Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

501 - The Best HIT Machines and Equipment for Your Strength Studio Just Got Even Better (Imagine Strength)



How big of an impact can the equipment you choose have on your HIT Business?   Imagine Strength’s Jeff Turner returns to talk about why your HIT studio equipment should help you to become as profitable as possible while helping you give your clients great results.    We also go into new additions and improvements that help you serve more customers, we talk about your feedback, and we go into some design details that explain how you can get the most out of training clients with different physical needs and limitations.   If you’ve wanted to know more about Imagine Strength, the new machines that are coming, and how to get them outside of the United States, make sure you check out this episode.    (Disclosure: Imagine Strength sponsors the High Intensity Business podcast). ━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⚡ Get More Clients for Your HIT Business (FREE)  ━━━━━━━━━━━━