Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

241 - Luke Carlson - How to Develop your Trainers Without the SuperSlow Exercise Guild



Luke Carlson (Luke @ is the founder and CEO of Discover Strength, a fast growing personal training business based in Minneapolis and four other personal training facilities in Minnesota. Discover Strength offers a variety of strength training sessions facilitated by educated and expert trainers. Their personal training facilities are among the highest volume/revenue training facilities in the United States. Once a year, Luke and the Discover Strength team host the Resistance Exercise Conference. The conference provides incredible keynotes on exercise science and HIT business (like Dr Doug McGuff, Dr James Fisher), and life changing networking opportunities, which will retool and inspire you to take your personal training career to the next level and exceed your business goals. Listen to other episodes with Luke Carlson here  In this episode, Luke Carlson talks how to improve your trainers, essential resources for trainer development, trainer certification, and much more. Enjoy! Build you