Community Made

S2E15 - Prioritizing Relationships



“If you want a world class network, you need to invest in world class people.” Jayson Gaignard Click to Tweet   I’m a firm believer that all problems can be solved with the right peer group. That being said, if you’re looking to build a world class network then you got to go wide in your networking and narrow in your nurturing.   In this episode I share action-oriented strategies for building an incredibly peer group regardless of whether you’re just starting out or already established as a community catalyst within your circles. You will learn the 5 categories of relationships and the practical steps you can take nurture them each step of the way, why the key to a strong network is subtraction not addition, and how to constantly be re-investing in existing relationships and micro-investing in new ones this week on Community Made…   Reviewer of the week: Sol Orwell   Select Links and References: Warren Buffett’s ‘20 Slot’ Rule: How to Simplify Your Life and Maximize Your Results Summit Series Fire by Judy Bro