Polyamory Weekly

602 Loving an addict



A listener falls in love with a relapsed, suicidal alcoholic and asks how to move forward when her husband hates this new relationship that makes her so happy. 0:45 Introduction and host chat If you’re under 18, visit www.scarleteen.com 1:30 Lusty Guy’s Politics Corner: look at your party’s track record The next time you’re wondering about what side of any given political debate to adopt, consider the track record of the folk advocating for each given side. If they are among those who think the 2020 election was stolen, say, you can reasonably assume they have a long track record of being wrong. And, as we all know, past behavior is the best predictor of future performance. 6:20 Contact us If you have questions, comments, or feedback call 802-505-POLY or email [email protected] and attach an MP3 file with your questions. To book us or anything that involves a calendar, email [email protected] and copy [email protected]. 6:30 Topic: My husband doesn’t like that I’m dating a relapsed, suicidal alcoh