Television's longest-running court show "Divorce Court," presided over by Lynn Toler, allows viewers to experience the drama firsthand as couples square off in real-life courtroom battles. With over twenty years of experience behind her in the practice of law, Lynn Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the bench of "Divorce Court." Get your daily relationship and common sense advice from Judge Lynn Toler.
S22 Ep3721: Collins Vs. Collins: #MasterManipulator
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minMichael and Terra have been married for over 3 years and have a blended family of 5 children, but Michael is looking for a way out. He says his marriage is over because his wife, Terra, is a manipulator, pathological liar, and a cheater. Michael has had enough with his wife’s cheating and finding numerous text messages from other men on Terra’s phone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3677: Harden Vs. Harden: #RiskyBusiness
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minDomenique is irate with her husband, Howard, looking for attention from other women on social media and dating sites. She claims he also receives calls from women during “booty call” hours. Howard and Domenique collected $10,000 of insurance money after having a house fire. According to Howard, Domenique took all the money and never gave him his share. Can Judge Faith help right all these wrongs or is this marriage up in smoke? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3736: Kunz Vs. Kunz: #GenderReveal
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minConstance was devastated when she caught her husband cheating. After kicking him out of the house, she is doubtful the marriage can be saved. Matthew blames his infidelities on the lack of affection from his wife. He says he is willing to do anything to get her back. Can Judge Faith help restore the trust or is this marriage unrepairable? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3683: Thomas Vs. Mark: #Insecure
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minDeanna says her marriage is doomed due to differences in age, race and political beliefs. Andrew says his wife resents him for the color of his skin. He is under the impression Deanna will leave him for a black man based on his political views. Deanna has had enough with Andrew accusing her of flirting with other men when they are out in public. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3757: Galindo Vs. Galindo: #GamblingHearts
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minRuben is distraught by his wife’s gambling habit. He fears Nancy is causing irreparable damage to their finances and marriage. He says Nancy spends at least $2400 per month gambling and he fears she is flirting with men at the casinos to fuel her habit. Nancy says she is the breadwinner in the marriage, and she does not have a gambling problem. According to Nancy, Ruben is just insecure. Will Judge Faith be able to read through their poker faces or is it nothing but snake eyes for this marriage? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3685: Johnson Vs. Johnson: #DrunkOnTheJob
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minTyrone believes Clinea cheated on him and their second child may not be his. Tyrone wants to take a DNA test to find out if he’s actually the father of his daughter. Clinea biggest concern is Tyrone’s drinking. She believes it’s affecting his parenting and making him paranoid. She also believes he continues to entertain flirtatious messages from other women. The final straw was when Tyrone found text messages from another man in Clinea’s phone. After finding evidence of cheating, he needs a DNA test to prove he is the father of their seven-month-old baby. Can Judge Faith put the brakes on this runaway relationship before a family is divided? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3682: Coren Vs. Delma: #AngerManagement
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minShelby says after Tabatha moved in with her, she learned very quickly how needy she was. If Tabatha didn’t get enough attention from Shelby, she would act out and break her personal items. According to Tabatha, Shelby is very insensitive and never shows her affection which has forced her to look for attention through VR games. Can Judge Faith pull this relationship out of the matrix or will this couple be permanently stuck in a false reality? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3674: Remson Vs. Remson: #BabyOnBoard
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minNatahsa claims Ricky was on board with adopting a baby, but Ricky says she adopted a baby, not him. Natahsa and Ricky suffered a miscarriage, so they decided to adopt a baby. Natahsa argues Ricky was on board, but after receiving the baby, he lost interest and put all the responsibilities on her. Ricky says there was a lack of communication regarding the adoption, to which he claims he never agreed. Can Judge Faith put a cast on this newly fractured family and help them heal? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3699: Spruill Vs.Franklin: #PutARingOnIt
04/12/2020 Duração: 20minBruce is fed up with social media star boyfriend, Rashad aka "Shod Santiago" not wearing his engagement ring when out in public! Now he is questioning whether Shod wants to even get married. After the engagement, they both moved in with each other. Shod say Bruce started going with his friends ignoring the warnings of the pandemic causing him to move out due to safety concerns. Shod wants to be reimbursed for his moving expenses. Can Judge Faith heal this relationship before the engagement gets called off? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3716: Jackson Vs. Chann: #VIPorMe
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minVanessa says Visall’s temper and jealousy is destroying their relationship. Vanessa is a cocktail waitress who has high-end clients who request her for bottle service at the club she works at. Visall will delete her male clients text messages after going through her phone. Visall says he supported her working at the club in the beginning but feels like Vanessa is too flirtatious with her clients and wants her to quit. Can Judge Faith re-establish the trust in this relationship or will this end with an ultimatum? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3728: Casimir vs. Adams: #BlackedOut
28/11/2020 Duração: 19minAn on again, off again relationship over the past 5 years has pushed Cindy to call it quits with Tramere. After Cindy ended the relationship, Tramere moved out of their apartment without reimbursing her for his portion of the rent and utilities. She wants the money Tramere owes her to bring closure to their relationship. Tremere doesn’t recall being short on the utilities and feels he doesn’t owe Cindy any money. Can Judge Faith see to it that this case gets settled fairly? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3730: Reed Vs. Reed: #SmokingMirrors
28/11/2020 Duração: 19minAfter being married less than a year Shante says Donnell is not the man she thought he was. Donnell told Shante he was financially secure and promised to pay for the wedding but couldn’t deliver. She also says Donnell couldn’t pay his portion of the rent. Donnell believes he made a mistake marrying such a disrespectful person. According to Donnell, he feels Shante is still in love with her ex. Can Judge Faith take these two through a crash course in “Marriage 101? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3727: Golden Vs. Kerner: #MarryingPotential
28/11/2020 Duração: 21minMiranda wants Chase to stop abandoning her and show her more attention so they can be a family with their new baby. Miranda believes Chase is cheating because he is constantly disappearing and often accusing him of flirting with her friends. Chase says Miranda is too clingy and will not let him out of her sight. According to Chase, Miranda is a revenge seeker who broke up with him and hooked up with one of his friends out of spite. Can Judge Faith help bring order to this chaotic relationship for the sake of their child? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3718: Hogan Vs. Hogan: #NoCallNoShow
27/11/2020 Duração: 20minSity says she should have known her marriage wasn’t going to work when John showed up an hour and half late to their wedding. Sity says she’s sick and tired of John’s laziness, his weight gain, and “loser” tendencies. John is fed up with being treated like he’s a piece of garbage by his own wife says their marriage feels more like an agreement rather than love. Can Judge Faith ignite a spark of motivation between these two or is this flame done? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3707: Austin vs. Dowdell: #ShowMeTheMoney
27/11/2020 Duração: 19minMaya says being quarantined with Tiana made her realize they had little to nothing in common. Tiana says Maya has to get over her personal issues about their differences and is a believer in that opposites attract. Maya quickly fell in love but soon realized they had different political views, different religious beliefs, and different views about having children. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3723: Anthony vs. Anthony: #LedAstray
27/11/2020 Duração: 20minDenisha says Christopher is a habitual liar and serial cheater. When they met, she says Christopher told her he was a youth minister, owned a condo by the beach, and that he would remain faithful to her. She says those were all lies and today she wants her freedom back. Christopher says he’s done with Denisha’s insecurity, constant nagging and is ready to end the marriage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3703: Barlow Vs. Perez: #StarvingArtist
27/11/2020 Duração: 19minCasey says Eric’s rap career has led to infidelity which has left her feeling insecure. Casey says she is tired of feeling insecure and wants a baby now but only if Eric chooses to grow up. Eric wants to make the relationship work but Casey’s insecurities are driving him insane! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3729: Edwards Vs. Rogers #Insecure
27/11/2020 Duração: 19minChristina says Derrick’s longtime female friend has been a thorn in their relationship and suspects Derrick of cheating. Derrick says its Christina’s suspicious behavior with other men that has their relationship hanging by a thread. Will Judge Faith get to the bottom of this love triangle before Derrick and Christina go separate ways? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3679: Nunnally vs. Graham: #JustSwinging
27/11/2020 Duração: 19minBarbara and Darryl met on a swinger’s website. After committing to each other, Darryl still has trust issues and feels Barbara may be resorting back to her past lifestyle. Barbara is done with the constant cheating accusations and fighting in front of the children. Darryl claims Barbara sold him a dream that has not been fulfilled. He moved to a different state to be with her and now her dishonesty, regarding other men, has him questioning this relationship. Can Judge Faith save this relationship before it snowballs too far downhill? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3710: Gaines vs. Gaines: #PostpartumBlues
15/11/2020 Duração: 19minChristina is ready to divorce her husband who is emotionally and physically unavailable to her. Christina says Charles would rather work than spend time with his family. According to Charles, they’ve lost the spark in their marriage. Charles says his wife is paranoid and accuses him of cheating. He also claims Christina is overspending to fill a void in her marriage. Will Judge Faith re-ignite that spark they once felt long ago? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit