Delight Your Marriage

451-How to Deal with Anxiety Biblically



Is it true? Are you sure it’s true? How often do we ask these questions when an anxious thought comes to our mind? Too often we allow ourselves to assume a thought is true and allow the anxiety to drive us to choices we don't want to make.  Anxiety is fear. Stress is masked fear. And controlling or mothering behavior... yep... it's also fear. The Bible is crystal clear: Do not fear. Be anxious for nothing. If you want to break free from this snare, it starts with 1) calming your physical body 2) investigating the mental tapes playing in your mind. What anxious thoughts have you allowed to run your life? ‘I’m not good enough’ 'I'm a failure as a husband' "My husband doesn't love me"  Whatever it is, I challenge you to investigate those thoughts. Get curious about your anxiety. When you work on acknowledging and understand your fears, you build the resilience needed to face them, biblically. It’s not about denying the struggle; it’s about leaning in and clarifying what is actually going on.  This is a techniq