Attention Talk Radio

The Real Life of an ADHD Mother: Call It Reality Radio!



Terry Matlen feels your pain.  This ADD mother of two daughters, one of whom also has ADD, got her “failing forward” degree as a mother, graduating with honors from the school of hard knocks!  In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Terry Matlen, the ADD professional—not as a professional but as a mother.  Yes, an ADD mother who deals with the same everyday struggles other ADD parents with ADD kids do.  We warn you though. If you are looking for a high-level overview, this is not it, but if you are looking for practical examples of what worked for Terry and her family, then this is the show for you.  Listen in and learn about Terry’s two-adult rule, her structure around toy clean-up, and other successful tips such as the joys of adult timeouts, the power of the word “no”, floor time, messy zones, mealtime for the picky eater, breaking rules to make them work, why ADD working moms shouldn’t go straight home, and a bonus around the most important feature she