

FREE TODAY: Download The Total Mind Control Handbook ($27 Value) Ready to be a GUEST or SPONSOR? (taking applications now) Let's chat Welcome to EP 434, another exciting episode of the Neuro Performance podcast with your host, Andy Murphy! (FAVORITE GUESTS:  3 Million + downloads: Mathew Knowles (Beyonce's dad), UFC Bruce Buffer, Dennis Mckenna, Tony Jeffries, Matt Gallant, Nick Onken, Sanjiv Chopra (Deepaks brother) Listen now and Visit  to select your favorite platform or watch the full interview on YouTube    TODAYS EPISODE If you are in entrepreneur, an exeuctive, CEO or founder and in a growth phase with your business, this is a good epiosde for you. Delving into the early concepts of Ntflix with co-founder Marc Randolph in an interview from Diary of a CEO podcast, I uncover a lot of the pscholigical tacitcs that you can introduce into your own life, to