

I don't know about you, but I am all about how do I learn more in less time and actually get a real ROI from my actions?Even more so, how the heck do I incorporate more learning into my every day and prioritise it so I'm constantly expanding my knowledge and skills and applying it to my life and work?In this episode I dive into how do you actually prioritise learning, and understand the why and reasoning behind what you choose to learn, as well as the results you actually want?I'm a huge advocate for learning, but learning without applying is just a pure waste. So in this episode we dive into how to learn anything faster and with purpose.You'll learn:Four ways to figure out the why, what and how of your own learningHow you can create a learning plan that suits you and your time available.Five hacks to learning anything fasterHow to implement what you learn and get real ROIKey resources:The Freedom Plan book - especially the part on being a Leading LearningSuck it up, Princess - again the whole chapter on the