Habits 2 Goals: The Habit Factor® Podcast With Martin Grunburg | Goal Achievement, Productivity & Success Simplified

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 217:23:21
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If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!


  • Time: The Priceless Asset

    10/01/2022 Duração: 17min

    "When you don't have goals, you're telling the universe that you don't really value your time." Even if a person has no money, no job, and only fair health, they possess the one miraculous asset required to achieve any goal: TIME! Time spent purposefully affirms this observation: Setting goals is NOT optional. With time, anyone with worthy goals and ideals has the potential to succeed. However, when we don't have clear goals, ideals, or objectives, time is simply wasted. Drifting aimlessly for too long is one of the greatest time-wasters of all. Arguably, even the pursuit of an incorrect goal or one that changes over time is more valuable than drifting for too long. Time is the one asset that enables anyone, from one day to the next, to pursue their ideal future—their success. Thus, the opposite must be true: Wasting time—squandering the priceless asset of time—is the one universal characteristic of all "failures." Lollygagging and aimlessly drifting is painless in the short term, but it's really the fast-lan

  • The Game Within The Game

    03/01/2022 Duração: 17min

    "Within every game, there are tasks and objectives along the way; your life is no different. Tracking your habits from one day to the next helps you to win the game-within-the-game each and every day!" Anytime you're about to play a game, be it a computer, board, or sport, the very first thing you'll want to do is understand the game's objectives. That is: How are you going to win the game? It turns out, life is nearly identical. This is all the proof you need to fully understand the statement, "Intelligence is goal-directed behavior." The good – and bad – news is that we have to determine the main objectives for ourselves. Those who take the time to establish clear goals and objectives for their lives know where they're trying to go, even if specific goals and objectives change along the way. This is why we admire those who set goals for themselves and go after them; they know where they are going, and they know from one day to the next if they are "winning." Unfortunately, too many people struggle if they

  • 7 Keys to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever!

    01/01/2022 Duração: 47min

    "There's never enough time to do everything and there is always enough time to do the most important things." ~Brian Tracy Happy 2022! Few things will make your New Year better and more enjoyable than hitting your most important goals. MG talks you through the top 7 tips and throws in a few extras. For more New Year Breakthrough Tips: Be sure to download ALL 9 Episodes of the 2018 New Year Breakthrough SERIES. Search "How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year" or find the series at https://podcast.thehabitfactor.com. Enjoy the episode! Habits & Goals MASTERY is NOW On-Demand! **** Feedspot's "Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: thehabitfactor.com/templates. Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here: As a Man Thinketh ***** Subscribe iT

  • STOP!

    27/12/2021 Duração: 18min

    "The speed of concentration is slow and/or stopped!" A perfectly timed New Year's episode. What do you think you are – in essence? A soul? The chemicals that make up your composition? What is it that comprises your "WHO?" It turns out, WHO we are is WHAT we do consistently. We're really just a compilation of our thought and behavior habits. Your habitual actions, behaviors, and decisions forge your CHARACTER. Thus, in order for anyone to change their RESULTS, the first thing they must do is alter their patterns of thought and behavior—their habits. The very best way to do that is to STOP! STOP for a moment. STOP moving. STOP thinking. STOP acting out of habit. Just press pause and STOP! Anytime you don't like the results you are getting, it's time to STOP! In the computing world, A STOP code, is a way to identify a "BUG" in the program. If a computer encounters a problem, it STOPS! Our results are the product of our INPUT. Our input is our thought and behavior HABITS. How are you going to identify the new i

  • Humility

    20/12/2021 Duração: 15min

    "Any character trait, be it courage or honesty, even humility, can be cultivated." Another Goo-Roo-inspired Mind-Bullet. To be fair, the Goo-Roo thought there was a catch-22 that prevented someone from intentionally cultivating the HUMILITY trait. In other words, if you were too prideful about developing humility, how could you truly be humble? First, to be proud, privately, about your accomplishments doesn't preclude you from being humble. Second, had the Goo-Roo read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, he'd understand that HUMILITY was actually the 13th virtue Ben cultivated via a lifetime of habit-tracking. Though Ben was circumspect about the very same concern, he wrote, "I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it." Third, too much humility leads to other issues, as MG learned from a Navy SEAL who cautioned against it. This SEAL insisted that th

  • Roots & Weeds

    13/12/2021 Duração: 15min

    "Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another." Juvenal Today's episode is inspired by a little home improvement project, as MG caps some sprinklers and removes a small amount of grass to make his patio eco/water-friendly. The project is delayed and becomes much tougher than expected due to the appearance of multiple roots underground. The significant difference between ROOTS and WEEDS becomes striking, particularly in the context of personal development. Roots vs. Weeds. First, roots grow imperceptibly slowly. It's impossible to notice their growth from one day to the next. However, return in several months or years, and it's impossible not to notice. Roots are substantial, incredibly strong, and very difficult to extract. Finally, roots grow underground, in silence, and out of the spotlight; roots aren't flashy. Weeds, on the other hand, possess the exact opposite traits. Weeds grow incredibly fast—almost "flashy" in their growth (not unlike certain personalities on Instagram). They're almost impossib

  • Control 3

    06/12/2021 Duração: 25min

    "Good habits happen when planned; bad habits on their own." Today's episode is about CONTROL and understanding four core aspects of control relative to our behaviors. The first component of control is our THINKING. Do you think you have the ability to control what you think, most of the time? With practice, you can absolutely control and direct your thinking most of the time. That doesn't mean controlling your thinking is easy, but it is possible. In fact, it could be argued that controlling your thinking is the first skill required to guide your life with intention and purpose toward your goals and ideals. The second aspect of control is relative to your feelings and emotions. The fact is, control over our feelings and emotions comes with maturity and practice – after all, that is emotional maturity. We know that a 1-year-old has zero control over their feelings and emotions and that an eight-year-old will have far more control over their feelings and emotions. While control over your feelings and emotions m

  • Lost 2

    29/11/2021 Duração: 17min

    "Nobody can create their ideal future any faster than one day at a time." We last covered "LOST" as a Mind-Bullet to underscore the concept that feeling "lost" is often far more about not knowing where you want to go and less about not knowing where you are. Since life is highly dynamic, the experience of feeling "lost" is universal. In today's episode, we revisit the concept from the vantage point of two prior episodes: The QUEST and The PATH! Once we subscribe to the idea that our great Quest is to create our ideal future, we can simply ask ourselves each night, before retiring: "Was I on the PATH today? If intelligence is goal-directed behavior, then it's imperative to strive for the most important goals. Since few goals are more important than creating your ideal future, the sensation of being "LOST" confirms that you're not on the PATH. The moral is clear: Being "LOST" may seem frustrating, but it's an important and valuable awareness that can lead you toward your ideal future. Enjoy the episode! Habits

  • Ted Ryce: Strength through Adversity

    22/11/2021 Duração: 01h09min

    "Is it really about what we go through, or is it about something else? I don't want to be the guy people look at and say, 'Wow, that poor guy, he's been through a lot.'" ~Ted Ryce In this special episode of H2G, MG welcomes fitness expert Ted Ryce. Ted, a long-time physical and personal transformation coach who used to work with a handful of celebrities in Miami, now fills his time traveling the world, running his personal transformation coaching business, and hosting his own very popular podcast, "The Legendary Life." A great Japanese proverb states, "Adversity is the foundation of virtue." Few will experience the tragic, life-altering challenges Ted Ryce had to endure. At the age of 19, his younger brother was kidnapped and murdered. Later, his mother would die in a tragic car accident, and his sister would commit suicide. While Ted shares some of his best fitness, health, and well-being advice, he also shares many powerful life lessons. Rather than breaking his will or character, Ted accepted the tragedies

  • I Hate My Job!

    15/11/2021 Duração: 21min

    Q: How can I enjoy things I don't enjoy? MG fields a question that stood out from a recent survey. Maria wondered how she might enjoy some of the things she really doesn't, namely her job. MG recounts his experience – an early job out of college as a software support specialist. The only challenge? The job was never a challenge. MG was extremely bored by the work, which required no creativity. He was left feeling as though his contribution was insignificant. To answer Maria's question, he takes two tacks. First, MG leans on a great quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." While the job was not really enjoyable, MG shifted his perception to the assets the job provided: good pay and the ability to surf as often as he wanted. It also provided an opportunity to learn from a young millionaire software developer. The second part of the solution was found in "The Great Eight that Separate," something Napoleon Hill used to talk about. While anyone might be

  • Master Your Feelings

    08/11/2021 Duração: 18min

    "Feelings, and feelings and feelings. Let me try thinking instead." ~C.S. Lewis As sentient beings, our feelings wield remarkable influence over our behaviors and, therefore, our lives. As covered in a prior episode (Feelings and Focus), how well you concentrate and focus, at any given moment, is most often directly tied to your feelings. Our ability to manage, channel, and master our emotions has a powerful effect on our ability to achieve our long-term goals—as well as guide new habit formation. Today's episode offers a powerful reminder: What we do from one moment to the next, if we're not aware, is often guided by our feelings. This understanding of feelings is both GOOD and BAD news. The bad news: Behavior change and goal achievement efforts can be sabotaged for those who are unaware of their emotional states. The good news is actually two-fold. First, feelings are ephemeral—they do not last very long. Secondly, with practice, we have the ability to master and channel our feelings to empower our behavior

  • The PLAN!

    01/11/2021 Duração: 21min

    "If you fail to plan, are you planning to fail?" ~Benjamin Franklin As we continue The Quest—the pursuit of our ideal future—we recognize the journey requires that we step onto The Path! (previous episode) Once on The Path, we notice a powerful truth: Our ideal future only arrives ONE DAY AT A TIME. Thus, the essential question to ask daily is, "Was I on the path, today?" To make real progress along The Path conjures up another key question: What's The PLAN? The Plan is where the rubber meets the road. The Plan consists of two essential components: strategy and execution. What are you going to do today to make progress on The Path? How are you going to do it? And, importantly, how will you be held accountable? The strategy might be a model—copying a process by following someone who has already achieved what you're trying to achieve. There is a bit of caution when modelling; just realize, "No man can ever step into the same river twice." The second essential component of THE PLAN, execution, has two parts. How

  • Not on the Path?

    25/10/2021 Duração: 24min

    "Ill ALL habits gather by unseen degrees, as brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas." If being on "THE PATH" (last episode), is absolutely essential to assuring "the great adventure"—living the life of your dreams— then, how can you get ON THE PATH? This question conjures up a couple of other questions: 1) What keeps anyone from getting on the path in the first place? 2) How do you know it's the right path? The most common challenge preventing people from getting on the path is CLARITY. Many people just aren't clear where it is they want to go. Thus, it's tough to arrive at a destination that hasn't been defined, and even tougher to be on a path that takes you there! However, if someone is clear about where they want to go, but has not yet stepped on the path, it's almost always because they are afraid. Stepping on THE PATH takes courage, and courage, as Winston Churchill put it, is the foremost quality that helps to assure all others. Finally, one more common fear emerges: "How do I know this is the right pa

  • The Path!

    18/10/2021 Duração: 32min

    "It doesn't matter how slowly you go, just do not stop just do your best to STAY ON THE PATH." Jen Grant joins MG on today's episode, and they revisit the last episode (before the John Assaraf special), THE QUEST! If we can agree on Oprah's observation that the great adventure—the quest—is to live the life of your dreams, then the question becomes, HOW is that accomplished? How can anyone pursue the life of their dreams? It turns out that the answer to this all-important question can be found within another question: "Are you on the path?" In other words, it's hard to pursue any journey—any great quest—if you're not first ON THE PATH. It's a simple, powerful, and fundamental question: "Are you ON THE PATH?" Do not pass Go. The only way any person can achieve the life of their dreams is one single day at a time. Thus, the ONE question they should ask themselves each day is, "Was I on the path today?" When the answer is "YES" more days than not, you are very likely to realize your own "great adventure." However

  • John Assaraf and the 9th Annual Brain-A-Thon

    11/10/2021 Duração: 46min

    "I'm not the smartest or dumbest person in the room, but I am the one that's willing to do whatever it takes to upgrade my mindset and my skill set, and I'm persistent as hell to achieve my goal, no matter what." John Assaraf In this special episode of Habits 2 Goals, John Assaraf—a two-time New York Times bestselling author and H2G's first two-time special guest—takes us deep into the essence of personal development by sharing his own breakthrough stories and strategies, as well as the latest developments in brain science as it relates to goal achievement. John and MG discuss the upcoming 9th annual Brain-A-Thon—a free event hosted by John Assaraf specifically designed to help people break through their own limiting beliefs. John was a below-average student who struggled mightily in school; he ultimately dropped out in 11th grade.  Fortunately, he was introduced to a successful real estate investor who became his mentor, sharing a multitude of "success" insights. "When you’re interested in your goals, chance

  • The Quest!

    04/10/2021 Duração: 24min

    "The greatest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams." Oprah Winfrey In this episode we expand upon Oprah's insightful observation. What could be a greater adventure than pursuing the life of your dreams? You might say something like, "The best use of my life is to serve the homeless, starving and underprivileged." Such a response would only reaffirm, THE QUEST.. Thoreau put it this way, "If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams and endeavors to live the life they imagined, they will meet with a success in common hours." "Advancing confidently" toward your dreams is, as Oprah so brilliantly put it, THE great adventure. It is THE QUEST.  As a creature—a creator—arguably this is WHY you're alive, to pursue the life of your dreams. This is your preeminent adventure—it is THE QUEST! MG overlays Joseph Campbell's, "The Hero's Journey" as a reference point and shares his favorite definition of success: "Creating your ideal future." Ultimately, ALL of these ideas intersect

  • Receiving

    27/09/2021 Duração: 30min

    Is it truly better to give than to receive? Why is receiving—being a gracious receiver—so important? Are there rewards and virtues when it comes to receiving "properly"? That's the topic Jen Grant and MG tackle in this week's episode. Whether it's a compliment or a gift, knowing how to accept whatever offering comes your way may be as much an art as a science. A few weeks ago, MG's G.T.R. (Good Things Report) was about a gift—an expensive e-bike—given to him by a good buddy. The friend swore that he couldn't use it anymore and MG would be doing him a favor by taking it. But, because the bike is so expensive, it's been very hard for MG to accept it graciously. Jen chimes in with some serious advice about the importance of receiving. Enjoy the episode! How much do you really know about habits and goals? Check out the Habits & Goals Mastery course, NOW ON-DEMAND! Visit: https://thehabitfactor.com/challenge **** Feedspot's "Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" New listeners: By texting the word "H

  • Why Set Goals?

    20/09/2021 Duração: 22min

    "People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals—that is, goals that do not inspire them." ~Tony Robbins This week, MG and Jen Grant review the fundamentals of goal setting, mainly, why goal setting is NOT optional. They review 3 fundamental reasons why goal setting is essential for everyone. First, goal setting is proof of "intelligence in action!" Stealing a cue from the world of computer programming, if "artificial intelligence is goal-directed behavior," then an intelligent person must set goals.  Secondly, setting goals adds meaning and purpose to life. Sadly, it's those who drift—who don't have worthwhile goals—who think life is boring, lacks meaning, and is worthless—even pointless. Yet, those who have worthwhile goals find value and purpose. Third, as demonstrated by The Habit Factor®, as you head toward your goal, the process demands that you cultivate supportive habits that will help you achieve that goal. You end up developing good, positive habits! So, if you're unsure about why goal setting

  • Hightest Value Habits

    13/09/2021 Duração: 14min

    "The highest value habits are the ones that yield the greatest results relative to your most important goals and ideals." Last week, the discussion was about making sure we take more time to simply THINK about the activities that will yield the greatest consequences, relative to our goals and ideals. This week, the topic goes a bit further. Rather than focusing upon one-off "activities," the question is: Which HABITS will yield the highest value return once cultivated? Since it is our recurring behaviors—HABITS—that propel us toward our goals most efficiently and effectively, we ought to spend a significant amount of time just identifying the HIGHEST VALUE HABITS. The entire exercise falls beautifully in line with The Habit Factor's core methodology: P.A.R.R., Plan. Act. Record. Reassess. Make time to identify the core, related behaviors—HABITS— that will yield the HIGHEST VALUE RETURN and begin tracking them today (no more than 5 habits). BTW: If you need the free habits-to-goals tracking spreadsheet, see th

  • Consequences

    06/09/2021 Duração: 19min

    "Time and consequences go hand in hand." When you hear the word "consequences," what's the first thing you think? Not unlike the word "habit," "consequences" has a predominately negative connotation. Yet, by definition, consequences simply means "the result or effect of action or condition." Think about how you spend your time. Anything that consumes your time and attention enables consequences, both good and bad. Brian Tracy likes to say, "Failures spend the majority of their time in low-value, low-return consequence activities. Whereas successes spend the majority of their time in high-value, high-return consequence activities." That may sound obvious, but the fact remains that very few consider deeply the long-term value—the consequences—that will result from their present actions. BT goes further: "Successes will spend a great deal of time just thinking about which activities will yield the greatest consequences relative to their goals and ideals." MG and Jen's explore BT's observation and discuss the sig

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