Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
Episode 47.1 - BONUS - Russian Nesting Doll of "Hold My Beer"
19/04/2017 Duração: 41minOn this bonus episode of the podcast Matt and Aviv go into full on rant mode about 3 current(ish) events - The horrible Pepsi Kendall Jenner ad that has now been pulled, the royal rumble on United Airlines, and Sean hot and Spicey's lack of basic knowledge regarding just what exactly happened the the 'holocaust centers' in WWII. Fair warning the guys are in full rant mode with some not so hot takes and some potential hot takes.
Episode 47 - S3E4 - Rooftop
15/04/2017 Duração: 01h37minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 4 - Rooftop! Aviv's life is apparently on fire as he sits and drinks a cup of coffee in his living room. He also gives everyone some insight on his his tax returns and the guys discuss the line on a tax form that permits people to donate money to the government and why actually does that. Matt points out the style of the detectives in this weeks episode is 'you miss 100% of the shots you don't take'. Matt makes a public service announcement: if getting married, elope or pay someone to deal with all the wedding planning. Aviv shares a story of the previous wedding he went to in a barn and the disaster that was the seating arrangement at the wedding. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @SVUPodcast, send us an email [email protected]
Episode 46 - S3E3 - Stolen
08/04/2017 Duração: 01h50minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 3 - Stolen! Aviv changes his name temporarily to Tyler for this weeks episode, and the guys discuss how lives would be different with different names. The guys give a giant shout out to friend of the show Jean Bentley who wrote a peice for Marie Claire magazines online publication celebrating SVU's 400th episode. In the article Jean was kind enough to ask Matt and Aviv to talk about their thoughts on the show (guys, we're even billed as experts!). A HUGE thank you to Jean for writing that spectacular article on the show and for allowing us to be a part of it, a link to the article is at the end of the show notes, we highly recommend you read the awesome article!Matt and Aviv talk about how to decorate your home in an SVU theme with body bags and black lights to illuminate semen. The guys also discuss if black light porn exists for that exact reason of illuminating semen. Aviv recounts a trip to a production company and his experience wit
Episode 45 - S3E2 - Wrath
26/03/2017 Duração: 01h26minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 2 - Wrath! Matt gives a big ol fuck you shout out to Cox cable due to the technical difficulties the guys encountered while recording this episode, and Aviv gives a crash course on the difference between a mega bit and a mega byte (and how the cable companies use their informational advantage to screw the consumer). Aviv also explains how a 5GHz internet isn't actually faster, but actually just less crowded (and thus faster). Matt also gives a birthday shout out to his mom (happy birthday Mrs. Reuter!) and Aviv talks about how he is performing a wedding for his cousin. Aviv also talks about how he met his first oscar winner, Lou Gossic Jr. who is going to be in a movie that he wrote. Aviv reveals that this is his favorite SVU episode to date, while Matt agrees the episode is great but has its flaws. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected].
Episode 44 - S3E1 - Repression
05/03/2017 Duração: 01h56minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review the season 3 premeire of SVU - Repression! The guys welcome onto the show superfan Sydney Strobel to breakdown the season three premeire. Matt jokes that for each new season there should be a new Mission Accomplished banner to the logo and/or an enemy ear necklace to the pocast graphic. Matt comes out of the gates with a shocking announcement: he absolutely hated this episode. Sydney points out that after you see every episode of SVU that nothing is shocking anymore, including this weeks episode. Sydney makes the guys feel really old when she breaks down her history with the show and when she started watching. Aviv contemplates suicide for a brief moment when he hears how old Sydney is in relation to how old he and Matt are. Aviv asks if a person has never been to New York City do they suspect that its a city that is only populated with the worst elements of humanity. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @SVUPodc
Episode 43.1 - BONUS - Tommy Westphal Universe
23/02/2017 Duração: 13minIn this special bonus episode Matt and Aviv discuss the intricasies of the Tommy Westphal universe, a frequent tangent the guys get into. Listen to one of the conversations the guys had ahead of episode 41 (believe it or not guys we do actually cut some of our ramblings out). We will be back soon to view and review the season premeire of season 3 of SVU. The guys also dive into the mailbag briefly. This episode is inspired by a question the guys got regarding if the show Scrubs is in the Tommy Westphal universe. The guys unravel what shows are and are not in the universe to determine if Scrubs indeed is in the universe. Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 43 - S2E21 - Scourge
21/02/2017 Duração: 01h55minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review the finale of season 2; season 2 episode 21 - Scourge! Aviv right out of the gates admits that he apparently smells horrible and he will use the smell to knock people out and kill them similar to the bad guy in this episode. The guys discuss how smelling all the time would make it difficult to maintain a relationship and if fighting crime would some how make that relationship last. The guys also discuss the great SNL character the Continental played by Christopher Walken. Matt offers a peek behind the curtian and warns that this episode may be the last as the day following recording was the day that President Trump was sworn in (don't worry guys, there are more episodes to come). Matt and Aviv have their first ever podcast fight as the two disagree on if this episode is good or not; Aviv thinks no (if not for the final quarter of the episode) and Matt is in full favor of the episode. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SV
Episode 42 - S2E20 - Pique
14/02/2017 Duração: 01h57minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review season 2 episode 20 - Pique! It's the moment we've all been waiting for, its the first episode featuring B.D. Wong! The guys welcome to the podcast very special guest Amalea Chininis, founder of the B. D. Wong fan twitter page! The gang talks about how absolutely nuts this episode is and how it genuinely made Matt uncomfortable. Aviv comments on the apparent backlash amongst SVU super fans about season 18. Aviv shares a very special David Lynch story (David Lynch yelled at Aviv from his car!) Aviv shares his code names for his plan to lose weight in the new year (operation melt the snow and operation Greek statue). The podcast takes a turn and becomes an audio version of the SNL sketch 'the Californians' as Aviv describes his walking route on his way to unintentionally meeting David Lynch. Aviv also describes another David Lynchian episode of his day when he recounts seeing a clown in a black trench coat with a rubber chicken on a carribeaner at 7:30 in the mo
Episode 40.1 - Matt Francis - North Bound Train
27/01/2017 Duração: 02minA special bonus offering from Matt Francis from episode 40! Enjoy!
Episode 41 - S2E19 - Parasites
27/01/2017 Duração: 01h41minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review Season 2 episode 19 of SVU - Parasites! Aviv calls out the fact that we've been a bit absent the past couple weeks (sorry guys, we're going to do better!) The guys debate in their relationship who would be dead and who would be the imposter assuming the others life. Aviv recounts his horrible trip to the dentist and how much he dislikes the dentist. Aviv reveals that he listened to This American Life while in the chair (shout out to This American Life!) Aviv goes fishing for an endorsement from Gentle Dental, which we will surely not get. Matt and Aviv respond to a Twitter question of who the president will be byt the time the guys finish watching all seasons of SVU. Aviv predicts it will be Kanye West's 4th term, Matt guesses the reanimated corpse of Hollywood Hulk Hogan. All that and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 40 - S2E18 - Manhunt
31/12/2016 Duração: 01h42minOn this weeks episode the guys review season 2 episode 18 - Manhunt! Matt and Aviv welcome friend of the show, musician Matt Oleskiewicz, to discuss this weeks episode. Matt makes it a point to use the rap airhorn sound as much as possible when he makes a joke to add to his guest appearance. Matt Oleskiewicz reveals that he is not actually a fan of SVU but instead a fan of Law and Order Criminal Intent. Matt breaks down why he is a fan of C.I. Everyone discusses how great the Mighty Ducks 2 is as a movie and how it is far superior to Mighty Ducks 3. Aviv discusses how Jeff Goldblum plays jazz piano at a bar down the street from his house in L.A. Matt Oleskiewicz discusses why he loves C.I. and what the draw is compared to original recipe and SVU. Matt points out that in this weeks episode, for those playing the SVU drinking game, that this episode has a ton of heavy hitting drinks, and the guys discuss Ice-T's transition from being a rap artist who raps about killing cop, to playing a cop on TV. At the
Episode 39 - S2E17 - Folly
18/12/2016 Duração: 01h42minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review SVU season 2 episode 17 - Folly! The guys talk about how even if the internet didn't exist, that they would still be doing exactly what they do each week on the podcast; watch and loving ridicule SVU. Matt and Aviv discuss how similar phone handsets and shower heads appear on TV. The guys also discuss their Thanksgivings respectively and Aviv mentions his favorite part of editing the podcast is bleeping things out. Also, Matt's social security number might be on the back of the Mona Lisa, the guys genuinely hope to set off a National Treasure style hunt for his social security number. Aviv goes into detail about how much he hates tupperware and why he hates it so much. Aviv also details how his mild face blindness works and how it is actually not like a green screen scenario. The guys also introduce their first ever mailbag segment! All this and more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 38 - S2E16 - Runaway
08/12/2016 Duração: 01h44minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review season 2 episode 17 - Runaway! The guys address the elephant in the room; they finally talk about the presidential election results and their general thoughts and feelings. Aviv discusses how he has been sustaining himself on dino nuggets and reenacting scenes from Jurrassic Park III with his food. To keep it the show semi on topic Aviv brings up the fact that president elect Trump hs bragged about sexually assaulting women and vows to have that be his new sign off to the show. Matt and Aviv try out their monster truck rally announcer voices, and Matt makes plans to take over the podcast on his own once Aviv kills himself, all this and much much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 37 - S2E15 - Countdown
23/11/2016 Duração: 01h38minOn this weeks episode the guys watch and review SVU season 2 episode 15 - Countdown! Aviv teases the audience with possibly having Jim Gaffigan on this weeks episode! Aviv and Matt discuss their fondness of the movie 13 going on 30 and its adaptation to the stage. The guys agree that of all the episodes that have been watched and reviewed thus far, this is by far the best one to be turned into a movie, and the best episode of SVU thus far. Aviv gives an update on his situation with the state of Maine and talks about editing footage for his cousins bat mitzva. Aviv talks about his ASMR voice and educates Matt on what the fuck that means and how everything in this world has been considered how it can be used to give men erections. Matt talks about how this weeks episode is another David Lynch-esque episode in terms of how it gives viewers a very uneasy feeling. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 36 - S2E14 - Paranoia
11/11/2016 Duração: 01h39minWelcome to our (delayed) election day spectacular! And boy oh boy are Matt and Aviv in a state of shock still after the results on Tuesday (hence the lateness of this post, sorry everyone!). The guys make some untimely references, give their bold and completely incorrect predictions about this years election. Matt and Aviv urge everyone to vote (again, hope y'all did!) Aviv revives his 60 second recap intro of 'ok, you guys'. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected].
Episode35 - S0213 - Victims
25/10/2016 Duração: 01h45minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 2 episode 14 - victims! Aviv drags his feet on the intro and stumbles over his words while threatening to take over the podcast. Aviv mentions that he can't hear or think about the color orange without thinking about Donald Trump. The guys tease a special hot take election special! Aviv predicts a presidential victory for president Bartlett from the West Wing this November, Matt predicts that a giant meteor will win the election with a running mate of Paul Ryan. The guys speculate on Paul Ryan's music preferences, and Matt recounts his one encounter with the Speaker of the House. Aviv gives the Speaker some absolutely horrible career advice in a really weird turn and the guys come up with a buddy movie/show with Ryan Locte and Paul Ryan. Aviv gives a plug for his movie The Anchorite (now available on amazon and iTunes, go check it out). All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email specialviewi
Episode 34 - S2E12 - Secrets
16/10/2016 Duração: 01h44minOn this weeks episode the guys review season 2 episode 12 - Secrets! Aviv and Matt give some insight on how they met at a sex dungeon. Aviv talks about the field day he participated in over Labor Day Weekend (including ultimate frisbee while listening to Dave Matthews Band and Cornhole...the game not the sex act or maybe both). Matt recounts his backpacking trip and bear encounter (in the event this podcast comes to an abrupt end, assume Matt and Cassie have been eaten by bears). Aviv talks about his new script he finished and his dilemma with horses. The guys talk about Jeff Goldblum and his Jazz show before transitioning into talking about this weeks very graphic episode. Aviv turns into Stephan from SNL in this week's 60 second recap, and the hosts try to explain how difficult this episode was to follow at points. All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 33 - S2E11 - Abuse
01/10/2016 Duração: 01h47minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review season 2 episode 11 - Abuse! The guys talk about the McGuffin of this episode: the dead kid (almost an afterthought?). Matt compares this weeks episode to a Christopher Nolan film due to its unique story telling. Aviv takes us to correction corner to clarify that the actors name from Stranger Things was not in fact fin skata.... that is his twitter handle because he likes skating (real name is Fin Wolfhard). Our bad guys! Aviv brings up the Colin Kaepernick national anthem protest (Matt is unaware of what is going on at this point...several weeks ago when this episode was recorded). The guys discuss the merits of the protest, and who is doing the protest etc. Matt and Aviv encourage all listeners, regardless of who you're voting for, to be sure to go out and vote this year! All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 32 - S2E10 - Consent
23/09/2016 Duração: 01h58minMatt and Aviv come out hot by explaining the reason why this weeks episode came up late (thanks Aviv/Obama!) The guys talk about the Brad and Angelina breakup and the concept of team stadium collapse. The guys explain why Matt has a Jerry curl in the podcast image, and the duo also swears to not mention comments from the lost recording. Aviv's summary incorporates the hit movie the Lake House and references Brock Turner (fuck that guy btw). All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or shoot us an email [email protected]
Episode 31 - S2E9 - Pixies
05/09/2016 Duração: 01h40minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv review season 2 episode 9 - Pixies! Aviv tells us all about his trip to Australia including petting and feeding/eating kangaroos! Aviv compares kangaroos to deer, the guys discuss popular college posters/movies. Aviv talks about how he arrived back in L.A. earlier than he had left Australia, then went to work, then went to a ballgame, then flew across the country. The guys talk about climate change and the distinction between global warming and climate change. The hosts explain why there has been no comments on the craziness of the presidential election and the olympics. All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]