5 Minute Italian

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 26:27:42
  • Mais informações



Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Join Katie and Matteo for 5 minute Italian, a fun podcast which teaches you the basics in bite-sized pieces.


  • 94: What's the Best Response to Grazie? 7 Common Ways to Reply

    09/05/2023 Duração: 12min

    Grazie! Hmm... now what do you say? Learn 7 Italian phrases you can use in response to grazie. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/response-to-grazie/ Today's Italian words: Grazie mille = thanks a lot Prego = you're welcome Di niente = no problem (lit. Of nothing) Figurati = no worries (informal version) Si figuri = no worries (formal version) Non c'è di che = no problem (there's no need) E di che / Ma di che = no problem (there's no need) Grazie a te = thanks to you (informal version) Grazie a lei = thanks to you (formal version) A te = same to you Tranquillo = no worries Ci mancherebbe = not at all

  • 93: Pronunciation of grazie; the most mispronounced word in Italian?

    25/04/2023 Duração: 11min

    The mistake you might not realise you’re making! Is grazie the word Italian learners mispronounce the most? Psst! Doors to our Online Italian School will open soon. To find out more, go to: tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/pronunciation-of-grazie/ Today's Italian words: Vuoi un caffè? = do you want a coffee? Sì, grazie = yes, thank you No, grazie = no, thank you Ecco il tuo caffè = here’s your coffee Grazie mille = thanks so much Zucchero = sugar Amaro = bitter

  • 92: Subject Pronouns in Italian: How to Use ‘em Like a Native!

    11/04/2023 Duração: 09min

    Curious to know when you use Italian subject pronouns, like io and tu? Most of the time, you don’t! But read on to find out how to use them like an Italian. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-subject-pronouns/ Today's Italian words: Hai ragione = you're right. Io cucino, tu pulisci = I'll cook, you clean. Pulisco ogni giorno = I clean every day. Tu non pulisci ogni giorno, io pulisco ogni giorno = you don’t clean every day, I clean every day.

  • 91: 4 Ways to Use ESSERE in Italian (that might surprise you!)

    28/03/2023 Duração: 09min

    Think you know “essere” in Italian? Usually it means “to be” and is similar to English. But there’s a handful of phrases where it behaves differently! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/essere-in-italian/ Today's Italian words: Sono raffreddato= I have a cold (lit. I am cooled. masculine) Sono raffreddata= I have a cold (lit. I am cooled. feminine) Sono portato= I have a talent for it (masculine) Sono portata= I have a talent for it (feminine) Non sono portato= I don’t have a talent for it (masculine) Non sono portata= I don’t have a talent for it (feminine) Sono d'accordo= I agree (lit. I am of accord) Sei tutti noi!= you can do it! (lit. you are all us)

  • 90: I have hot! 7 common expressions with AVERE in Italian

    14/03/2023 Duração: 10min

    Careful when saying “I’m hot” in Italian! Why? Find out how to avoid embarrassing mistakes by learning these expressions with AVERE (have) in Italian. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/avere-in-italian/ Today's Italian words: Ho caldo = I'm hot Ho freddo = I'm cold Ho 40 anni = I'm 40 Ho sete = I'm thirsty Ho fame = I'm hungry Ho sonno = I'm sleepy Ho paura = I'm scared

  • 89: How to answer COME STAI in Italian (and 3 common mistakes to avoid)

    28/02/2023 Duração: 09min

    How should you reply when someone asks “Ciao, come stai?”. Learn how to avoid simple mistakes when answering this classic Italian conversation opener. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/come-stai-in-italian/ Today's Italian words: Come stai= How are you? Bene, bene= well, well Bene, grazie= well, thank you Tutto bene= everything’s well

  • Episode 88: ESSERE vs. STARE: How to Tell the Difference between these Two Verbs

    14/02/2023 Duração: 15min

    In Italian, there are two verbs that mean “to be”: essere and stare. When should you use each one? Find out in this simple guide! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/essere-vs-stare/ Today's Italian words: Sono felice = I'm happy Sono italiano = I'm Italian (m) Sono alto = I'm tall (m) Sono qui = I'm here Sto bene = I’m well Sto male = I’m not well, literally “I’m bad” Sto meglio = I’m better Stare con le persone = to spend time with people, literally “to stay with people” Stare con la famiglia = to spend time with the family, literally “to stay with the family” Stare zitto = to be quiet, to shut up Stare fermo = to stay still Stare attento = to pay attention, literally “to stay attentive” Stare calmo = to stay calm

  • 87: How to Have an Italian Accent, the Quick and Painless Way!

    31/01/2023 Duração: 08min

    Want to sound more authentic when speaking Italian? Listen to discover the secrets of having an Italian accent. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/have-italian-accent/ Today's Italian words: Pausa = break Auto = car Opera = opera Pizza = pizza Panini = sandwiches Responsabile = responsible

  • We are back!

    23/01/2023 Duração: 11min

    Da quanto tempo! That’s the Italian expression for “long time no see” Our podcast is finally back. We’re really happy to be here with you again, with some exciting news about the new episodes. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: https://tiny.one/joyoflanguages-italian-school

  • 86: PIACERE in Italian: the ultimate guide to talking about things you like

    28/06/2020 Duração: 26min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-podcast-piacere-in-italian Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every Sunday: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words: Mi piace = I like it (lit. to me, it pleases) Ci piace cucinare = We like cooking. (lit. to us, it pleases) Ci = to us Piace = it pleases Cucinare = cooking Mi piace = I like it (lit. to me, it pleases) Ci piace = we like it (lit. to us, it pleases) Ti piace = you like it (lit. to you, it pleases) Gli piace = He likes it, they like it (to him/them, it pleases) Le piace = She likes it, you formal like it (to her, you formal, it pleases) Ci piace = We like it (to us, it pleases) Vi piace = You plural like it (to you plural, it pleases) Mi piacciono = I like them (to me, they please) Ti piacciono = You like them (to you, they please) Gli piacciono = He/they likes them (To

  • 85: Piace in the past - part III

    07/06/2020 Duração: 06min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-podcast-piace-in-the-past-3 Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every Sunday: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words: Ti piace Milano? = Do you like Milan? Ti = to you Piace = it pleases Milano = Milan Sì, molto = Yes, a lot. All’inizio non mi piaceva = In the beginning I didn’t like it All’inizio = in the beginning Non = not Mi = to me Piaceva = it pleased Mi piaceva il mio lavoro = I liked my job (lit. to me it pleased). Mi piaceva andare al pub = I liked going to the pub (lit. to me it pleased). Mi è piaciuto il film = I liked the film (short, one time event) Perché? = Why? Mi piacevano le città meno moderne come Roma. = I liked cities that were less modern like Rome. Mi piacevano le città. = I liked the cities. Mi = to me Piacevano = they pleased La città = the city Non mi piac

  • 84: Piace in the past - part II

    24/05/2020 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/piace-in-the-past-2 Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every Sunday: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words: Ti è piaciuta la cena? = Did you like dinner? Sì, molto = Yes, a lot. Mi è piaciuta la pasta = I liked the pasta. Mi è piaciuto il pane = I liked the bread. E mi sono piaciuti i carciofi = And I liked the artichokes. Mi è piaciutA la pizza = I liked the pizza. Sono = they are Mi sono piaciuti = I liked them (i biscotti) Mi sono piaciute = I liked them (le torte)

  • 83: Did you like it? How to use piace in the past

    17/05/2020 Duração: 09min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/piace-in-the-past Join our Italian club and get a free mini Italian lesson every Sunday: http://courses.joyoflanguages.com/5-minute-italian/ Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words: Qual è l’ultimo film che hai visto = What’s the last film you saw? Qual = which È = is L'ultimo = the last Film = film or movie Che = that Hai = you have visto = seen Ti è piaciuto? = Did you like it? Ti = to you È = it is Piaciuto = pleased Gli è piaciuto = he, they liked it Gli = to him, them È = it is Piaciuto = pleased Le è piaciuto = she, you formal liked it Le = to her, you formal È = it is Piaciuto = pleased Ci è piaciuto = we liked it Vi è piaciuto = you liked it (plural, for speaking to more than one person)

  • 82: I like it! How to use piace in Italian

    26/04/2020 Duração: 15min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/using-piace-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Hai molto in comune con la tua famiglia? = Do you have a lot in common with your family? Hai = you have Molto = a lot In comune = in common Con = with La tua famiglia = your family Dipende = It depends Per esempio = For example Ci piace cucinare = we like cooking Ci = to us Piace = it pleases Cucinare = cooking Ma a mia sorella piace fare i dolci = But my sister likes making desserts Ma = but a mia sorella = to my sister piace = pleases fare = making I dolci = the sweets Mentre a me piace fare la pasta = while I like making pasta Mentre = while A me = to me Piace = pleases Fare = making La pasta = the pasta Ci piacciono i film = we like films Ci = to us Piacciono = they please I film = the films Ci piace la piz

  • 81: How to talk about lunch and dinner in Italian

    19/04/2020 Duração: 10min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-talk-about-lunch-and-dinner-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Mangio un panino = I have/eat a sandwich Mangio = I eat Un = a Panino = sandwich Bevo una birra = I drink a beer Bevo = I drink Una = a Birra = beer Pranzare = to have lunch (lit. to lunch) Pranzo = I have lunch (lit. I lunch) Pranzi = You have lunch (lit. You lunch) Pranza = he/she/you formal has lunch (lit. he/she lunches) Pranziamo = We have lunch (lit. we lunch) Pranzate = You plural have lunch (lit. you plural lunch) Pranzano = They have lunch (lit. they lunch) Pranzo all’una = I have lunch at one Pranziamo all’una = We have lunch at one In Italia pranziamo all’una = In Italy, we have lunch at one In Italia pranzano all’una = In Italy, they have lunch at one In Italia pranzano a casa

  • 80: How to say "have a coffee" in Italian (and avoid a really common mistake)

    22/03/2020 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-have-a-coffee-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Prendere un caffè = have a coffee (lit. to take a coffee) Prendere = to take Un = a Caffè = coffee. Cosa prendi? = What are you having? (lit. what are you taking?) Cosa = what Prendi = you take Prendo il pesce = I’m having the fish. Prendo = I take Il = the Pesce = fish Mangio un panino = I have a sandwich (lit. I eat a sandwich) Mangio = I eat Un panino = a sandwich Bevo una birra alle sei = I have a beer at 6 (lit. I drink a beer) Bevo = I drink Una birra = A beer Alle sei = at six o clock Prendo il caffè a casa = I have coffee at home (lit. I take coffee at home) Prendo = I take Il caffè = the coffee A casa = at home Bevo il caffè a casa = I drink coffee at home Prendo una birra = I take a beer

  • 79: What does “boh” mean?

    08/03/2020 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/what-does-boh-mean-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Sono contenta = I’m happy Cosa mangiamo a pranzo? = What shall we have for lunch? Cosa = what Mangiamo = we eat A = at Pranzo = lunch Boh! = an informal way of saying “I don’t know” (similar to “I dunno”) Non lo so = normal way to say “I don’t know” Non = not Lo = it So = I know Cosa mangiamo a cena? = what shall we have for dinner? Cosa = what Mangiamo = we eat A = at Cena = dinner Boh = I dunno Cosa guardiamo? = what shall we watch? Cosa = what Guardiamo = we watch Boh! Boh = I dunno Bottiglia = bottle Banana = banana Quattro = four Mano = hand

  • 78: What does “magari” mean?

    23/02/2020 Duração: 08min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/what-does-magari-mean-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Cosa fai stasera? = what are you doing tonight? Magari esco con le amiche = maybe I’ll go out with my friends Cosa = what Fai = you do Stasera = this evening Magari = maybe Esco = I go out Con = with

  • 77: How to practice speaking Italian: 3 smart ways

    07/01/2020 Duração: 30min

    Enrolment for our Italian immersion spring 2020 is now open

  • 76: How to say "it makes sense" in Italian - and avoid saying "it's gross" by accident

    22/12/2019 Duração: 05min

    Get the bonus materials for this episode: http://joyoflanguages.com/how-to-say-it-makes-sense-in-italian Practice your Italian in our facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5.minute.italian Leave a review on itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/5-minute-italian/id1217040140 Today's Italian words Ma non ha senso! = But it doesn’t make sense! Non = make a sentence negative Ha = it has Senso = sense Ha senso = it makes sense (lit. it has sense) Fare = to do or to make Fa = it makes Fa senso = it makes me cringe/it’s disgusting Il sangue fa senso = blood is disgusting/makes me cringe La carne fa senso = meat is disgusting/makes me cringe La tua idea ha senso = your idea makes sense Sono d’accordo = I agree Hai ragione = you’re right (lit. you have reason)

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