Searching for Evidence of Life After Death
The Wisdom Of The Afterlife
19/11/2015 Duração: 01h08minBob Olson: “In this interview—where Richard Dugan from Tell Me Your Story interviews me, Bob Olson—I reveal the deeper insights from my 15-year investigation of life after death, including what I’ve learned about God, heaven, hell, religion, what it is that leaves the body when it dies, what spirits do in the spirit world, what evidence exists for the survival of consciousness, the difference between believing and knowing, how we can know about the afterlife if we haven’t experienced it, and so much more. "Richard was nominated for a Peabody Award for his radio show because he asks questions that lead to meaningful answers like you’ll experience here. He certainly knew how to pull the best wisdom from my afterlife knowledge. In fact, this might be my most lucid and articulate interview to date thanks to Richard. As I’ve done in the past, I have carefully chosen my wife, Melissa’s, photographs to share with you since this is an audio-only interview. I think they go well with the subject matter and add to the e
Suicide & The Afterlife – For Suicide Loss Survivors
12/11/2015 Duração: 34minBob Olson: "In 2012, I created this video about "what happens to people who take their own life in the afterlife." While I had not yet written my book, Answers About The Afterlife, and Afterlife TV was only a few months old, my conclusions about this important subject have sustained since 2012 (although I will admit that my book does an even better job explaining this subject than this video). This episode covers a wide range of subjects, including: soul pre-birth planning, the soul's perspective on our choices & actions, spirit vs soul, life reviews, soul support from masters and elders, and a very important discussion about the 'potentials' our souls choose for us in life. "Over 250,000 people have seen this episode, most of whom have lost a loved one to suicide. And thousands of these people have sent me thank you emails and comments because of the comfort it has given them. This is how understanding the afterlife can benefit us. I highly recommend that you watch this episode even if you have not lost a lo
How Astrology Reveals Your Soul’s Plan For This Lifetime
05/11/2015 Duração: 54minDR. HEATHER ENSWORTH: “If there’s a blueprint of your soul’s plan (your life’s purpose), it’s revealed in your astrology chart. Too few people realize this extraordinary benefit that astrology offers us. Ever wonder what your soul intended for your life? Ever wish you had a map indicating your potential in this life? Evidence suggests that astrology may be that window and map. This fascinating interview with my personal astrologer, Heather Ensworth, connects the dots between our astrological birth charts and our soul’s plan. "Heather and I talk about soul purpose, astrological indicators of your talents or skills, and how human free will works with the soul’s plan, as well as past life themes, karma, overcoming negative patterns, conscious awareness, and so much more. This is a deep inquiry that reveals some unexpected truths about life, death and the afterlife. Without a doubt, this very special episode will resonate strongly for those seeking the next level in spiritual consciousness.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlif
Latest Breakthrough In Contacting The Departed — Induced After Death Communication
29/10/2015 Duração: 01h03minDR. ALLAN BOTKIN: “Dr. Allan Botkin has discovered a breakthrough for communicating with our loved ones in spirit. He calls it Induced After Death Communication (IADC), and he discovered it while working with veterans at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in Chicago. IADC is a proven therapy for grief and trauma that has helped thousands of people come to terms with their loss by allowing them the experience of private communication with their departed loved ones. This experience not only allows us to communicate directly with our loved ones in spirit, it allows us to ask questions and get answers from them. We can even feel their presence and hugs. "Using his own variation of a trauma treatment known as EMDR, Dr. Al Botkin has taken it to a new level by making it a beneficial therapy technique for the bereaved. Who knows where this might take us in the future regarding afterlife research? This is a fascinating story, which led me to ask questions that resulted in answers that will enlighten and inspire. I t
Life’s Mysteries & Meanings From A Soul’s Perspective
22/10/2015 Duração: 58minROBERT SCHWARTZ: “In this second interview with the always-intriguing Robert Schwartz, Rob and I discuss life’s mysteries & meanings from a soul’s perspective. In short, we talk about the relationship between you and your soul. At its deepest level, we contemplate the healing power of the life our souls planned before our birth, and how understanding pre-birth planning actually leads us to healing. I also ask Rob if pre-birth planning interferes with our free will — a common question Afterlife TV viewers ask. "Rob also shares how it works when our souls plan a spiritual awakening for us. And we learn how our soul’s plan is directly responsible for the family, friends and—yes—antagonists in our lives. In my last interview with Rob, we discussed the challenges our souls plan for us; so I took this conversation to a new place entirely. There’s too many gems in here to even list. Robert Schwartz is such an articulate, graceful speaker with incredible wisdom that I just know you’ll love this interview.” ~ Bob Olso
In-Depth Discussion of Life After Death Between Investigator and Medium!
15/10/2015 Duração: 50min"Here’s a rare interview where world-recognized medium James Van Praagh interviews me, Bob Olson, about my 15-year investigation of the afterlife — the topic of my book, Answers About The Afterlife. Discover the evidence I found and the conclusions I drew based on my experience with mediums, spirit artists, past-life regressions, life-between-lives regressions, inspired writing, meditation, after-death communications and more, and how I integrated these experiences with my interviews of people who have had near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and their own after-death communications. "Out of more than 60 interviews I did last year, this was one of my favorites, which is why I’m sharing it today. We even talk to callers who ask questions at the end. Because this interview was on James' Hay House Radio show, Talking To Spirit, and is therefore audio only, I’ve added photos of James and I, as well as some of my favorite photographs of my wife’s (Melissa's) beautiful nature photography — I thought the
What Near-Death Experience Teaches Us About Suffering, Souls & Spiritual Guidance.
01/10/2015 Duração: 01h09minNATALIE SUDMAN (Episode 3 of 3 with Natalie): “If you don’t know Natalie Sudman, you’re missing out on one the most enlightening near-death experiences of our time. This is my 3rd interview of a 3-part series with Natalie, but you don’t need to watch her previous interviews to understand or enjoy this one. Although at some point you will want to watch all 3 for the full, life-changing experience that they offer. “In this Afterlife TV episode, Natalie Sudman reveals what happened to her in what she calls the HEALING ENVIRONMENT during her near-death experience. She talks about the different shapes and appearances she took in all 3 environments, how her soul (whole self) chose the injuries she would endure when re-entering her physical body, and why her soul chose those injuries. We also learn what the Healing Environment was like, and what it teaches us about our soul’s detachment and sense of humor. Natalie even discusses why our souls make choices for tragedies in the first place—a question many people have
Who Were You In A Past Life? Past-Life Regression Expert Nancy Canning
24/09/2015 Duração: 01h21sNANCY CANNING: “Ever wonder who you were in a past life? Or question if your current issues might be a result of past-life trauma? Ever thought that having a near-death experience might be cool, without the near-death part? Ever heard of a Life-Between-Lives regression? Some say it's the next best thing to having an NDE. And Nancy Canning is the regressionist who led me through my first past-life regression and life-between-lives regression (and many more to follow). "In this episode, Nancy tells us what these experiences are like, how they benefit our growth, how our past lives might be affecting our current life, and even how birthmarks and phobias might be related to past lives. If you’ve never heard of a life-between-lives regression (aka spiritual regression), this video will blow your mind to an awareness of a new experience YOU can have. These regressions can even be done via Skype.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Regressionist Nancy Canning Explains Past-Life & Life-Between-Lives Regressions. READ ABOUT
When Children Go To Heaven
17/09/2015 Duração: 36minJAMES VAN PRAAGH: “James Van Praagh returns to Afterlife TV to talk about what happens when children go to the afterlife. He explains why children are more closely connected to their spiritual essence than adults, how imaginary friends might actually be spirits, what messages children in spirit send their surviving parents and loved ones, and how age comes into play in the spirit world. "James also shares his thought-provoking ideas about spiritual growth, why children are allowed to pass, what effect free will has on our lives, how pre-life agreements between souls work, and even a discussion about suicide and murder. This is an Afterlife TV conversation you are sure to find captivating and insightful.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV James Van Praagh talks about children in heaven. You can purchase a copy of Growing Up In Heaven by James Van Praagh on by clicking here. James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years. His first book, Talking
Trip To The Afterlife: Near-Death Experience At The Dentist
10/09/2015 Duração: 58minDR. LANI LEARY: “Dr. Lani Leary returns to Afterlife TV to share with us her extraordinary near-death experience during a routine dentist procedure. She explains how she left her body and saw it from above, visited with her deceased mother (a beautiful reunion), traveled through the infamous near-death experience tunnel, and finally became one with the Light (God/Source/Love). Dr. Lani Leary tells her story with poetic articulation, and then I walk her through it again more slowly to extract the insightful details and life-changing lessons this fascinating trip to the afterlife teaches us. I know you won’t want to miss it." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Dr. Lani Leary describes her fascinating near-death experience. Listen to the music Dr. Lani Leary talked about during the interview (very similar to what she heard during her near death experience). Watch the first interview with Dr. Lani Leary here… CONTACT DR. LANI LEARY: Dr. Lani Leary welcomes your questions or comments about this video and subject. If y
Removing Fear To See Your True Essence As A Divine Being – Channeling with Paul Selig
03/09/2015 Duração: 01h01minPAUL SELIG: “I love when I can offer you a new perspective that holds the potential to change your life. This is such an episode. Paul Selig is the first channel I've interviewed on Afterlife TV, and he demonstrates his channeling 3 times during the show. It's a sight to see in itself. But even more, Paul discusses the deep wisdom he's channeled for his 3 books, which reveal for us (a) The structures that have set us up for fear, (b) How we can operate at a higher level in order to live with more love and less fear, and (c) How to fully tap into our divine self and live as self-realized beings, thereby reclaiming our divine self, worth, and purpose. "Listening to Paul during this interview lifted my energy and made me feel more hopeful and empowered as a human being. What better compliment can I give him? I hope it does the same for you." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Paul Selig discusses channeling and the life-changing wisdom he's learned from his guides. PAUL SELIG'S BOOK - The Book of Knowing and Worth C
How Ordinary People Can Talk With Spirits Without A Medium
27/08/2015 Duração: 01h20sDR. TRISH WHYNOT: “While I love that there are people who can communicate with spirits (known as mediums), I don’t want anyone to mistakenly believe that mediums are the only way to communicate with their loved ones in spirit. We can all talk with our deceased loved ones without anyone’s assistance. How? That’s what this interview is all about. Even more, this interview promises to help you HEAL your relationships with those who have passed. "So many nice folks suffer because of various unresolved issues that exist between them and their loved ones in spirit. Some examples: They had an argument with someone right before they died. They never got to say goodbye. They were unable to say I love you one last time. They didn’t have a chance to ask (or offer) forgiveness. They didn’t have the opportunity to tell the person how something they did hurt them. Or they never got to express how much they appreciated that person before their loved one passed. "Well, in this interview, Dr. Trish Whynot (her real last nam
Mother Finds Children From Past Life! Past-Life Memories, Dreams & Regressions.
20/08/2015 Duração: 01h04minJENNY COCKELL: “Get ready for this cool story! It’s a famous past-life case. Jenny Cockell had past-life memories beginning at age 3. Although she grew up and lives in England today, Jenny’s childhood memories were of her life as Mary Sutton, an Irishwoman who died 21 years before Jenny was ever born. Because Mary Sutton left 8 young children behind when she died, her emotional concern about her children seems to have transferred into her new incarnation as Jenny. As a result of these memories and this concern, once Jenny got old enough, she was compelled to begin using the maps she had drawn as a child (based on her past life memories) to find the exact location where she lived in her past life as Mary. The location turned out to be Malahide, Ireland. Due to her diligent research, Jenny also located Mary’s children and personally reunited with 5 of them. This is an Afterlife TV episode like no other I’ve done before. And I believe it’s one you’ll be telling your friends and family about for years. Enjoy!” ~
Billy Fingers Explains the Afterlife from the Spirit World
30/07/2015 Duração: 01h20sANNIE KAGAN: “In this Afterlife TV conversation, Annie Kagan shares her brother Billy’s amazing experience in the spirit world. It all began about 3 weeks after Billy passed. Annie woke up one morning to find that her brother was talking to her from the other side. Not being a medium, Annie was as surprised as any of us would be and wondered if it was all real. Brother Billy Fingers gave Annie evidence to show her that these conversations she was having with him were real. He also gave her evidence to show her that there really is an afterlife. Moreover, Billy told Annie what his experience is like in the spirit world, much of which was pleasantly surprising and comforting to Annie. Annie shares all of this and more with us in this fascinating episode. "This is a wonderful interview to watch if you’ve lost a loved one, especially if you have a loved one who deals with addiction, or if you have communicated with your own loved one in spirit (or would like to) and need to learn to trust that it is real.” ~ Bob
Why Mediums Grieve & What It Teaches Us About Life, Death & The Afterlife
23/07/2015 Duração: 51minJOHN HOLLAND: “Here’s an intimate conversation I had with psychic medium John Holland where he helps us to understand why mediums grieve. There is so much to learn from this interview about life, death, and the afterlife. John Holland discusses grief from the context of his own experiences dealing with the loss of his mother, Jenny. He talks about why mediums grieve, what people can do to prepare for their loved one's passing, plus his own fascinating experience with deathbed visions and shared death experiences. "John Holland also shares what he learned about the importance of being present with the dying, why caretakers need to take care of themselves, and reasons why discussing death with loved ones helps both the dying and those left behind. This interview reveals some very personal and spiritual experiences John had during his mother’s journey from the physical to the other side. This is a special Afterlife TV episode for people who are grieving, people who have never lost anyone close to them but want
The Afterlife of Dogs, Cats, Horses & Other Furry Friends
16/07/2015 Duração: 01h09minDANIELLE MACKINNON: “Every pet lover wants to know if animals go to heaven just like humans. Is it the same for dogs, cats and horses? What about snakes or spiders (they can be pets too)? Animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon answered the dozens of questions people ask every day when their beloved pets pass on. We even talk about the difficult subject of euthanasia. "If you’re a pet lover like me, this interview will provide comfort and greater awareness overall. And it will help many viewers understand exactly why certain pets come into our lives — the important role they play as mentors and guides to help us grow into better people (and accomplish what we came into this life to do). Yes, pets can do all that and more, and Danielle MacKinnon helps to enlighten us as to the gifts that animals are for humans and how the relationship continues even after their passing. "This was not just ‘one' of my first interviews but 'the' first Afterlife TV interview I ever did. A great episode and lots of fun, I highl
What One Near-Death Experience Exposes About Our True Spiritual Essence
09/07/2015 Duração: 01h13minNATALIE SUDMAN (Episode 2 of 3 with Natalie): “In this early Afterlife TV interview, one of my favorite guests, Natalie Sudman, discusses her NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE and what it unveils about what we are doing right now as spiritual beings and how important each one of us is in this human-spiritual journey. Only 25 percent of Afterlife TV fans got to watch this interview, and it’s so powerful that it deserves a second viewing even if you’re one of the few who did see it. This is my second episode with Natalie talking about her near-death experience. In this captivating interview, Natalie reveals MORE of what happened in the first stage called the BLINK ENVIRONMENT and now reveals the second stage of her NDE, which she calls the REST ENVIRONMENT. "Natalie talks about the relationship between spirit and soul, her experience having a LIFE REVIEW, the connection between all living things, how COINCIDENCES are really serendipity, the relationship between the CHOICES we make and those we don’t make, the power of our
The Inevitable Dialogue: What To Do & Say To The Dying
02/07/2015 Duração: 01h01minDR. LANI LEARY: "Death is inevitable and yet we are so unprepared for it. This episode teaches us what we need to know, need to do, and need to say to the dying and grieving. We are all going to die and, if we live long enough, we are going to be with someone who is dying. In this episode, Dr. Lani Leary shares her amazing experiences and insights about 1) What children need when someone is dying (or has died), 2) What the dying need from us as family, friends and caregivers, and 3) What we need to think about ahead of time to make our own dying experience better. "Only a few avid fans of Afterlife TV were fortunate enough to see this interview, and now is your opportunity to see what you missed. Even if you don’t like to think about death, you’ll be happy that you saw this episode. Lani’s stories are as captivating and entertaining as they are educational. And her life story gives us a hint of how the universe/God, our souls and our spirit guides set up our lives to experience what we came here to do. One o
The 12 Signs That Spirits Send Us – After-Death Communication
25/06/2015 Duração: 01h14minBILL GUGGENHEIM: "Are your deceased loved ones trying to tell you something? Here's an early Afterlife TV episode that could awaken you to the signs your loved ones in spirit are sending you. Our loved ones in spirit communicate with us in many ways, and Bill Guggenheim teaches us the 12 most common categories of after death communications (ADCs) in this video conversation. "Bill is the co-author of Hello From Heaven with his former wife, Judy Guggenheim. Together they interviewed 2000 people and collected more than 3300 first-hand accounts of ADCs. In this conversation, Bill defines after-death communications, shares his incredible story of how he was led to do this research, and teaches us how to recognize when our deceased loved ones are contacting us." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV The co-author of Hello From Heaven, Bill Guggenheim, explains the 12 most common types of after-death communications (ADCs). ................................................................... To Purchase Bill & Judy Guggenheim
Description of Spirit World Channeled by Chico Xavier – Our Home aka Nosso Lar
18/06/2015 Duração: 45minWAGNER DE ASSIS: “Only a few lucky people have seen this early Afterlife TV episode. Brazilian medium Chico Xavier channeled the story of Dr. Andre Luiz who experienced an enlightening spiritual awakening after his death. Chico Xavier published Andre's story in his bestselling book, Nosso Lar, which is Portuguese for Our Home. “This famous book has been made into a movie by filmmaker Wagner de Assis. Wagner wrote and directed the movie titled Astral City: A Spiritual Journey, and he was generous enough to talk with me about the movie, the book, and his extensive knowledge about life after death. This is not your typical interview to promote a movie, but rather an insightful conversation about our spiritual journey back home to the spirit world after our lives have ended. Wagner de Assis and I use the movie as the foundation for our afterlife discussion, which stands alone even if you don’t watch the movie.” ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV Bob Olson interviews filmmaker Wagner de Assis about Chico Xavier's versio