Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

#52: Checklists - The Secret To Optimal Productivity in Lifestyle, Career and Business



In this inbetweenisode, I share the power of checklists! Checklists are often overlooked due to their simplicity. However, with today's information overwhelm, it's never been a better time to create checklists for all of those repetitive tasks. This removes the need to remember all of the to-dos within a project and increases accuracy and effectiveness. In the podcast I forgot to mention how my buddy, Tom Church, first inspired me to use checklists. You can listen to my interview with Life Hacker and co-founder, Tom Church, here. In this podcast, I talk about: Why checklists are super handy! How I use checklists in my own life How checklists have been incredibly helpful in my full-time job and business This episode is brought to you by, providers of the best online courses in high intensity training that come highly recommended by Dr. Doug McGuff and Discover Strength CEO, Luke Carlson. Course contributors include world class exercise experts like Drew Baye, Ellington Darden and