Community Made

S2E2 - Even Leaders Need a Tribe: The Power of Peers



“You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people you are around. Who you surround yourself with is who you become, so choose wisely.“ ~ Jayson Gaignard Click to Tweet Studies prove time and again that strong relationships are the key to lifelong health and wellbeing, yet in today’s digital age we are drowning in contacts and absolutely starved for genuine connection to other people. Entrepreneurs, who already tend to be socially isolated due to the demands of their professional lives, are particularly susceptible to depression and the detrimental effects of lacking social connection. In this episode I dive into the importance of establishing your tribe, the power of peer group influence, and how to assess whether you should love them, lift them, or leave them. You really are the company you keep. Reviewer of the week: Gordie Bufton Select links and references: “4 Words That Will Get Your Email Opened” by AWeber Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't by Jim Co