Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

#30: David Landau: The Secret To Motivating People To Get Maximum Results From Their Workouts



After the high level of interest in his first interview, David Landau joins me on the podcast for a second time. David Landau has been an exercise practitioner for 37 years. He is a highly respected HIT trainer and rubs shoulders with many of the world's greatest exercise thinkers, body builders and old-time strong men. David runs his personal training business, Advanced Exercise in Florida. Contact David on Exarchives [@] aol [dot] com. In part, this podcast is a response to the large amount of criticism David received for some of his remarks in the first interview. This was also a chance for me to probe his controversial riddles on for further clarity on his approach to exercise. The most valuable content in this episode includes: The difference between stimulating and annihilating the muscles. The importance of calories in relation to muscular growth. A deep insight into how David motivates his clients and runs his business. This episode is brought to you by, providers of the