Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Ubook Studio
  • Duração: 20:52:35
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Welcome to Clutter Corner, the weekly show hosted by cleanfluencer Angela Brown. Are you tired of living with clutter and want to create a new way of living? Join us as we help you change your relationship with stuff. With over 32 years of experience as a professional house cleaner and working with thousands of families, Angela and her guests share practical tips, insights, and success stories to help you declutter, organize, and simplify your life. Clutter Corner has something for everyone, from the smallest closet to the biggest garage. Whether you've just inherited a house full of belongings or have been struggling with clutter for years, this podcast will guide you toward creating a happier, healthier, and clutter-free life. You'll learn from real-life examples and practical advice to help you tackle clutter and create a home you'll love. Join us as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment.


  • Decision-Making with Procrastination - Getting Help

    15/05/2023 Duração: 05min

    Join an enlightening decision-making journey with procrastination as Cleanfluencer Angela Brown unravels the secrets of conquering clutter and overcoming indecision. You'll gain valuable insights and practical tips to regain control of your space. Let Angela's guidance empower you to make confident choices and embrace a clutter-free lifestyle, transforming your decision-making process and embarking on a journey towards a more organized and fulfilling life. Get ready to embrace the transformative power of this captivating video. Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. DECISION MAKING WITH PROCRASTINATION CHAPTERS --------------------- 0:00 - How can we overcome procrastination and indecision in our decision-making process? 0:19 - What steps can we take to gather information effectively when faced with difficult decisions? 0:31 - Why is it important to

  • How to Clean Your Home with PTSD

    10/05/2023 Duração: 05min

    Learn how to clean your home with PTSD by joining Cleanfluencer Angela Brown in this video for anyone struggling with clutter or hoarding tendencies. Discover how cleaning, decluttering, and mental wellness are interconnected and how practicing these skills will get easier as you keep doing them. Angela emphasizes the importance of asking for help and reaching out for assistance and shares the continuing story of Rachel, who may have to pay $12,000 for a cleanup job due to clutter. Follow our expert tips and free resources, including our YouTube channel and Facebook group, to overcome your struggles with cleaning and decluttering.  Join us on this journey to improve your mental health and make cleaning a part of your daily routine. Every week we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. CLEAN YOUR HOME WITH PTSD CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What are some next steps f

  • The Domino Effect of Clutter Paralysis

    08/05/2023 Duração: 05min

    The domino effect of clutter paralysis can wreak havoc on your life if you don't tackle the mess in your living space. Join Cleanfluencer Angela Brown as she continues to explore the tragic story of Rachel, who fell victim to the paralyzing effects of clutter and hoarding. Her inability to let go of things led to a buildup of items in her home, resulting in hidden shame and loss. The domino effect continued as her hoarding affected her job and her housing.  This video is a must-watch for hoarders, clutter bugs, and packrats alike as it sheds light on the high cost of hoarding, whether financially, emotionally, or socially. You'll learn how clutter paralysis can lead to a cascade of negative consequences and how honesty about your situation can help you break the cycle. Don't miss out on this eye-opening video highlighting the importance of addressing clutter and hoarding before it's too late. THE DOMINO EFFECT OF CLUTTER PARALYSIS CHAPTERS------------------ 0:00 - How does paralysis contribute to clutter? 0:5

  • Clutter is an Ongoing Thing - Learning How to Cope

    03/05/2023 Duração: 04min

    Clutter is an ongoing thing, and we need to learn to cope with it on a daily basis. Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I present a candid and revealing look at the ongoing struggle with clutter. As someone prone to hoarding myself, I know firsthand how overwhelming and stressful it can be to manage the constant influx of stuff in our lives. In this video, I share my experiences and insights on coping with clutter, minimizing possessions, and creating a more peaceful and organized living space. If you're struggling with clutter and looking for ways to cope with it, I hope this clip will provide valuable insights and tips. Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. CLUTTER IS AN ONGOING THING ------------------ 0:00 - What is the bad news about the clutter that the speaker mentioned? 0:28 - Why is it not healthy for stuff to just come into our lives

  • Throwing Things Away for the Right Reasons - A Simple Solution

    02/05/2023 Duração: 06min

    Are you struggling with throwing things away for the right reasons? Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I discuss how to decide what to keep, what to get rid of, and how to deal with the emotional attachments that come with it. Together, we'll explore strategies to overcome the paralysis of letting go based on my experiences and insights from others who have faced the same dilemma. I'll show you a straightforward solution that professional house cleaners and organizers use to downsize belongings that have sentimental value. Using some simple items, I'll show you how to sort items for loved ones so they can inherit those items when you're gone. Join me in learning how to let go of the emotional baggage and experience the healing that comes with decluttering. THROWING THINGS AWAY CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How can I let go of things that have emotional attachments? 0:33 - How do I decide what to keep and what to get rid of? 1:14 - What happens when you choose to hang on to items in the garage? 1:36

  • What Do I Do About Clutter in My Home?

    01/05/2023 Duração: 03min

    What do I do about clutter in my home? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff? If so, you're not alone. Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I explore the root causes of clutter, including hoarding tendencies, emotional attachments, and hiding from the rest of the world. While there are no quick fixes, this video will provide insights and strategies to help you manage and reduce clutter in your life. Whether you're a clutter bug, packrat, or hoarder, this video will help you better understand your clutter and take the first steps toward a more organized life.  Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. WHAT DO I DO ABOUT CLUTTER CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What triggered her clutter? 0:51 - How did Rachel's clutter affect her life? 1:47 - What is the difference between clutter and hoarding? 2:02 - What are the consequences of not dealing

  • How to Get Rid of Hoarding and Clutter? Procrastination Paralysis

    27/04/2023 Duração: 03min

    Do you know how to get rid of hoarding and clutter? Hi, I'm Angela Brown, and if you're feeling overwhelmed by the new level of hoarding since the pandemic or struggling to deal with inherited clutter, you're not alone. Many people have found themselves stuck with big piles of things or even entire rooms full of clutter, and the resulting paralysis can be difficult to overcome. But today, I'm here to share some solutions and strategies to help you take control and get rid of hoarding and clutter. Join us weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. HOW TO GET RID OF HOARDING AND CLUTTER CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What is the new level of hoarding since the pandemic, and why has it increased? 0:33 - What are the origins of clutter paralysis, and how can we overcome it? 1:00 - How can we safely and effectively have conversations about clutter with our house

  • The Fear of Letting Go Leads to Procrastination

    26/04/2023 Duração: 03min

    The fear of letting go can be a significant roadblock for hoarders. Are you a pack rat or a clutter bug? Do you find it hard to let go of items you no longer need, leading to clutter and procrastination? In this video, I delve into the psychology behind why we struggle to let go and offer practical tips to help you declutter your life. Remember, the greatest ideas are in your head; if you forget them, you can always turn to the internet for help. Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, and learn how to break free from the cycle of clutter and live a happier, simpler life. Join me weekly as we explore new topics and invite expert guests to share their experiences and insights. Let's work together to transform your home and create a more peaceful, stress-free environment. THE FEAR OF LETTING GO CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - Is the fear of letting go another reason for procrastination? 0:40 - Do you relate to the fear of letting go of physical items, such as mixtapes or CDs, even though we have access to the s

  • Procrastination Caused by Doubts and Lack of Confidence

    25/04/2023 Duração: 07min

    Are doubts and lack of confidence holding you back from decluttering your home and tackling that hoarding problem? In this video, I explore the root of procrastination and how insecurities often cause it.  As a house cleaner, I'm all too familiar with the feeling of uncertainty and self-doubt that can arise when I don't receive validation from my clients. But I've found a solution that's helped me overcome these negative feelings and build my confidence. Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I share my secret to boosting self-confidence and breaking free from the cycle of procrastination. Plus, I'll share a simple tip that's helped me stay on track and motivated on my journey to a clutter-free home.  If you're a hoarder, clutter bug, or packrat looking to break free from procrastination and build your confidence, this video is a must-watch. DOUBTS AND LACK OF CONFIDENCE CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How does a lack of self-confidence lead to procrastination? 0:36 - How does the lack of appreciation aff

  • Lack of Interest in Boring Chores Leads to Procrastination in Doing Them

    24/04/2023 Duração: 04min

    Are you struggling with procrastination due to your lack of interest in boring chores? If so, join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as we explore the reasons behind our aversion to tedious tasks and share practical strategies to tackle them head-on. In this video, I'll show you how to break up the monotony of boring chores by dividing them into smaller, more manageable jobs. Don't let your lack of interest in boring chores hold you back - let's conquer those tasks together! And when you need a little extra motivation, I've got just the thing - a sugar-free reward system! I'll teach you how to use this simple tool to reward yourself for a job well done and keep you on track toward your goals. BORING CHORES CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What is another reason that packrats and clutter bugs procrastinate? 0:57 - How can the happy bell help reduce procrastination in doing chores? 1:53 - How can we break up boring chores into smaller tasks? 2:07 - How can we make cleaning and decluttering fun? 2:26 - How many

  • Procrastination Caused by Burnout - How to Get Out of the Slump

    20/04/2023 Duração: 07min

    Is your procrastination caused by burnout? Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as we explore how hoarding and clutter can contribute to burnout and hinder your ability to enjoy life.  Do you find yourself constantly putting things off and feeling burned out? Are you finding it difficult to balance work and home life while maintaining a clutter-free space? This video will discuss how hoarding and burnout are connected and provide practical tips for decluttering your life and finding a fresh perspective.  Don't let procrastination and burnout hold you back any longer - watch now to discover how to break free from the cycle, overcome hoarding, and find balance in your life. CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - How does burnout contribute to procrastination and clutter? 0:26 - Why do people suffering from burnout find it challenging to clean their homes? 0:49 - Why do people often feel unappreciated for their efforts at home? 1:23 - Why is it important to take moments of joy and fulfillment for ourselves? 1:49 - H

  • Decluttering Procrastination and the Sugar-Free Dopamine High

    19/04/2023 Duração: 11min

    Do you suffer from decluttering procrastination? Looking for a sugar-free dopamine high? Join me, Cleanfluencer Angela Brown, as I dive into the world of hoarding, clutter, and procrastination.  Have you ever found yourself avoiding important tasks by getting lost in piles of clutter? Do you struggle with finding the motivation to start organizing and decluttering your home? In this video, I explore the reasons why we procrastinate and provide practical tips for breaking the cycle. I also discuss the sugar-free dopamine high and how celebrating small achievements can help boost productivity and keep you motivated along the way.  DECLUTTERING PROCRASTINATION CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What is the difference between procrastination and indecision? 0:18 - What is paralysis? 0:46 - Why do people procrastinate? 1:37 - What is the Swedish Death Cleaning concept? 2:23 - Why is downsizing important? 2:43 - What is ChatGPT? 3:20 - How can ChatGPT help the speaker with decluttering? 3:50 - What is the advantage

  • Decluttering To-Do Lists - My Personal Journey

    13/04/2023 Duração: 06min

    Welcome to "Decluttering To Do Lists - My Personal Journey." I'll take you through my experience of decluttering my to-do lists and getting rid of unnecessary notes. As a self-proclaimed hoarder and clutter bug, I used to keep everything in spiral notebooks, but I realized that it was no longer serving me. I'll share the tips and tricks I used to stay organized and targeted while decluttering and show you how checking off to-do lists can be satisfying and freeing. Whether you're a hoarder, clutter bug, or just someone looking to declutter your life, this video is for you. Join me on my personal journey and see how decluttering your to-do lists can change your life too. CHAPTERS ------------------ 0:00 - What did her husband suggest she do on the flight to Zurich? 0:31 - Why did you decide to declutter your notebooks on a ten-hour flight? 0:52 - Why did she have so many notebooks? 1:14 - What kind of stuff was in her notebooks? 1:37 - Why did the speaker procrastinate going through her notebooks for 30 years?

  • How to Trust Without Being Taken Advantage Of - Clutterbugs and Hoarders

    10/04/2023 Duração: 03min

    Do you struggle with building trust without being taken advantage of in your relationships? Are you having a tough time setting boundaries and saying no to requests that don't align with your values? If so, then you're not alone. In fact, many people that have hoarding issues grapple with these same concerns. But the good news is that there is a way to build trust without sacrificing your own well-being. In this video, I'll explore practical tips for setting boundaries that can help you create healthy and fulfilling relationships without feeling like you're being taken advantage of. I'll discuss the importance of communication and how to have difficult conversations with loved ones about your needs and boundaries. You'll learn how to recognize when someone is crossing a line and how to respond in a way that is assertive but respectful. And perhaps most importantly, I'll explore why it's okay to say no sometimes and how doing so can actually strengthen your relationships in the long run. Whether you're dealing

  • Can't Decide - Why Clutter Bugs and Hoarders are Indecisive

    06/04/2023 Duração: 51min

    Let's talk about how to overcome indecisiveness and procrastination and how it affects us while decluttering our homes. Are you surrounded by clutter and struggling to get things done? You're not alone. In today's session, we cover 10 simple tools for your decision-making toolbox that can be used to overcome the paralysis in making everyday choices. Don't worry, you don't need all ten every time you make a choice, but knowing what the tools are and how to use them will give you more confidence and help you end indecisiveness in taking action on your goals and priorities. RESOURCES ------------------ REPROGRAM YOUR MIND SLEEP TAPES The New Normal Sleep Tape - The New Tape | Affirmations Of A Clean and Orderly Home | "I AM" - * When available, we use affiliate links, and as Amazon Associates, we earn on qualifying purchases. SOCIAL MEDIA --------------- CONNECT WITH HOARDING WORLD ON SOCIAL MEDIA YouTube: Facebook:

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