48 Days To The Work You Love Internet Radio Show

Are you living your life too small?



I hear the most interesting statements from people who are describing their lives. Recently a 36-yr-old MBA in an executive position in an exciting industry shared this concern in her coaching profile: “I have a vague sense that my life is too small.” Living large does not necessarily mean a bigger salary, house, cars or retirement fund. It has nothing to do with fancy vacations or the latest fashions. Rather, it means having a life that’s full of meaning and purpose. And that can occur – or be absent – at any place on the continuum of the traditional parameters of “success.” I’ve seen millionaires who are living life “small” and those with scarce financial resources who are living “large.”  Let me ask you this: What is your life saying to the world? Are you living your life too small? Is it so full of meaningless tasks that there’s no room left for the things that make your heart sing? Are you pushing so hard in doing more that you’ve lost the sense of being more? Does more activity really equal greater acco