Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 319:57:26
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What's the purpose of life? How do we find happiness? What is happiness? We discuss real life situations to find what we need to do to find happiness. To do this, we have to sometimes go against our instincts. This is called "beating your genes". Listen as I, Nate G, your host, talks with Dr. Doug LIsle, evolutionary psychologist, about life, love, relationships, and most importantly finding happiness in the modern world. We are live on Wednesdays at 8:30-9:30pm PST. If you have a question or comment, or maybe even a complicated situation that you'd like some advice on, feel free to call us live at 657-383-0751 or email us at [email protected] .


  • (Replay) Minimizing distortions, Worth it to disagree?

    28/01/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    In tonight's replay of episode 190, Dr. Lisle discusses the following questions: 1. I was wondering how Dr Lisle reconciled two seemingly opposing thoughts I've heard on separate episodes. 1. CBT is an effective therapy to mitigate cognitive distortions and 2. The human brain/nervous system does an immaculate job of evaluating its effectiveness and status within a group. If our brains do such an amazing job of evaluating feedback from the group, why are cognitive distortions so common? 2.I've often felt anger when someone seems to misunderstand something, perhaps honestly and perhaps disingenuously in something that is approaching an argument. The feeling often keeps me from explaining exactly what I mean because I expect that the exact points of the disagreement are disingenuous so it won't matter and I will only regret justifying myself and "opening up". You've often mentioned that that communication in relationships isn't faulty the way most psychologist say, but you've also talked about getting crystal cl

  • 248: Earning esteem, feeling pride, and self-improvement

    21/01/2021 Duração: 41min

    In today's episode, Dr. Lisle discusses the following question: Do you have any tips for getting yourself to do the hard things you know you should do? I am a voracious consumer of self-improvement content. I truly believe in the science and superiority of the whole food plant-based diet, in the importance of regular exercise for physical and mental health, and in the benefit of productivity and life-improvement. I have things that I know would absolutely improve my life in the long run but I cannot seem to make myself do these things, even though I am high in conscientiousness. It's as if I keep convincing myself I can just "slip on by" being lazy. It's a pattern that has followed me all my life - I'm quite smart and always got good grades but I've only put in the effort to do well rather than extraordinary well like I could have, even though I know this would be of great benefit to my life in the long-run. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm in my mid-20s and obese, lonely, depressed, addi

  • (Replay) Stuck in a stagnant rut, Mirror emotions, More detail on agreeableness

    14/01/2021 Duração: 57min

    In tonight's replay of episode 187, Dr. Lisle discusses: 1. Why am I so stagnant? Despite doing poorly in practically all the dimensions of my life (romantic, social, pursuit) I don't take any effective action. I've done an immense amount of therapies from various modalities, worked with many therapists, including numerous other things to no avail. I stew and rage but don't do anything and I don't know why. I also like to feel like a victim so as to not feel the pressure of responsibility. 2. Your explanation of anger and guilt being mirror emotions really struck me.  Do you think there is always a mirror emotion like anger and guilt? Or is it rather mostly a spectrum like your explanation of depression and boredom, when related to stress? I would be curious to hear about more on categorizing emotions. 3.  I am a bit confused about when disagreeableness is seen as a negative and positive trait. You said agreeableness is a highly valued trait, and while it is clear that one would want a disagreeable lawyer, yo

  • 247: Govt & Pleasure Trap, Avoiding ego trap as a celeb, Evo Psych over 60

    07/01/2021 Duração: 52min

    In today's show, Dr. Howk & Dr. Lisle discuss: 1. On your episode about the 2020 election, I was very surprised to hear the two of you lionize the sturdiness of American government when one of the central problems in American life, diet-related disease, is so largely attributable to lobbying. If government can be bought, how am I supposed to buy the idea of a reliable government? 2. How do people like the Esselstyns, Dr Campbell, and others not fall into the Ego Trap re: plant based eating? 3. Would you do a show addressing dating between men and women who are past their baby-making years? Those in their fifties and sixties or older who are widowed or divorced. As a 62 year old widow it seems most men just want something casual with no commitment. I want a commited partner. Any advice?   4. Last week I was crushed to hear Dr. Lisle say he is dead from an evolutionary prospective. As a an avid follower of Dr L, Dr H and BYG, this active 75 yr old woman is finished with with reproduction but still desiring

  • 246: 2020 Year in Review

    31/12/2020 Duração: 58min

    In today's show, Nate Gershfeld recaps some favorite clips from the 2020 episodes. 

  • 245: Maximizing freedom, Are pets supernormal family stimuli?

    25/12/2020 Duração: 49min

    In the last live episode of 2020, Dr. Howk and Dr. Lisle discuss: 1. I am in my mid forties and for almost my whole life I have been a strong advocate of much stricter controls of driving, smoking and drinking. Literally my only disclaimer is that I understand controls may lead the behaviour to go underground and so you'd have to allow for that. Otherwise: Bring on the controls of these dangerous activities!  I personally do not own a car, do not smoke and do not drink by the way. Others seem not to feel the same and often strongly say the deaths are an acceptable cost to the ongoing enjoyment of smoking, drinking and relatively unsafe driving.  How fantastic that everyone's cost-benefit-analysis has suddenly shifted so far to now accept infringements on personal behaviour to prevent covid deaths? I say "welcome to the saving lives party; I have been here enjoying it for many years and I welcome you. Perhaps now you are ready to save a few more million lives with some relatively minor additional infringements

  • 244: Washed up Jimmy, Lazy millennials, Covid mandates/New normal?

    10/12/2020 Duração: 46min

    In today's show, the dr's discuss the following topics: 1. As a somewhat successful women in her late thirties, I find many males attracted to my stability. I feel almost viewed as an asset to potential mates in the dating arena. Someone they would show off to their parents. Even to hear, ‘we could do so much with our incomes combined’. Dr. Lyle has stated men are not much concerned about provisions from the woman. I would like to hear your download on this. Along the same lines, I hire a dozen or so people a year to help in labor type jobs. Most of the individuals are in their 20’s and seem to lack work ethic compared to people in their later 30’s. I automatically think that the millennials lack work ethic and it is ‘learned behavior’. How do you explain this from an evolutionary standpoint? My point is, if laziness isn’t learned, why does it seem like we have more lazy people today than in previous generations? 2. I am concerned when I hear people and even Dr's say things like masks and social distancing an

  • 243: Erectile Dysfunction, Pleasure Trap/Ego Trap: Blaming the wrong things

    26/11/2020 Duração: 52min

    In today's show, the Dr's answer and discuss the following questions: 1. My high blood pressure medication is causing me to underperform in the bedroom to the point where I feel extremely anxious, embarrassed, and guilty that I am losing this part of myself to old age.    My doctor says it's either the meds or a stroke, so I follow her advice.   My wife is very supportive, but I can't help but feel guilty.  How can I help her understand that I do love her and that it's not her physical appearance that is causing my malfunction? 2. Eating foods that make you feel horribly bad. Why am I abusing myself in such manner? Can you help me understand the cycle? 3. When caught between the pleasure and ego trap for food is one way out to somehow get to the point that you know you can eat whatever you want but truly don't want to eat the high fat food? Or is the only way out to be sick and your life depends on it? 4. Can you provide a succinct, complete definition of the term, "Pleasure Trap" in your book of the same nam

  • (Replay) Is effective health care possible? Sharing health info w sick friends

    19/11/2020 Duração: 44min

    In this replay of episode 185, Dr. Lisle answers these questions: 1. Given the profitability of prescribing pills and surgical procedures, do you believe the mainstream medical-industrial-complex will ever reach a tipping point and head in the direction of true health care? As opposed to the current system of what basically boils down to disease maintenance? 2. In church this week I felt very guilty. No one is specifically asking me for nutrition advice but every week we hear about and pray for members of our congregation that have everything from kidney stones to cancer and everything in between. All of these conditions would be helped by a whole food plant based diet. I don't feel comfortable saying much about my diet at church but I feel very guilty about not speaking up if information that I have could help someone who is suffering.   Do you have any recommendations? 3.  I am a Clinical Psychology Doctoral candidate, and I will have my first patients this Fall. I am nervous, excited, but mostly curious. W

  • 242: Dr. Howk & Dr. Lisle analysis of the 2020 US Presidential Election

    12/11/2020 Duração: 48min

    In this episode, Dr. Howk and Dr. Lisle analyze the 2020 US Presidential Election between President Trump and former VP Joe Biden. 

  • (Replay): Pleasure Trap, Making yourself proud, Social cost of eating healthy

    05/11/2020 Duração: 53min

    In this reply of episode 195, Dr. Lisle & Dr. Howk discuss: On today's show, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk will answer the following questions: 1. Imagine a 20-year-old male.  Every day, he plays video games, eats Twinkies, drinks Mountain Dew, binge watches Netflix, mindlessly scrolls through Social Media, and watches .  What are the long-term and short-term effects of all this supernormal stimuli? 2.I feel like I’m stuck in a diet mindset where my internal audience won’t recognize any of my efforts unless I’m 100% compliant all of the time.   Considering all the crap other people eat, I feel like I should be able to have one meal a week that’s not 100% wfpb and still be fine and not feel all this guilt? 3. I understand your view on how to handle questions about "why do eat that way" etc however i am wondering about what to say when people say things like "Oh i really need to do something about my weight so i have just started eating low carb high fat". Or " i have diabetes so i can't eat pasta or potatoes." La

  • 241: Spouse is Great but Unhealthy, Blamed for Child's Behavior, Feel vs act

    29/10/2020 Duração: 56min

    1.My husband and I are in our late 20s, no children, married less than 3 years. 6 months after our wedding, I became whole food plant based and an ethical vegan. I was already pretty healthy prior, but still lost 10 pounds and reversed some health conditions. My husband has a lot of health issues. He hasn’t physically changed much since our wedding and has always had these health problems, but I looked past them because I love everything else about my husband. He’s seen all the vegan documentaries and completely believes the science, but has no interest in eating healthier, being more active, or stop eating fast food daily. I love my husband and he supports my lifestyle, but I no longer find him attractive. I believe it’s because I know that if he drastically changed his diet, he could reverse many of his health problems that turn me off. I know it’s natural for couples to lose attraction towards each other over time, but what do you do when you’re repulsed by your spouse? 2.I’m a single mother of a girl that

  • (Replay) Group therapy, Plomian curse, Enlightenment trap, Being less critical

    22/10/2020 Duração: 44min

    In today's replay of Episode 192 we have the following questions: 1. What are Dr. Lisle's thoughts on group therapy? What is the purpose if there is one and how would he apply evolutionary principles and esteem dynamics to group therapy? 2. My MIL treats her 4 granddaughters quite differently.  I am a disagreeable person who really values fairness. It’s hard not to comment or approach her when she treats them so different. Let’s not even begin to get into how many more clothes and toys (resources overall) she gets for her daughter’s girls. Is there a way for her to look at my daughter differently and allocate resources fairly? 3. Recently you described the Enlightenment Trap, which interested me greatly and I wondered if you believed there was some degree to which meditation practice was a means of beating the genetic disposition for egoistic drives for status enhancement. Robert Wright certainly seems to think so. I recognise that there are apparently many examples of pseudo- meditators displaying their prac

  • 240: Dealing with Narcissism, Small Talk vs Discussing Unconventional views

    15/10/2020 Duração: 57min

    In today's new episode, Dr. Lisle discusses the following questions: 1) I was deeply fascinated by the Drs' take on narcissism and finally realized my mother is a narcissist. Many of my "friends" are also narcissists or suffer from tendencies. Is there a correlation between being raised by a narcissist and seeking those same traits in friends/partners? And what advice would you share for dealing with these people, short of running for the door? 2) I finished How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World earlier this year. What an amazing book that has radically changed my outlook on things. Since then I have tried to be much more intentional about honestly presenting myself and honestly going after relationships I see as high value. I have to admit that I have gotten a lot of negative feedback from romantic opportunities and family since updating my thinking. Does truly embracing your self/freedom come with growing pains and time or is just that being yourself is just a more lonely experience? Does any of this have

  • (Replay) Impostor Syndrome, Parenting a mischievous son, BF went to stripclub

    08/10/2020 Duração: 56min

    In this replay of Episode 191, Dr. Howk and Dr. Lisle answer the following questions: 1.  What is impostor syndrome? Can you change the perception of feeling like a fraud?  2. A dad's son climbs on a roof to look at his neighbor's nude sunbathing. Dad handles it, but mom is furious and thinks this is huge issue warranting psychiatric medications.   3.  A listener's boyfriend ended up at a stripclub with coworkers.  He denies he got a lapdance even though everyone else got one.  Listener wants to know if she is the one insecure and if a more confident woman wouldn't mind this happening.  And also if this is 'normal behavior' for men and so she should expect it from any future partners.  4. Does having more wealth increase the trait of openness? 5. What does the future hold for humans capable or not capable of thriving in the modern environment in the face of so many traps? 

  • 239: Down arrow, Education policy, Epigenetics, Trauma induced behavioral change

    01/10/2020 Duração: 49min

    In this new episode, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk answer these q's: 1.  Voicemail question: Are there some situations where you avoid using the down arrow technique like when the worst case scenario is actually going to happen or already present?  2.  Imagine that you are magically made Emperor of K-12 Education in the US. Essentially, you have complete, authoritarian control over the education system and can expect 100% compliance on your vision and mandates. How would you design the education system, and how does the big 5 and evo psych affect your design? 3. I want to make sure I understand beating your genes. If people are told no, punished, held back, negative reinforcement over and over again it will affect the genes. Is this a true statement.

  • (Replay) Couchsurfing as a woman, Resilience vs coddling, Jealousy after breakup

    24/09/2020 Duração: 57min

    In this replay of episode 188, Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk, discuss the following questions: 1. My niece and I have been debating whether it’s safe for attractive young solo female travelers to couch surf. She believes that a careful reading of a host’s couch surfing profile enables her to spot would-be predators. What are your thoughts on this Dr. Lisle and Dr. Howk? 2. Can you talk about what resilience is with regard to personality/the big 5?  Do you think that it is possible to help people develop resilience or grit?  3. I dated a guy for about 5 years who would never commit and cheated on me several times, though I did not learn of his indiscretions until after the relationship ended. I recently found out that he married one of the women who he cheated on me with after dating her for only a brief time. After our split was all said and done I definitely felt like I came out it with the better end of the deal, and I’m now in a relationship that has major *magic 10%* potential; so my question is: why am I so irr

  • 238:Calorie budget,Baby v Adult talk,Russian women,Heritability,Corporate jargon

    17/09/2020 Duração: 57min

    1. I have been a proponent of wholesome eating as the guarantee of good health and optimal weight. The approach has worked great for me, but I am still curious to know if eating high caloric density foods – but within strict daily caloric “budget” – is detrimental to one’s health? I have no cravings or addictions of any sort, it is almost an “academic” question mostly concerning socially inflicted foods like BBQ, wine, cheese, etc. 2. My girlfriend often slips into baby talk — and it grates on my nerves, but I don’t know how to stop it.  Any suggestions? 3.  I’m wondering, why we’re having so many beautiful women in Russia, but much less of handsome men. Is there any explanation? 4.Plomin states that the heritablity of weight is 70%.    Is this statistic a byproduct of our modern food environment and therefore an explanation of the obesity problem?  How would the heritability of weight differ in a stone-age environment?    How would it differ if we measured a cohort from Chef AJ's group?   That word heritabil

  • 237: Desire to change others, Sibling concerns, Step-dad harsh with stepson

    03/09/2020 Duração: 43min

    1. If it is true that we can't change people, why would evolution waste energy engineer feelings in us that make us feel incline to try to change others? If we can't change others, why do people come to believe they can or enter relationships with others on that premise? 2. My brother has always been very private about his relationship with his significant other, to the point that it makes our family uncomfortable.  She was a foreign exchange student when they met, failed to meet requirements for her work visa this spring, and my brother finally told us they got married this past May to keep her in the states. He also expressed as recently as one year ago he is not even sure he likes her, but does enjoy her attention and having company. I guess my question here is twofold; is it worth expressing concern to him about this being that’s it’s done? It was a particularly hard blow to my parents, who are practicing Catholics, and I don’t see how he could fail to see the hurt it would cause them. Second... from a ge

  • 236: Read receipts, Low sex desire, Weight, High school skills, Silly animals

    27/08/2020 Duração: 48min

    1. I am a 40-something male on the online/swipey app dating scene. I have had rotten luck and I am interested in whether turning off “read receipts” on WhatsApp is putting women off.  I like the freedom that turning off “read receipts” gives me. At the same time I worry I am giving into my fears of rejection, possibly ego-trapping myself. Why does it feel empowering to turn off “read receipts” on WhatsApp and is this potentially putting off women who may think I have a hidden agenda?  2. I have found that my desire for sex has significantly declined.  So, my question is: am I a freak of nature? Or is something else potentially going on that could be corrected?  3. I’ve been fixated on losing 7-10 more pounds for the last 2 years but the weight just does not come off.  Is there something I could do to actually lose this weight? Or how can I convince my mind that this is it and just be happy about it? 4. I remember in high school being taught the concept of critical thinking skills. The more I enhance my knowle

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