Hosts Matt and Aviv talk about everyone's favorite police procedural show: Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
Episode 66 - S3E23 - Silence
31/12/2017 Duração: 02h01minOn this New Years Episode Matt and Aviv are joined by very special guest, Aviv's lawyer friend Mark! The guys come out on the defensive when addressing the fact that sometimes take a bit of time to post episodes. Aviv gives a peek behind the curtain about how we make the show and why sometimes technology is against us, causing late episodes. Aviv recounts a hilarious story about a childrens hospital, and how the abbreviation for the childrens hospital of L.A. is terrible. Aviv casually drops the fact that Matt is diabetic and the guys debate if this has ever been revealed on the podcast before. Mark tries to manage expectations by saying that he deals with civil law, not criminal law. The guys reassure Mark that he still knows more as their expertise in the law is derived almost exclusively from episodes of Law and Order. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or email us [email protected]
Episode 65 - S3E22 - Competence
24/12/2017 Duração: 01h51minOn this weeks episode that is just absolutely jam packed with holiday cheer Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 22 - Competence! The guys come out in possibly the worst mood they've ever been in after watching an episode of SVU and try to compensate with overly friendly tones. Aviv talks about how he broke his caps lock while taking notes and Matt had a lot of fun getting Aviv's texts in real time as he watched the episode. Aviv puts out a disclaimer that he and Matt are going to say some fucked up stuff during the review (reminder this is a comedy/TV and film podcast). Aviv desparis as he realizes he has to do a 60 second recap and begins weaping as he does so and the guys marvel at James Badge Dale's depiction of a person with mental disabilities. All this and much more! Aviv and Matt want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season, next ep will be back up after the new year! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or email us [email protected]
Episode 64 - S3E21 - Denial
30/11/2017 Duração: 01h40minOn this week’s episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 21 – Denial! Aviv claims to have found some baby appendages on the street. The guys waste no time jumping into this week’s star studded episode, Aviv freaks Matt out by saying ‘the car has been towed’ in a really weird way. Aviv struggles with the summary of the episode (more than usual), and Matt struggles trying to figure out how to even discuss the episode. The guys discuss if this case should have been handled by SVU or homicide in the Law and Order universe. All of this and more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 63 - S3E20 - Greed
21/11/2017 Duração: 01h42minOn this week’s episode Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 20 – Greed! The guys come out strong by giving the listeners a peek behind the curtain with some technical difficulties which the guys interpret as a possible sign from god to stop recording the show. Matt discusses how he accidentally blinded himself with jalapeno residue from his fingers as he rubbed his eyes. Aviv has an existential crisis where he questions if he is actually alive or not, and lives his best life by not wearing pants as much as possible. Aviv finds a way to put together a fairly reasonable 60 second recap for an insane SVU episode. All that and much more! Aviv and Matt want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and as a reminder everyone, be safe out there! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 62 - S3E19 - Justice
17/11/2017 Duração: 01h48minOn this week’s episode Matt and Aviv view and review SVU season 3 episode 19 – Justice. This episode was recorded long before the allegations against Roy Moore were reported and will not be discussed despite the creepy similarities that exist between the show and reality, sadly. Aviv starts the episode out by opening mail and paying bills and Matt points out how this show is slowly turning into the podcast version of American Splendor (but not as good or interesting). Matt talks about his three day weekend staycation, Aviv talks about his pulled pork bbq and saw Warren G. Matt compares the episode to an M. Night Shyamalan movie with all the twists and turns. He also brings up some women’s fashion advice as it relates to SVU. All this and more! Please rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 61.1 - Bonus Ep - 21 (the movie)
02/11/2017 Duração: 15minOn this bonus episode Aviv and Matt do a quick review of the 2008 movie 21 inspired by Aviv's hate watching of the film one random afternoon. Just as a warning this episode was recorded well ahead of the allegations of sexual harrassment/assualt against Kevin Spacey hence why there is no mention of this in the podcast.
Episode 61 - S3E18 - Guilt
02/11/2017 Duração: 01h18minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt view and review SVU season 3 episode 18 - Guilt! The guys question what the incentive is in this weeks episode referral system. Matt teases a new splinter podcast he wants to start where he discusses the economics of SVU. Aviv gives his hot take review of Hamilton (that it's really good!) The guys discuss what the funniest modern day duel would be (Pence v. Sanders with Sanders armed with hard candy rather than a gun). The guys dive into the mailbag to read your comments and answer your questions. All this and more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 60 - S3E17 - Surveillance
22/10/2017 Duração: 01h33minOn this weeks (very late due to techincal difficulties) epsidoe Aviv and Matt break down season three episode 17 - Surveilance! Matt describes the secret video cameras that he has all over Aviv's bedroom and how Aviv knows that they're there. Matt talks about how being detached from the news puts him in a good week and Aviv discusses a new guitar he's 'building'. Matt recounts an amazingly punny joke he told at work and what he consideres his kingdom. All that and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected].
Episode 59 - S3E16 - Popular
29/09/2017 Duração: 01h52minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 16 - Popular! The guys give their thoughts on a whole bunch of stuff that happened while Aviv was out of the country (which now feels like decades ago), including Aviv's thoughts on the Mooch, the departure of spicer and preibus, and give their thoughts on the events of Charlottesville (remember when that happened guys!?) Aviv also brings up the pro Trump march and the Juggalo march that took place in D.C. The guys dive into the mailbag and read a negative itunes review, and in the sake of fairness the guys read it on the air (Matt then jokingly becomes mildly unhinged as a result). The guys disagree over how nuts this episode is and discuss how everyone in this weeks episode saying this girl might get a complext is going to result in the girl getting complex. All this and much more! Give us a rate and review on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 58 - S3E15 - Execution
14/09/2017 Duração: 01h21minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt view and review SVU season 3 episode 15 Execution! Aviv starts out by eating some dosie doe's like a real jackass. Matt tries his hand at doing a gravely voice and abandons that pretty quickly. Matt calls Aviv out for eating cookies, Matt discusses the 1980's version of the Blob with Kevin Dillon. The guys also discuss the pros and cons of the original Flatliners and the increasing amount of time they want to be dead and how using a heating blanket won't prevent the massive brain damage that dying would cause due to oxygen loss. Aviv and Matt generally agree that this week's episode is a good one and have very few notes compared to other episodes because it is that damn good. All that and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast, or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 57 - S3E14 - Counterfeit
24/08/2017 Duração: 02h27sOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv welcome on special guest comedian Kwasi Mensah to view and review season 3 episode 14 - Counterfeit! Aviv lets everyone know there was some technical difficulties with Kwasi's mic toward the ean (just a heads up, we know, we're sorry!) Matt stumbles right outta the gate with the title of the podcast and is ridiculed for it. Aviv addresses the delay in posting episodes and how it affects the discuccion of current events and how we will not be doing so from here forward (probably not). Kwasi discusses how he should have believed the Nigerian Prince email he received so he could have been a millionaire! Aviv recounts his famous bagel story, and a brand new antisemetic sotry from when he was an assistant director on a movie in hilarious fashion. Kwasi talks about his new hour of stand up and the tough choices comedians have to make about their material. Kwasi reveals that he is apparently on a first name basis with Robert DeNiro (he calls him Bob!) All this and much mor
Episode 56 - S3E13 - Prodigy
31/07/2017 Duração: 01h28minOn this episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 13 - Prodigy! The guys are both really sick but powering through for you, the listeners. Matt blames Aviv for getting him sick from across the country and Aviv threatens to not edit out any coughs or sneezes. Matt talks about his trip to Kansas City and Aviv talks about how he never knew that Kansas City is only one city, not two different cities. Matt talks about how he finally got his fishtank back up and running and breaks the very sad news that the mascot of the podcast died, RIP Eelliott Stabler. Aviv talks about Matt's mom and a touching moment they had at Matt's wedding. Aviv talks about his Hulu watchlist being the Handmaids Tale and the Bachelor and the guys try to reconcile that. Aviv defends himself and how his television tastes have evolved away from enjoying reality TV. The hosts dive into the mailbag, and the guys debate what is even worth talking about regarding politics on the podcast given how quickly the news cycle is mov
Episode 55 - S3E12 - Protection
21/07/2017 Duração: 01h40minOn this weeks episode Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 13 - Protection! Its Matts first episode as a married man! The guys call out how there are very few things to lovingly make fun of in tonights episode, not alot of absurdity So strap in listeners! Aviv also discusses how rough this ep was with his mild face blindness. Matt tells Aviv and the listeners about his lovely wedding and his honeymoon. Aviv recalls how Matt's new brother in law Ryan successfully managed to Rick-Roll Matt and Cassie, a difficult task pulled off perfectly. Matt raves about his honeymoon in Italy and how great the food is there. While discussing the wedding and the honeymoon Aviv actually discovers his invitation and RSVP to Matt's wedding ironically enough. The guys dive into the mailbag and discover. Matt discusses how he could buy farm fresh tupperwear on the side of the highway all over Italy (not really). Aviv discusses how he flew from Matt's wedding to go and perform a wedding and what that experience
Episode 54 - S3E11 - Monogamy
30/06/2017 Duração: 01h47minOn this weeks episode Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 11 of SVU - Monogamy! Aviv impersonates Ron Livingston and the guys fumble their way through the opening to the actual episode. The guys discuss the PSA from the 70's (or 80's?) with the Native American who cries at the site of roadside trash...and how that guy wasn't Native American he was actually Italian. The guys also discuss who would be a good stand in to do an anti littering PSA these days (they land on Chris Hemsworth). Matt gives an update on his wedding planning. Aviv comments on how this weeks episode is much more linear in its story telling compared to most other episodes of SVU. Aviv makes a strong statement that Psychologists should not perform abortions in the backs of Escalades. John Ritter guests on this weeks episode of the show in a particularly fucked up episode. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episdoe 53 - S3E10 - Ridicule
21/06/2017 Duração: 01h48minOn this weeks episode the guys view and review season 3 episode 10 - Ridicule! Aviv comes hot out the gates witha horrible Irish accent attempt and then abandons that immediately. Matt fully admits that he and Aviv have zero idea about the law and they infact are not lawyers. Matt shares his experience taking the LSAT and writing in cursive. Aviv lets everyone in on the fact that he threw his back out, and he talks about how when on conference calls he doesn't want to be on Aviv will walk around and pick up stuff with his feet in his apartment. Matt talks about the last things that are getting ticked off the list in the lead up to his wedding. The guys dive into the mailbag; they address why they started this podcast rather than starting with original recipe. Aviv struggles to tell the difference between Tom Hardy and Logan Marshall Greene. The guys tease setting up a P.O. box for snail mail and request sugar and alcohol be sent. All this and much more!Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUP
Episode 52 - S3E9 - Care
10/06/2017 Duração: 01h20minMatt is back from his wedding and honeymoon and is back writing the blurbs! This week Matt and Aviv view and review season 3 episode 9 - Care! The guys struggle to figure out how to lovingly make fun of this weeks episode - they strike a dire tone right out the gates. Matt reveals that this weeks episode forced him to switch from beer to whiskey while watching and reviewing this weeks episode because holy shit this one is rough. Aviv and Matt open up the mailbag and explain why some epsidoes are not available on iTunes but are available on podbean (check it out for back episodes). The guys also talk about th orgins of Code Adam and Aviv is on the defense for a great many things. He also talks about how he scored Hamilton tickets (fuck you Aviv!) Aviv also invites all fans to Matt's wedding while Matt protests the invites (not that we don't love you guys). All this and much much more! Give us a rate and review on iTunes, tweet at us @SVUPodcast or send us an email [email protected]
Episode 51 - S3E8 - Inheritance
30/05/2017 Duração: 01h31minThe guys do a second take at an episode that may or may not have been lost. Meanwhile, they discuss campaign ads targeting Jon Ossoff, a Japanese punk band, and, oh yeah, there's some svu in there too! Follow us on facebook ( and twitter @svupodcast
Episode 50 - S3E7 - Sacrifice
21/05/2017 Duração: 01h44minOh man! Matt got married yesterday, so Aviv has taken over the task of writing this blurb. The ship is without a captain! This episode has everything: Mark Paul Gosslar, Movie Recommendations, Cystic Fibrosis! Please enjoy our shenanigans and follow us on facebook!
Episode 49 - S3E6 - Redemption
11/05/2017 Duração: 01h24minOn this weeks episode the guys view and review season three episode 6 - Redemption! Aviv dons a horrible southern accent for the intro. The guys debate if Texas is southerns or just a whole different thing. Aviv talks about how this time of year he is constantly getting sick, a sickness called SARS - Sudden Aviv Rubenstein Syndrome. The guys call out the fact that its been a while since they recorded, edited, and posted episodes (sorry guys!). Matt and Aviv dig into the mailbag and respond to your comments and questions! Shout out to everyone who wrote in to us, we love feedback! Matt and Aviv discuss how dogs are starting to have their day on the internet and how they are both strongly in favor of this development. The guys get real and say how the internet isn't for dogs or cats, its really for porn. Matt and Aviv come up with theories about why it is that cat videos became so popular on the internet. All this and more! Rate and review us on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @SVUPodcast, and send us an
Episode 48 - S3E5 - Tangled
03/05/2017 Duração: 01h38minOn this weeks espisode Aviv and Matt view and review season 3 episode 5 - Tangled! The guys have much to say about this Disney classic, an are shoecked that it involves such adult themes. Just kidding you guys. THe guys discuss how if you're going to hire a hitman, spend the money and get a good one, its totally worth it. Matt comments that this episode has a split personality, and Aviv discusses taking fingerprints from the inside of someone's asshole. Matt talks about his and Cassies plans for Cassie's birthday and Aviv comments on the gap between his and Matt's life updates on the pod. Matt tells Aviv about a pipe break at his parents house and the ineptitude of the plumers in finding the break using a camera. Aviv may or may not have detailed his similar experience with pipes bursing and him getting a bunch of his shit replaced due to the pipe burst. He then recounts his experience with BU and the case of a missing mattress/furniture. All this and much more! Rate and review us on iTunes, tweet at