Television's longest-running court show "Divorce Court," presided over by Lynn Toler, allows viewers to experience the drama firsthand as couples square off in real-life courtroom battles. With over twenty years of experience behind her in the practice of law, Lynn Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the bench of "Divorce Court." Get your daily relationship and common sense advice from Judge Lynn Toler.
S22 Ep3742: McDaniel Vs. McPhillips: #OnlyFans
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minJessica says her boyfriend, John, is insecure about her webcam modeling career. According to Jessica, her boyfriend believes she is carrying on relationships with the men that tip her which Jessica denies. John wants his girlfriend to stop webcam modeling and focus on a real career. John also says he wants to get married and start a family, but Jessica doesn’t want to have another baby. She has two children from a previous relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3741: Drinkard Vs. Scott: #PitStopLover
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minLashika says Demario is controlling and a liar. Demario cheated in the beginning of the relationship and Lashika is seeing more red flags of infidelity. Demario refutes Lashika was only with him to further her career as a model and radio DJ and now questions her loyalty. Their distrust has gotten so bad that Lashika and Demario have been sleeping in separate rooms every night. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3760: Cuevea Vs. Da Silva: #DoggoneShame
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minAdrian says there is an intruder in his relationship, his boyfriend’s cousin! Adrian says Zachary’s tried to set him up with someone else. Zachary is sick of the constant accusations of cheating. He says Adrian will question him every night about where he has been and who he has been with. According to Zachary, things got so bad he kicked Adrian out of his house and changed the locks. Adrian now argues Zachary won’t even give his dog back. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3711: Dillard vs. Clark: #Impersonator
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minVeronica says she was duped by her longtime partner, Denisa. She suspects Denisa is nothing but a liar, user, and cheater. She says she had enough of Denisa’s lies, from claiming to being a doctor to lying about her financial status. Denisa affirms Veronica needs to stop overacting and realize that she never lied to her, Veronica simply didn’t want to see the “real” Denisa. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3776: Raudabaugh Vs. Raudabaugh: #HeavyBets
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minTabatha says the ink was barely dry on their divorce when she decided to give Thomas another chance. She says Thomas promised he was a changed man and his addictions were finally behind him, but they’re back in Divorce Court because Tabatha says Thomas is back to his old, gambling ways. Thomas says he’s sick and tired of Tabatha finding excuses to end their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3731: Hodges Vs. Alexander: #Young&Wreckless
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minAfter two years of being separated, Kayla and Simeon come face to face to see if Judge Faith can help salvage their broken marriage. Kayla says Simeon’s true colors were revealed as soon as they said “I do.” She says he's a compulsive liar and cheater, who spiraled out of control, and is unsure if their marriage can continue. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3732: Ward Vs. Morgan: #MoreThanMounting
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minSara suspects her man, Isiah is mounting more than TV’s when he’s at work. Isaiah says its strictly business and that he’s ready to end it all if Sara doesn’t stop accusing him of cheating! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3766: Nollie Vs. Long: #LoveChild
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minJordan thought she found the man of her dreams until she uncovered evidence of Taquan living a double life. Jordan says Taquan never told her he had 2 children during their 2-year relationship. She doesn’t know if she can ever trust Taquan. Taquan says if there is no trust, there can’t be a relationship. Taquan states Jordan has imposed a curfew for him and other relationship guidelines he needs to follow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3756: Greaves Vs. Durham: #FoodFight
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minGerald says Tempestt is immature and her childish behavior is ruining their relationship. According to Gerald, Tempestt will have temper tantrums if she doesn't get her way. He says she resorts to throwing food at him during an argument, including recently squirting an entire bottle of mustard on Gerald. Tempestt says she wants to resolve the issues, but fears Gerald is seeing other women instead of focusing on their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3726: Slaughterback Vs. Williams: #RollingStone
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minKristina is fed up with Willie cheating and having babies outside their relationship. He’s had children with two different women during their relationship. Kristina was devastated after Willie got a second woman pregnant and then left her for almost a year. Willie says Kristina won’t move past his cheating. According to Willie, Kristina has been waiting to get back at him and suspects she’s been with other men after finding some questionable text messages on her phone. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3719: Shears Vs. Hickenbottom: #BrokenTrust
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minRobin says this relationship is over because Lonnie is a liar and a cheater. She says Lonnie has been cheating since the beginning. She tried to make it work because they have a child together, but now says she is done with the relationship. Lonnie says Robin doesn’t trust him because he’s cheated in the past, but Lonnie says Robin revenge cheated and it’s causing a disconnect in their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3749: Campbell Vs. Campbell: #MilitaryBrat
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minMatthew is sick of his overbearing military wife controlling his every move. Rebekah says her husband needs structure, but Matthew doesn’t want a drill sergeant as a wife. Matthew says he is given a daily schedule of chores to do from his wife. He says this leaves him with no time for himself after working and taking care of their 8-month-old child. According to Rebekah, Matthew will come home after work and watch TV and play video games instead of spending any quality time with their child. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3740: Marsh Vs. Thompson: #TwoTimer
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minMark confessed to cheating on Janai twice, leaving Janai devastated. She found out both women Mark had an affair with are now pregnant and is questioning whether to stay in the relationship or leave. Mark argues he never cheated on Janai because they weren’t technically together when he was with the other two women. He also claims Janai has a bad attitude, anger issues, and is disrespectful to his family. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3765: Wright Vs. Wright: #ControlFreak
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minDebbie says her marriage takes a back seat to her husband’s interests and hobbies, while Thomas is fed up with his wife’s constant nagging. Thomas believes he should not have to give up his hobbies to prove he cares about his wife. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3735: Beasley Vs. Vasquez: #CaughtSlipping
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minAngela is fed up with Jamar’s flirtatious behavior, gaming addiction, and poor spending habits. According to Angela, Jamar posted a photo of them both on social media and one of his ex-girlfriends sent her a DM saying they were sleeping together. Jamar’s main issue with Angela is her need to control every aspect of their relationship. Jamar also turns the cheating accusations around and argues Angela is the one with the sugar daddy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3743: Walters Vs. Buchanan: #LongDistanceLove
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minKelly has grown tired of Mandi’s excuses of not wanting to move in with her. Kelly fears her girlfriend is living a double life. Kelly lives in Florida and wants Mandi to move from Tennessee to be with her. Mandi wants to save the relationship but feels she shouldn’t be the one to move to a different state. Mandi's main issue is she can’t find a job in Florida and doesn’t want to depend on Kelly to be financially stable. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3691: Drew Vs. Drew: #DoubleDipping
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minKeeva can’t get past an affair her husband Joel had, and he isn’t helping with his recent flirting with other women. Keeva says she caught Joel at his mistress’s house when she was pregnant with their twins. Joel is getting tired that his wife can’t get past an affair he had 14 years ago and it’s causing issues in their marriage. Joel also argues he wasn’t the only one lying. He says Keeva hid the fact she was married early in their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3748: Dugan Vs. Dugan: #FadedLove
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minValerie is not feeling valued in what once used to be a fairytale marriage. She claims Bernie is verbally abusive which has led her to believe he doesn’t love her anymore. She says they’ve only been intimate twice in the past year! According to Bernie, Valerie is lazy and is slacking with her duties of being a wife. He says she doesn’t cook or clean anymore. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3717: Patterson Vs. Willis: #PoleTricks
04/12/2020 Duração: 20minBrandy gave up exotic dancing because of Letrey’s disapproval only to find out Letrey has been doing the same thing! Brandy says Letrey told her that he was working in construction, which he had in the past, but Brandy found out he was an exotic dancer after a girls’ night out with her friend. Letrey is sick of being accused of cheating. He admits to cheating in the past but wants to move forward to fix his relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3750: Perez Vs. Perez: #RingMyBell
04/12/2020 Duração: 19minLorena says her husband is a jobless cheater who has no empathy for her wellbeing. On top of that, she has multiple health issues and Marino does the bare minimum to help her. Marino feels like his wife takes advantage of him with her constant need for attention. According to Marino, Lorena treats him like her own personal servant, and this is causing him emotional distress. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit