Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

416 - The Million Dollar Trainer: Unpacking Pete Cerqua's Innovative Approach to Fitness



HIT studio owners and High-Intensity Personal Trainers: have you ever wondered what it takes to become a million-dollar trainer (or if it's even remotely possible for you to accomplish)?  Pete Cerqua is a master High-Intensity Fitness Coach and creator of The 90-Second Fitness Solution. He has been professionally coaching since 1985 and is also 5-Time Bestselling Author for Simon & Schuster and Skyhorse Publishing, which include the books High-Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women and High-Intensity Fitness Revolution for Men. His new program "Million Dollar Trainer" shows personal trainers how to earn 7 figures per year. The episode is a deep dive into what you can learn from Pete's innovative approach to fitness, including the importance of efficient workouts, providing high-quality customer service, and marketing yourself as a HIT professional.   You'll learn what you need to do to go from zero to owning your own High-Intensity Training studio and making millions as a HIT personal trainer, as Pete sha