Creative Warriors

959: The On-Ramp Time of Year



Now that we're in Q4, here are some thoughts on how to wrap up the current year and get ready for next year. The key is creating momentum. Contact Jeffrey –  Website Books   Watch my TEDx LincolnSquare video and please share!  Valuable resources to help you – Take The Self-Employed Assessment! Ever feel like you're all over the place? Or frustrated it seems like you have everything you need for your business success but it's somehow not coming together? Take this short quiz to discover the biggest hidden gap that’s keeping you from having a thriving Self-Employed Ecosystem. You’ll find out what part of your business needs attention and you'll also get a few laser-focused insights to help you start closing that gap. The Self-Employed Business Institute You know you're really good at what you do. You're talented, you have a skill set. The problem is you're probably in a field where there is no business education. This is common amongst self-employed people! And, there's no business education o