Searching for Evidence of Life After Death
Investigating The Blink Environment — Natalie Sudman Describes Her Near Death Experience Due To A Roadside Bomb In Iraq
10/03/2012 Duração: 52minNATALIE SUDMAN: "An archaeologist who accepted a position managing construction contracts in Iraq, Natalie Sudman tells the story of her encounter with a roadside bomb (IED) and what happened when she left her body and had a near death experience. In the blink of an eye, Natalie found herself in another dimension, what she calls the Blink Environment. Surrounded by thousands of other-wordly beings, she instantly began downloading minutely detailed information to them about events, thoughts, concepts, judgments, projections and connections regarding her physical life so far. Thus begins this fascinating story of spiritual insight and experience that will have you mesmerized by this Defense Of Freedom Medal recipient. This is a video you don't want to miss." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Natalie Sudman shares her near death experience after nearly being killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq. ................................................................... To Purchase Natalie Sudman's Book: "Application Of Impossi
Grief & Belief: How Understanding The Afterlife Comforts Our Grief with John Holland
07/02/2012 Duração: 51minJOHN HOLLAND: "Join me in this intimate conversation with author/medium John Holland where he discusses grief from the context of his own bereavement following the loss of his mother, Jenny. John, the author of Born Knowing, Power Of The Soul, and The Spirit Whisperer (among others), talks about why mediums grieve, what people can do to prepare for a loved one's passing, deathbed visions and shared death experiences, the importance of being present with the dying, caretakers who forget to take care of themselves, reasons why discussing death with loved ones helps both the dying and those left behind, and so much more. This video is for people who are grieving, people who have never lost anyone close to them but will someday, and even those who want to help others in their time of grief." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Psychic Medium John Holland, author of Born Knowing and The Spirit Whisperer, shares his personal story of loss and grief. John Holland is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher and author of Born Kn
Loss As A Catalyst For Spiritual Awakening
02/02/2012 Duração: 51minMARK IRELAND: "In this new Afterlife TV Conversation, I talk with Mark Ireland, author of Soul Shift: Where The Dead Go. Mark and I discuss how loss and grief can be a catalyst for spiritual growth and awakening. Mark lost his son, Brandon, when Brandon was 18 years old, and subsequently went on a spiritual quest for answers about life after death. What makes Mark's story fascinating is his experiences with mediums, including the famed Allison Dubois, along with his and his wife's after-death communications with Brandon. Mark and I talk about his experiences, his father who was a famous psychic medium, and how he allowed this tragic loss in his life to serve as a starting point for new experiences, new growth and new purpose in his life." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Mark Ireland, author of Soul Shift: Where The Dead Go, explains how the tragic loss of his youngest son led to a spiritual awakening. Despite being the son of renowned “Psychic to the Stars,”Dr. Richard Ireland, Mark Ireland’s life took a more co
What Does Past Life Regression Teach Us About The Afterlife? Dr. Brian Weiss
24/01/2012 Duração: 55minDR. BRIAN WEISS: "I'm thrilled to present this new Afterlife TV episode featuring Dr. Brian Weiss. Brian is the author of Many Lives, Many Masters, Through Time Into Healing, Only Love Is Real, Messages From The Masters, Same Soul, Many Bodies, and more. In this interview, Brian Weiss talks about whether we reincarnate as animals (or animals as humans), how many lifetimes most people have experienced, if past life regression can cause issues in addition to healing them, what to do when we experience a traumatic past life memory, how often we regress to a lifetime that is relevant to our current issues, and Dr. Weiss' viewpoints on 'old souls' and 'soul mates.' I had a lot of fun interviewing Brian, and I think you'll enjoy it as much as I did." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Dr. Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters, talks about past life regression. As a traditional psychotherapist, Dr. Brian Weiss was astonished and skeptical when one of his patients began recalling past life traumas that seemed to
Do Our Souls Plan Life’s Challenges, Struggles & Sufferings Before Birth? Robert Schwartz
19/01/2012 Duração: 52minROBERT SCHWARTZ: "This is one video conversation that you don't want to miss. In this interview, I talk with Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul's Plan, about how our souls plan our challenges in life on purpose. If you've ever wondered why bad things happen to good people, Robert Schwartz shares with us his conclusions about that topic based on years of research. This video conversation offers hope and understanding about the challenges we meet in life, and it might even leave you with a sense of inner peace and acceptance in the face of your challenges -- or at least help you believe there is meaning to your suffering and that you're not merely a victim of unlucky circumstances. I'm excited to present this conversation to you, so I hope you won't miss it." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Robert Schwartz, author of Your Soul's Plan, talks about pre-birth planning. Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born by Robert Schwartz explores the premise that we are all
Are Your Loved Ones In Spirit Trying To Tell You Something? Interview with James Van Praagh
12/01/2012 Duração: 41minJAMES VAN PRAAGH: "This is the final conversation out of a series of four with medium James Van Praagh. Here James discusses what messages our deceased loved ones commonly try to communicate to us from the spirit world. I ask James how quickly our loved ones attempt communication with us after their passing, what affects our ability to recognize the signs and signals our loved ones in spirit send us, how long people should wait before getting a reading with a medium, and also why people in spirit might communicate to one person in the family (say in a dream) as opposed to other family members. We even chat about what people can do on their own (without the help of a medium) to communicate with people in spirit." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV James Van Praagh talks about after-death communication. James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years. His first book, Talking To Heaven, reached #1 on the The New York Times Bestseller list. Then he went on to w
What Happens In The Afterlife To People Who Commit Suicide?
05/01/2012 Duração: 33min"In this video report, I cover the subject of suicide from many different angles. Based on the evidence of my 13-year investigation into the afterlife, I share with you in this video what happens when people who have committed suicide return home to the spirit world, the consequences of their act, whether or not they go to a place some people might call hell, how their suicide affects their soul and their soul’s growth, how their pre-birth choices are connected to their suicide, and even how free will comes into play. If you have lost someone because they took their own life or you are merely curious about this subject, this video promises to be thought-provoking, insightful and comforting.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Bob Olson talks about suicide and the afterlife.
Medium-Artist Draws Portraits Of The Spirits She Sees
22/12/2011 Duração: 42minRITA BERKOWITZ: "In this new conversation with spirit artist Rita Berkowitz, we talk about Rita's ability to communicate with spirits and draw their portraits as she sees them. Rita is a medium who is also an artist, so she's able to provide tangible evidence of life after death by drawing her client's deceased loved ones without ever having seen them. Rita explains how she does this, how it benefits her clients, and she shares fascinating stories about her 25-plus years drawing people in spirit." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Rita Berkowitz explains how she draws portraits of spirits. Rita Straus Berkowitz has impressed large audiences throughout the world by drawing portraits of loved ones from the higher side of life. She is the author of Empowering Your Life with Angels and co-author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits. Rita has both studied and taught at the Arthur Findley College in Essex England, as well as lectured and demonstrated in colleges, new age centers and Spiritualist
Children in the Afterlife with James Van Praagh
14/12/2011 Duração: 35minJAMES VAN PRAAGH: "In this new conversation with medium James Van Praagh, James returns to Afterlife TV to talk about children in the afterlife. He explains why children are more closely tied to their spiritual essence than adults, how imaginary friends might actually be contact with spirits, what messages children in the afterlife send their surviving loved ones, and how age comes into play in the spirit world. James also shares his thoughts about thought-provoking subjects of spiritual growth, including why children are allowed to pass, where free will comes into play, how pre-life agreements between souls work, and even a discussion about suicide and murder. This is an Afterlife TV conversation you won't want to miss." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV James Van Praagh talks about children in the afterlife. You can purchase a copy of Growing Up In Heaven by James Van Praagh on by clicking here. James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years.
A Fascinating Near Death Experience During A Coma & A Powerful Message That Could Change Your Life
07/12/2011 Duração: 46minANITA MOORJANI: "You won't want to miss this life-changing conversation with Anita Moorjani. First, this is the closest I'll ever get to interviewing an actual spirit, because Anita is able to share with us what it was like to be out of her body and in that other realm, including her ability to see the past and future, experience timelessness, know her life's purpose, feel the emotions of others, and even know what caused her life-threatening illness in the first place. "Second, Anita Moorjani's story will blow your mind and get you pondering what she teaches for weeks after watching this conversation. In a nutshell, Anita fell into a coma due to late-stage cancer. Her husband was told by doctors that she had less than 36 hours to live (her organs were shutting down). All the while, Anita was having a near death experience, was given the choice to return to her body or not, chose to finish out her life, then had the most remarkable healing ever documented. Today, Anita Moorjani shares her experience and her i
Does Life Continue After Death? Interview about Chico Xavier’s book now a movie.
29/11/2011 Duração: 44minWAGNER DE ASSIS: "Brazilian medium Chico Xavier channeled the story of Dr. Andre Luiz who experienced an enlightening spiritual awakening after his death. Chico Xavier published this story in his bestselling book, Nosso Lar, which is Portuguese for 'Our Home.' "Now this famous book has been made into a movie by filmmaker Wagner de Assis. Wagner wrote and directed the movie titled Astral City: A Spiritual Journey, and he was generous enough to talk with me about the movie, the book, and his extensive knowledge about life after death. This is not your typical interview to promote a movie, but rather an insightful conversation about our spiritual journey back home to the spirit world after our lives have ended. Wagner de Assis and I use the movie as the foundation for our discussion." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Bob Olson Interviews Filmmaker Wagner de Assis To be released December 6, 2011 in the United States, Astral City is one of the top selling movies in Brazilian history. It was seen by over 2 million peop
Texas Rodeo Cowgirl Visits The Afterlife During A Near Death Experience
18/11/2011 Duração: 35minMARVEENA MEEK: "In this conversation, MarVeena Meek shares the details of her near death experience after her horse fell on top of her during a rodeo. Learn how MarVeena left her body, looked at herself from afar, and traveled into the spirit world. A near death experience is when a person dies for a few seconds or minutes, leaves their body, often goes to the afterlife (spirit world), and then returns to their body." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV MarVeena Meek is a psychic medium from Dallas, Texas. After a near death experience opened the area of her brain that allows people to see beyond the physical dimension, she was able to see and hear spirits. Since becoming a medium, MarVeena has helped many people around the country (and world) contact deceased loved ones in spirit and has helped people realize and develop their own natural psychic talents and spiritual growth. Visit MarVeena's website at
James Van Praagh Shares His Process For Communicating With Spirits
13/11/2011 Duração: 45minJAMES VAN PRAAGH: "In this conversation with medium James Van Praagh, which is an extension of my last conversation with him (although on a completely new subject), James explains how he communicates with our deceased loved ones in spirit. This interview covers a lot of spiritual territory, as James Van Praagh and I talk about souls, spirit guides and how our loved ones in spirit try to communicate with us on their own. If you're a bit skeptical about mediumship or you've wondered how mediums do what they do, James Van Praagh does a great job explaining his process for communicating with spirit." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV James Van Praagh Explains His Process For Spirit Communication James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years. His first book, Talking To Heaven, reached #1 on the The New York Times Bestseller list. Then he went on to write Reaching To Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven And Earth, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, Looking Beyond
James Van Praagh: The Inside Story Behind TV’s “Ghost Whisperer,” “Talking To Heaven” And “Beyond With James Van Praagh”
03/11/2011 Duração: 28minJAMES VAN PRAAGH: "In this conversation, medium James Van Praagh candidly shares stories with Bob Olson about his books and TV shows (Ghost Whisperer, Beyond With James Van Praagh, Talking To Heaven, The Dead Will Tell), which have helped him teach the world about spirit communication and the afterlife. Listen to James Van Praagh as he recalls memories with celebrities Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Love Hewitt and more. James also appeared on Oprah, Larry King Live, 20/20, 48 Hours, Biography, Entertainment Tonight & The Insider and talks about some of those experiences." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV James Van Praagh Talks About His Books & TV Shows James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years. His first book, Talking To Heaven, reached #1 on the The New York Times Bestseller list. Then he went on to write Reaching To Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven And Earth, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, Looking Beyond (for teens) and
From Private Investigator To Afterlife Investigator – The True Story
12/10/2011 Duração: 17min"In the late 1990s, I was a private investigator who--through a series of unusual events--came to investigate life after death. On the "About Bob Olson" page, Here's a video where I tell the story about my work as a private eye and how I came to investigate evidence of the afterlife and test psychic mediums. You can hear my story by watching this video or read my story by clicking here." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Bob Olson tells his story of going from private investigator to afterlife investigator.
8 Tips For Improving Your Readings With A Psychic Medium
06/10/2011 Duração: 18min"So many people have asked me what they can do to make their readings with a psychic medium better. Well, here are 8 ways to improve your readings. These are things that you, personally, can do on your end. In fact, some are things that are actually your responsibility, so watch this video and begin helping the psychic medium give you the best reading possible." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV
How To Spot A Fake Psychic Medium Or Scam Artist
05/10/2011 Duração: 14min"How do you spot a fake psychic medium or scam artist? I spell it out for you in this video report. This might be one of the most important videos I've created, as many people have been scammed out of thousands of dollars. Don't be fooled again. I explain how in this video." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV
How To Find & Choose The Best Psychic Medium
04/10/2011 Duração: 22min"How do you locate and choose the best psychic medium for you? That's the question I answer in this Video Report. I'll teach you the methods I personally use when checking out new psychics and mediums for and" ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV
“Do pets go to the afterlife?”
21/09/2011 Duração: 32minDANIELLE MACKINNON: "My first video conversation is with Danielle Mackinnon. Danielle helped me answer the question, "Do our pets go to the afterlife when they die?" It was such a great interview and Danielle was giving so much comforting insight into life after death, that I just had to keep asking her questions, which is why this conversation is in two parts. Don't miss Part II, as many people have told me that Part II is their favorite." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV "Do Our Pets Go To The Afterlife?" Danielle Mackinnon Interview PART ONE "Do Our Pets Go To The Afterlife?" Danielle Mackinnon Interview PART TWO Read about Bob Olson's animal communication reading with Danielle by clicking here. Soul Contract Intuitive, Animal Intuitive and Intuitive Coach, Danielle MacKinnon has been named one of Bob Olson’s “Best Psychic Mediums.” Using Soul Contracts as a foundation, she offers a fresh perspective on working deeply with pets, relationships, developing intuition, and spiritual growth. In this way, Danielle
Is My Parent-In Spirit-Aware Of My Newborn Baby?
19/09/2011 Duração: 07min"This is a very common question. People want to know if their loved ones in spirit are even aware of the birth and existence of their children when the child is born after that person's passing. Of course, a similar question is if our deceased loved ones are aware of any of our accomplishments since their death or any significant events in our lives. Here is my answer to these questions based on my 12 plus years of investigating the afterlife." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV