Sounds of The Ridge - GRCC
Wednesday Evening Class 5.16.12 - Wednesday Evening Lesson 5.16.12
20/05/2012Sounds of The Ridge - GRCC
Lesson 31 - Healing the Nobleman’s Son - Wednesday Evening Lesson 5.2.12
02/05/2012Wednesday Night Lesson 31 - Healing the Nobleman’s Son
Lesson 30 - The Time is Now!!! - Lesson 30 Wed Scott Jarvis 04252012.mp3
25/04/2012The Time is Now!!! Is there urgency in your reaching out to the lost? What are some of the reasons we get side-tracked from this
Lesson 29 - The Making of Disciples - Lesson 29 — The Making of Disciples_20120418.mp3
18/04/2012The woman has moved from suspicion & sarcasm to asking about the Messiah
Lesson 28 - What does it mean to worship in Spirit & Truth? - Scott Jarvis - John_4 Lesson_ 28_04112012
14/04/2012What does it mean to worship in Spirit & Truth?
Lesson 27 - Worshiping in Spirit & Truth - Wedensday 3212012 Scott Lesson
21/03/2012I. Are we real before God? We are lying to ourselves if we think we can worship & not be real
Lesson 25 - Teaching His Apostles True Mission Work! - Wednesday 03072012 Scott Lesson 24
07/03/2012John 4 A Date With Destiny—Teaching His Apostles True Mission Work! Jesus is constantly preparing His disciples for Kingdom work!
Lesson 21 - The Gospel of John - Wednesday Evening Lesson 2.29.12
29/02/2012Wednesday Evening Lesson 2-29-12
Lesson 24 - A Date With Destiny - A Date With Destiny—Teaching His Apostles True Mission Work
22/02/2012The Gospel of John - Lesson 24 A Date With Destiny—Teaching His Apostles True Mission Work
Lesson 23 - Jesus Goes to Galilee -Trane - Wednesday Evening Lesson 2.15.12
15/02/2012May you be appalled this week as you see yourself in the presence of Christ. May you become so keenly aware of your true, deep thirst, as well as the superficial ways you’ve tried to quench that thirst. May you experience the transforming love and grace and truth of Christ. And may you become a conductor of His love and grace and truth into others’ lives.
Lesson 21 - The Humility of John - Wednesday Night Lesson 21
01/02/2012The Gospel of John—Lesson 21—John 3 The Humility of John Verses : -30
Lesson 20 - He Must Increase . . . - Scott Jarvis 1-25-2012
25/01/2012The Gospel of John—Lesson 20—John 3 He Must Increase . . . Verses : 18-20
Lesson 15 - An Encounter with Nicodemus - Wednesday Night Lesson 15
07/12/2011The Gospel of John—Lesson 15—John 3 An Encounter with Nicodemus Verses : 1 - 2