Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Dr. Bryce Lee - How To Combine Physical Therapy With High Intensity Strength Training (#154)



Dr. Bryce Lee (Insta: strengthspaceva) is a former Surface Warfare Naval Officer turned Director of Therapy and Co-founder of StrengthSpace, a provider of resistance-based exercise and physical therapy services. Bryce is a former Crossfit and Kettlebell addict and following a string of acute and overuse training injuries, became a Body By Science devotee, and eventually began training a few private clients, mainly as a hobby. Bryce doctoral prgram focus on orthopedics, pain neuroscience and the relationship between systemic inflammation and “mechanical” disorders like tendinopathy and osteoarthritis. Once he was promoted to Director of Therapy, Bryce was able to prioritize education of patients and this eventually afforded him the opportunity to open StrengthSpace. This was a really fun episode and the first on this show to foray into the world of physical therapy and strength training. Highlights: The political climate of physical therapy science The practices from physical therapy which Bryce has incorpora