Welcome to the English Funcast Podcast. Our super fun podcast helps you learn English by learning how to understand jokes, and different word meanings in the English Language. This is a must listen to any English language learner. Join our forum today to discuss each podcast at
Episode 66 - How to shower like a man and a woman
14/01/2013 Duração: 10minToday Ron talks about what how men and women take a shower step by step.
Episode 65 - Blondes and buses, three dogs, and the lost husband
10/01/2013 Duração: 10minToday Ron talks about blondes riding a double decker bus. Three dogs and their misbehaviour, and a cat that always finds its way home.
Episode 64 - Shrink vs Bartender , magic mirror, and the moral of the story is...
07/01/2013 Duração: 11minToday Ron talks about how a bartenders advice is sometimes better than an expensive shrink. We also discuss a magic mirror, and what the moral of some childrens stories are.
Episode 63 - Birthday wish, two important qualities, and I don't like the looks of this
02/01/2013 Duração: 08minToday Ron talks about a wifes birthday wish. We learn two important qualities of a doctor, and why I don't like the looks of this.
Episode 62 - The New Years Special
31/12/2012 Duração: 09minToday Ron talks about his new years resolutions, tips for improving English for the New Years, and a few jokes about the end of the year.
Episode 61 - Christmas Special
26/12/2012 Duração: 09minToday Ron tells us a few xmas riddles, some santa jokes, and 15 ways to confuse santa on xmas.
Episode 60 - Some poetry, discount at the dentist, a dehydrated hydra, and I can't see my wife
13/12/2012 Duração: 09minToday Ron shares a beautiful poem with us. We discuss how to get discounts from a dentist. A hydra walks into a bar, and wife this an can't see his wife for a few days.
Episode 59 - Clothing sale, first class to athens, safest things to say to a woman
11/12/2012 Duração: 10minToday Ron talks about a clothing sale that is too good to be true. We learn how to speak blonde to a woman on a flight to Athens, and we learn how to speak to woman without getting into trouble.
Episode 58 - Return of evil Bob, wanted ad in paper, how was I born? and driving angry
10/12/2012 Duração: 06minIn today's episode evil Bob has escaped from the basement and has locked our usual host Ron in a cage in the basement. Bob talks about a wanted ad in the paper, how people are born, and why not to drive angry.
Episode 57 - Labor pain, porch or a porche, and spoiled milk
08/12/2012 Duração: 08minIn Today's episode Ron talks about a woman delivering a baby, the difference in pronounciating porch and porche, and why some milk is called spoiled milk.
Episode 56 - crap in the carburettor, scratching our balls, and snails for dinner
04/12/2012 Duração: 11minToday Ron talks about a blonde who has car trouble. A man who has no balls to scratch, and finding snails on the beach for a dinner party.
Episode 55 - Walking on water, a clean hangover, booze and worms
30/11/2012 Duração: 09minTodays our podcast returns with our own intro song. We talk about walking on water, an alcohol that gives you the cleanest alcohol ever along with a strange side effect, and a story about booze and worms.
Episode 54 - Smokes and condoms, a snoring soldier, and feeling like a woman
28/11/2012 Duração: 10minToday Ron talks about how two old woman smoke cigarettes in the rain. How to sleep in a room at night with a snoring soldier. We end off the podcast on what it feels like to be a women.
Episode 53 - The pig with the wooden leg, mini vs royce, and feeling like a woman.
27/11/2012 Duração: 12minToday Ron talks about how video games help you learn English. We share a story about a pig with a three medals and a wooden leg. A competition of luxury between a mini and a rolls royce. Finally we talk about what it is to really feel like a woman.
Episode 52 - Bill Clinton and his wife, be careful, and drafted by the army
22/11/2012 Duração: 12minToday Ron talks about a forty year old secret that Bill Clinton has kept from his wife. We also talk about why a husband tells his wife to be careful when cooking breakfast. We end todays episode with a story about a man who got drafted into the army.
Episode 51 - Bacon tree, overdraft, saving a bush, and the story of a period
21/11/2012 Duração: 10minToday Ron talks about a tree make of bacon. We also hear a wonderful story about saving bush, and an exciting story about a period.
Episode 50 - The law student, two cross nuns, a lying wife, and don't step on the ducks
19/11/2012 Duração: 11minToday is our 50th episode. We celebrate it with the best opening theme song of all time, and some really funny jokes.
Episode 49 - Your gonna die, game for old people, why dogs are better than woman, and my friend died
18/11/2012 Duração: 10minToday Ron speaks a woman with a terminal sickness. Top games for old people. Reasons why dogs are better than women, a friend who died by accident.
Episode 48 - It's good to be a bear, IRS issues, old is when, and being amish
13/11/2012 Duração: 11minWe got a lengthy episode for you guys today about being a bear, IRS issues, you know your old when, and being Amish. The show is also interrupted by a bell ringing at the end.
Episode 47 - Car accident, more fighting, and the story of three balloons
02/11/2012 Duração: 07minToday Ron talks about the meaning of a T-bone. More stories about things not to say in order to not start a fight. We also discuss the story of a family of three balloons.