Join Salimah of YogaVision for weekly Kundalini Yoga and Meditation classes. Drawing on a wide range of yogic teachings and daily inspirations, these classes are designed to love, serve and uplift.
Cross My Heart
13/01/2014 Duração: 01h45sImagine your hands as extensions of your heart. Enjoy this powerful kriya called Heart of Gold and imagine the light of your soul radiating to all.
Holiday Prep
02/12/2013 Duração: 57minKeep your digestion strong and your mind focussed with this powerful Kundalini Yoga and meditation combination. Just in time for holiday feasting and family gatherings.
Your Intuition is Your Guide
25/11/2013 Duração: 59minYour intuition, that knowing voice that speaks the words of your highest conscious, is there to lead you. Can you hear it? Do you listen?
Just Say Yes
18/11/2013 Duração: 59minSet your intention for new opportunities. Remember to say yes when they arrive.
Open Your Heart
11/11/2013 Duração: 01h56sThis Kriya addresses blockages in the heart - which manifest as fear and attachment. An open heart offers compassion and kindness. Love is the answer.
Compassion - its in you to give
28/10/2013 Duração: 53minA heart opening kriya and a formula for compassion awaits you in today's episode.
A little more courage
21/10/2013 Duração: 56minCan you use a little more in your life? This powerful kriya shows the way.
You are Radiant
07/10/2013 Duração: 59minWhat image, sound, smell or taste does this word conjure up for you? Let's build from there.
Explore the Silence
30/09/2013 Duração: 59minUse this powerful meditative kriya and meditation to delve into the silence.
Face Fear with Love
23/09/2013 Duração: 49minA meditation that melts your challenges is contained within. Music courtesy of Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa.
Think with your heart
16/09/2013 Duração: 45minThe fastest way to power up your intuition is to get your head and heart in alignment. Check out this short and powerful kriya in today's podcast.
Subtlety Elegance and Grace
09/09/2013 Duração: 01h32sThe yogic qualities of subtlety, elegance and grace are yours with this powerful Kriya and meditation combination. Tune in
Travelling Tips for the Yogi
26/08/2013 Duração: 54minHello Friends,I'm back in Toronto after a few weeks of living in another time zone. I put together a travellers tool kit which I look forward to sharing with you in this podcast. To grab the print version visit Love, Salimah
Happiness is . . .
29/07/2013 Duração: 01h03minOne key to Happiness is a strong, bright aura. Before anyone ever sees you, they sense your aura. Make your presence a positive experience for others by amplifying your electromagnetic force field. Come and find out how. Resources at
Be the Light
22/07/2013 Duração: 01h05minin every spiritual tradition there is special favour given to those who uplift others. This type of consciousness is about being aware of the words you choose and the ideas that you think. Tune in for a powerful experience.
Strengthening Your Aura
15/07/2013 Duração: 59minImagine the space around you - nine feet in all directions. Fill this space with white light and let's begin
Moving Forward
25/06/2013 Duração: 54minYo have released the steam, gained back from perspective. Now let's move forward. This powerful Kriya will help you see everything in a greater perspective, to open your heart and act from a place of love and compassion. check out the meditation here:
Let the Liver Live!
17/06/2013 Duração: 01h02minWhen's the last time you thought about your liver? This organ helps process those greasy fries, sends blood clotting agents when you cut your finger and gets all riled up when you get pissed. This episode we spend some much needed time on the organ that processes anger - the liver.
Release Your Anger
03/06/2013 Duração: 01h07minYour immune system protects your health from bacteria, viruses and chemicals. Prolonged periods of unresolved anger wear out the auto immune response and can lead to dis-ease and low energy. The Kriya to Release Inner Anger is a safe release for the stresses of daily life. Check for more resources. If you like this episode leave a comment.