex Drugs Harm Reduction | Caty Simon first appeared on Madness Radio.
Escaped Lunatic | Irit Shimrat | Madness Radio
07/11/2024 Duração: 01h05minLegendary psychiatric survivor activist Irit Shimrat escaped psychiatric incarceration to become a leading anti-psychiatry organizer. Co-founder of the Ontario Psychiatric Survivors’ Alliance, Irit edited the Canadian magazine Phoenix Rising: The Voice of the Psychiatrized and wrote Call Me Crazy: Stories from the Mad Movement, bringing together the stories of many leading activists. Irit shares her […] The post Escaped Lunatic | Irit Shimrat | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Visionary Ecology | Steven Morgan | Madness Radio
05/08/2024 Duração: 01h18minDo grieving goats lick psychedelic lichen? Altered states are part of nature, used by plants and animals for survival(!). How does ecology reveal the evolutionary – and spiritual – purpose of psychosis? Steven Morgan, psychiatric survivor and trainer in Intentional Peer Support, led the Another Way sanctuary and was project director for Soteria Vermont. Today […] The post Visionary Ecology | Steven Morgan | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Electroconvulsive Therapy Survey | John Read | Madness Radio
12/07/2024 Duração: 09minPlease share widely! Survey on electroconvulsive therapy – electroshock therapy – for patients, family, and friends. John Read, survey researcher and professor at University of East London, is interviewed by Jessica Gallinger. The post Electroconvulsive Therapy Survey | John Read | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Grand Rounds UCSF Psychiatry – Will Hall – Madness Radio
09/07/2024 Duração: 01h24minWill Hall’s June 2024 Grand Rounds talk at University of California San Francisco Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, titled “New Visions of Psychosis: Abolition as Clinical Best Practice.” Video here: transcript here. The post Grand Rounds UCSF Psychiatry – Will Hall – Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Philosophy of Madness | Justin Garson | Madness Radio
13/06/2024 Duração: 01h09minIs madness dysfunction and breakdown – or part of human evolution that helps us survive? Writers going back to Hippocrates saw madness as the organism’s way to cope with its environment, so why has this view almost disappeared today? Justin Garson, professor of philosophy at Hunter College and author of Madness: a Philosophical Exploration, joins […] The post Philosophy of Madness | Justin Garson | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
The End of the World | Will Hall | Madness Radio
08/04/2024 Duração: 21minWhat can R.D. Laing, madness, and Star Trek teach us about the end of the world – and saving it? Will Hall reads “Can Madness Save the World? Where R.D. Laing—and Star Trek—Meet,” published on Mad In America March 14, 2024. The essay draws on the original series Star Trek episode City on the Edge of […] The post The End of the World | Will Hall | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Crazy or Religious? | Alison Smith | Madness Radio
01/02/2024 Duração: 01h14minDoes hearing God’s voice make you mentally ill? Will psychiatry help you cope with grief and rejection – or make things worse? After a distressing romantic breakup Alison Smith went to her college clinic for help – and was locked up, drugged, and labeled psychotic. Positive and mysterious voices – including visions of Jesus – […] The post Crazy or Religious? | Alison Smith | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
UCSF Grand Rounds | Dina Tyler | Madness Radio
07/12/2023 Duração: 01h12minDina Tyler’s FANTASTIC, heartful, brilliant December 2023 Grand Rounds talk at UCSF Medical School, “Improving Outcomes for Psychosis: Psychiatric Survivor and Critical Psychiatry Perspectives.” Also available as a video. (Transcript) (Slides from talk) The post UCSF Grand Rounds | Dina Tyler | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
A Ten Day Voyage | R.D. Laing Politics of Experience Audiobook | Madness Radio
17/09/2023 Duração: 33minAudiobook mp3 of Chapter 7 “A Ten Day Voyage”, from The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise, by R.D. Laing, read by Will Hall. Full book .mp3 (cntrl/rtclck save as to download): Full book as chapters on this YouTube playlist: Individual chapters as .mp3 (ctrl/rtclick to save as): […] The post A Ten Day Voyage | R.D. Laing Politics of Experience Audiobook | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Abolish Psy? | Craig Newnes | Madness Radio
05/07/2023 Duração: 01h08minAre psychotherapy’s assumptions completely misguided? What is really at stake in the research and practice of psychology? Is it possible to take a step back and see “psy” for what it is? Craig Newnes is a Jewish dad, grandad, musician, writer, and former director of one of the UK’s largest NHS Psychological Therapies Directorates, and […] The post Abolish Psy? | Craig Newnes | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Flight From Trauma | Paris Williams | Madness Radio
11/05/2023 Duração: 01h27minHow does the terror of child abuse inspire the heights of spiritual awakening? Are risky behaviors with drugs and extreme sports also a search towards healing? Co-hosts Dina Tyler and Will Hall talk with Paris Williams, who has a PhD in clinical psychology and went through his own experience of extreme sates and madness. Paris […] The post Flight From Trauma | Paris Williams | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Rethinking Therapy | Will Hall and Ryan Hofrichter | Madness Radio
25/04/2023 Duração: 01h30minTherapist Ryan Hofrichter flips the mic on Madness Radio host Will Hall for a wide-ranging discussion about madness, psychiatry, and being a therapist. Topics include power in therapy, psychiatric diagnosis harms, naming ethical and professional dilemmas, working outside of the mainstream mental health system, understanding emotional distress contextually, tragedy as potentially transformative, the psychiatric survivor […] The post Rethinking Therapy | Will Hall and Ryan Hofrichter | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Youth Leadership | Felicity Krueger & Oryx Cohen | Madness Radio
04/04/2023 Duração: 45minCan teens lead their own mental health education? Are suicidal feelings and self harm “contagions” that young people shouldn’t talk about? How can mutual aid and peer support solve our youth mental health crisis? Felicity Krueger emerged out of trauma, anxiety, and the challenges of multi-racial adoption to become a leading teen advocate in Kentucky […] The post Youth Leadership | Felicity Krueger & Oryx Cohen | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Lyme And Dyskinesia | Monica Cassani | Madness Radio
09/03/2023 Duração: 01h05minAre trauma, medication injury, and holistic health connected? Does Lyme disease infection relate to tardive dyskinesia from psychiatric drugs? Is there a spiritual purpose to debilitating illness? Monica Cassani is a psychiatric survivor and early leader in internet support with the Beyond Meds – Everything Matters website and community. Monica’s struggle with chronic iatrogenic illness […] The post Lyme And Dyskinesia | Monica Cassani | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Consent Not Required | Rob Wipond | Madness Radio
28/02/2023 Duração: 01h55minRead this book! Can there ever be any justification for discriminating against people who have — or are labeled with — psychiatric disabilities? Is denying equality before the law based on a psychiatric diagnosis always unacceptable, unnecessary, and abusive? Journalist and community development activist Rob Wipond’s new book Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise […] The post Consent Not Required | Rob Wipond | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Abolish Psychiatry | Vesper Moore | Madness Radio
08/02/2023 Duração: 01h11minShould we reform – or abolish – psychiatry? Can capitalism provide mental health, or do we need some kind of socialism or anti-capitalism? Vesper Moore is a leader in the youngest wave of the psychiatric survivor movement; he was radicalized against psychiatry as a teen when his mother sought help and met medical violence instead. […] The post Abolish Psychiatry | Vesper Moore | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Tea with Spirit | Karin Jervert | Madness Radio
21/01/2023 Duração: 01h08minWhen Karin Jervert withdrew from 5 psychiatric medications the conflicting voices and forces in her head became pathways to art and spirit. Through Buddhism and earth-based ceremony Karin discovered a new world – and a new sense of self – from her suffering. Co-hosts Jacks McNamara and Will Hall discuss art, ancestors, and the nature […] The post Tea with Spirit | Karin Jervert | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Psychiatric Incarceration | Cassie Wilson | Madness Radio
09/01/2023 Duração: 01h04minWhen Cassie Wilson experienced mental distress due to an internship setting triggering past trauma memories, she called student counseling – and then police came to her home, handcuffed her, and detained her in a hospital for 6 days. In this episode Cassie, a psychiatric survivor and student of human rights and neuroscience, discusses with co-hosts […] The post Psychiatric Incarceration | Cassie Wilson | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.
Mad Camp July 20-24 2023 | Madness Radio
01/01/2023 Duração: 10minMad Camp is Coming! July 20-24 2023 mad people are gathering for summer camp in the forested mountains two hours north of San Francisco. You heard that right! Swimming, hiking, campfires, hanging out, napping, dancing, music, art, dancing, the stars… Mad Camp is all about community friendship and connection. And there are also stirrings of […] The post Mad Camp July 20-24 2023 | Madness Radio first appeared on Madness Radio.