

Over the last several years, there has been a pronounced uptick in the rates of anxiety. In fact, anxiety disorders have become the most common mental health concern in the country. On today’s show, you’re going to learn the truth about anxiety.  This compilation episode highlights why anxiety has become so prevalent, including how things like our modern environment and western diet are contributing to worsening rates of mental health. You’re going to hear from some of the top experts in the realm of psychiatry and neuroscience, including Dr. Wendy Suzuki, Dr. Daniel Amen, and more. This episode contains powerful insights on how getting your circadian rhythm, sleep, and nutrition in check can improve your mental health and reduce symptoms of anxiety.   While it’s normal to experience situational bouts of anxiety occasionally, feeling anxious on a regular basis can be disruptive to your daily life. I hope the insights and strategies in this episode can help you gain a better understanding of why anxiety