Television's longest-running court show "Divorce Court," presided over by Lynn Toler, allows viewers to experience the drama firsthand as couples square off in real-life courtroom battles. With over twenty years of experience behind her in the practice of law, Lynn Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the bench of "Divorce Court." Get your daily relationship and common sense advice from Judge Lynn Toler.
S22 Ep3791: McFarland Vs. Clybourn: #TheOtherSide
17/01/2021 Duração: 19minLaura says three months after dating Louis she found out she was not his girlfriend, but rather his “side chick.” Laura says Louis’ suspicious behavior has her convinced that he’s been unfaithful throughout their entire relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3778: Thomas Vs. Saona: #SelfLove
21/12/2020 Duração: 19minTravis is unsure if his 7-year relationship with his girlfriend, “Jasmin,” can survive. He acknowledges they have a plethora of issues ranging from communication, finances, and trust. Travis says “Jasmin's” transitioning into a woman has put her insecurities into overdrive. “Jasmin” admits she’s made some poor decisions but says Travis dwells on the past too much making it harder for them to move forward. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3759: Cooper Vs. Bowie: #AttitudeAdjustment
21/12/2020 Duração: 19minChristie says her boyfriend’s angry outbursts and inability to keep a steady job has caused tension in the relationship. She says if he can’t be a better man for her or their child, the relationship is over. James says Christie’s incessant nitpicking and bad attitude is the main reason he can’t control his anger and believes he won’t be able to change until Christie does first. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3780: Perez Vs. Pascual: #SugaMama
21/12/2020 Duração: 19minJalisa says she’s fed up with her boyfriend’s childlike behavior. She says Riquel can’t keep a job, is constantly asking for money, and suspects he may be cheating on her. Jalisa says Riquel's lack of ambition and motivation has their relationship hanging by a thread while Riquel retorts its Jalisa’s nagging and constant cheating accusations are the real reasons their relationship has deteriorated. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3812: Martinez Vs. Callejas: #Young&Toxic
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minYessenia wants Gustavo to grow up or she’s done with this relationship. She is tired of him using social media as a playground to talk and meet up with other women. Gustavo refutes that he’s not the cheater…Yessenia is! He says she cheated on him with her ex and he’s sick of her making him look like the bad guy. Gustavo also claims that Yessenia has an unhealthy temper and has kicked holes in their walls during arguments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3774: Hinds Vs. Gregory: #SleepOver
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minJessica is worried her one-night stand could be the end of her relationship with Amanda. Jessica says she overwhelmed when she moved across the country to be closer to Amanda’s family. She wanted to blow off some steam, so she went to a bar with a girlfriend and ended up sleeping with her. Amanda was devastated when Jessica told her. Amanda is now worried that it wasn’t a one time occurrence and is questioning the entire relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3762: Knolton Vs. Matthews: #LongDistanceLover
10/12/2020 Duração: 20minSophia says her relationship with her fiancé, Christopher, is on its last legs. She suspects Christopher has moved on from their relationship with several other women and is seeking the truth once and for all. Christopher says Sophia is losing her mind. He claims her insecurity and paranoia is costing him job opportunities and professional relationships with co-workers, friends, and family. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3806: Cornwell Vs. Dorr: #TightRope
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minLevi says he’s no longer willing to put up with Jenn berating him in public, stripping him of his hobbies, and constantly accusing him of cheating. Levi argues that Jenn’s angry outbursts are pushing him over the edge and to make things worse, her family participates in the bullying. Jenn argues she doesn’t bully him, but instead constantly parents him. She says she keeps Levi on a tight leash because he’s insufficient with his time and naive when it comes to women using him. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3817: Love Vs. Sanders: #AlphaMale
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minKazza says her relationship with Jamal has run its course. She says Jamal belittles her, accuses her of cheating, and demands her to pay him $500 or he would walk out of their child’s life. Jamal admits to not trusting Kazza because of the way she acts around other men. He even took a DNA test to check if he’s the real father of their child. Jamal says his demands for Kazza are the only way he can keep a “grip” on her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3809: Williams Vs. Jones: Baddie Commandments
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minChelon was devastated when she caught her boyfriend Marcus in bed with another woman. Now, to keep Marcus in line, Chelon says he must obey her every command if he wants to save this relationship. Marcus admits to his past infidelities, but says his girlfriend is making him pay every minute of every day for his mistakes. It’s becoming such an issue that Chelon is beginning to no longer recognize himself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3823: Dudley Vs. Ortisi: Nurse On Duty PART 2
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minOn part two of Dudley Vs. Ortisi, Emerald discovers that her fiancé, Chad has been confiding in her best friend behind her back and it’s causing a rift in the relationship.Chad is adamant about Emerald not working. Emerald has worked hard to build her career as a traveling nurse and refuses to quit her job and have a baby on Chad’s timeline. Chad wants his engagement ring back if they can’t compromise on Emerald working less. Compromise or not, Emerald vows to not return the ring nor pay the investment back. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3804: Dudley Vs. Ortisi: Nurse On Duty PART 1
10/12/2020 Duração: 19minChad wants his fiancée Emerald to quit her traveling nurse job, have a baby, and become a housewife. Chad is adamant about Emerald not working. Emerald has worked hard to build her career as a traveling nurse and refuses to quit her job and have a baby on Chad’s timeline. Chad wants his engagement ring back if they can’t compromise on Emerald working less. Compromise or not, Emerald vows to not return the ring nor pay the investment back. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3808: Reed Vs. Moore: #NoDramaBabyMama
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minRobert says Theresa’s ungratefulness has driven a wedge in the relationship. Robert believed his problems with Theresa would be fixed if he proposed, but sadly, her manipulative and insecure behavior have only gotten worse. Theresa argues that Robert is controlling and micromanages every small detail about her and what she does. She also says the lack of emotional connection is the reason their relationship isn’t working. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3758: Trenae Vs. Dittus: #LiarLiar
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minDominique is ready to end the relationship because her boyfriend can’t cut ties with an ex. Shortly after Dominique moved in with Joseph she says he kept in constant contact with one of his exes which is starting to make Dominique regret her decision of living with him. Joseph says he’s not cheating and is tired of Dominique’s controlling personality. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3786: Barron Vs. Felton: #CallTyrone
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minRobyn says her boyfriend’s history of infidelity is ruining their relationship. Robyn says she caught her boyfriend in bed with another woman and doesn’t know if she can trust him moving forward. Terrace says Robyn has a temper and keeps kicking him out of their home whenever she gets mad. Terrace says he is trying to make up for his past mistakes, but Robyn won’t give him a chance. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3805: Hanzlovic Vs. Hanzlovic: #PokerFace
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minRachel says she rushed into a marriage and didn’t pay attention to the red flags. Rachel says her husband’s reckless behavior and poor financial habits has caused serious damage to their marriage. Alton says his wife’s controlling behavior has led to a power struggle in their marriage. He also indicates his wife may have an excessive drinking problem. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3786: Sticka Vs. Earl: #StayHomeDad
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minAngel says her husband is unmotivated and unromantic ways have led this marriage astray. Angel says she is prepared to divorce her husband if he doesn’t step up and get a job to provide for their family. Carlo says his wife is always complaining about something. According to him, he’s a stay at home dad for their 3 kids. Carlo says he wants to work but says Angel won’t allow him to. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3764: Thomas Vs. Thomas: #ScantilyClad
09/12/2020 Duração: 19minWakisha believes her husband has fallen out of love and given up on their marriage. She believes he is entertaining other women. The accusations of cheating are becoming too much for Kelvin. He argues he’s not cheating and has been nothing but loyal to Wakisha. He claims says his wife is controlling and insecure which has led to major trust issues in their marriage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3785: Dixon Vs. Greer: #DoubleTrouble Pt. 2
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minChristopher says he is tired of Khalela accusing him of cheating and argues he doesn't know who the woman is who called his fiancé claiming to have "important information." On part 2 of Dixon vs Greer, Khalela discovers just who the mystery woman is and what her fiancé has been up to while working over the road. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S22 Ep3738: Dixon Vs. Greer: #DoubleTrouble Pt. 1
06/12/2020 Duração: 19minKhalela received a call from a woman claiming she was in a relationship with her fiancé. Khalela says her gut is telling her Christopher is cheating. When Khalela confronted Christopher, he denied everything. Christopher says he is tired of Khalela accusing him of cheating and argues he doesn't know who this mystery woman is. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit