Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Scott Myslinski - A High Intensity Training Critique and Carnivore Diet Q&A (#186)



Scott Myslinski is the host of the Carnivore Cast podcast, which dives deep into the carnivore diet and lifestyle by interviewing doctors, researchers, and long term carnivores who’ve overcome a variety of diseases and conditions. Scott has been a carnivore for over two years and, with the addition of resistance training, has improved his body composition, energy, and cognitive performance. In this episode, Scott and I dig into a lot of topics in relation to hypertrophy training and the carnivore diet including: Why Scott believes that his new program has been more effective than high intensity training for muscle gain How to handles cravings and get through an adaptation period during a carnivore diet The pros and cons of the carnivore diet, including handling social challenges Scott's typical day of eating … and much, much more Learn how to build a successful strength training business - Click Here For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click HERE