Kate's Take

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 128:33:26
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Kate's Take: where Kate Erickson of Entrepreneurs On Fire shares a behind-the-scenes look at how to run a 7-figure business. Looking for step-by-step, in-depth and actionable lessons that will help you start creating, growing and monetizing your business? Then you're in the right place! Ditch overwhelm and start taking action today.


  • 216: Even if it's not final

    22/04/2019 Duração: 09min

    How many times have you held yourself back from taking the next step in a project because you feel like you can't move forward until you've finished - blank? Sometimes, making a decision - even if it's not final - in order to help yourself take that next step is critical to your success. EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 215: Knowing What You Don't Want

    15/04/2019 Duração: 12min

    Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels - like you're wasting time and making NO progress when it comes to projects and tasks in your business? Yeah, I know that feeling. In fact, I learned a pretty huge lesson as it relates to this just over the weekend. While my experience wasn't business related, I see all the parallels so easily - figuring out what we do want and making confident decisions that will help us get there is so much easier once we know what we DON'T want. EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 214: You're Just One Decision Away

    04/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    Ever feel like you're stuck and working way too much 'in' your business instead of 'on' it? Stop letting small decisions in your business block you from making bigger ones that can make all the difference. We'll explore how in this episode.

  • 213: Why Decision Making is so Tough

    11/02/2019 Duração: 14min

    Why is it so tough to make decisions? In this episode I dive into the 4 reasons I believe decision making is so tough - plus share some tips and hacks I'm using to crush the fear and doubt that surrounds making big decisions. I'd love to hear your feedback on decision making! Are these episodes adding value to your life? Let me know: [email protected] EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 212: There are no right or wrong answers when it comes to decision making

    04/02/2019 Duração: 11min

    Decision making: that pesky little thing we're forced to practice over and over, and yet, it never seems to become any easier. A belief that makes decision making just a little bit easier for me: I believe there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to decision making. This episode is dedicated to helping empower you to make decisions, knowing that every decision is helping you uncover the path you’re meant to be on. Post that accompanies this episode: EOFire.com/episode212 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 211: Life and Business Lessons from a new Lens

    11/01/2019 Duração: 16min

    Traveling Europe for 60 days, taking a step back from my routine, and experiencing so many new places and cultures opened my eyes in a BIG way. In this episode I'm sharing 5 of my biggest lessons learned from our 60 days in Europe! Post that accompanies this episode: EOFire.com/episode211 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 210: An update on the Kate's Take podcast

    29/10/2018 Duração: 10min

    Well Kate's Take listeners, this is it - at least as far as 2018 goes :) In this episode I announce that the Kate's Take podcast will be shutting down for the remainder of 2018. Tune in to hear how I came to this decision and why I believe taking a step back and looking at how you're spending your time is so critical to your success. I look forward to catching back up with you in 2019, and until then, enjoy the hundreds of episodes I've created for you right here on Kate's Take! Questions? Never hesitate to reach out to me :) I'm here for you! [email protected] EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 209: A Morning Routine: How to set your day up for success

    22/10/2018 Duração: 14min

    After John posted his morning routine, I started receiving a lot of requests and questions from people about my own morning routine. While we're both working on the same business, and we both have a lot of the same interests and goals day in and day out, John and I actually have a very different morning routine. One thing that is always consistent: the morning routine each of us follows is what helps us set every day up for success. Tune in to this episode to get a breakdown of my morning routine, plus how you can implement a morning routine to help set your day up for success! Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode209 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 208: Behind the scenes of our homepage redesign

    15/10/2018 Duração: 17min

    When I created my first website I was concerned with one thing: how it looked. While branding and visuals are SUPER important, they aren't the only things to be considered. Your website should be a combination of branding (and a great design to back that up), user experience, and results. In this episode I share a behind-the-scenes look at our most recent homepage redesign: why we did it, and how we got there. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode108 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 207: 7 Ways to build your online presence now

    08/10/2018 Duração: 16min

    If you've just started your business or are fairly new to the entrepreneurial world, then building your online presence can be time consuming and, at times, frustrating. But it's also very important. In this episode I cover 7 ways you can get started with growing your online presence today. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode207 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 206: How implementing a daily roundup helped with accomplishing my goals

    01/10/2018 Duração: 17min

    There are just 3 steps to implementing a daily roundup that can help you accomplish your goals and hold yourself accountable. In this episode I give specific examples of how to set your goals - and micro-goals - for your roundup, and how to stick to it daily in order to make progress towards accomplishing your BIG goals. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode206 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 205: Trip pre: The push (Part IV)

    24/09/2018 Duração: 10min

    Trip prep is not a simple or a quick thing, especially when you consider all of the unknown variables surrounding travel. Let's just say taking off for weeks or months at a time isn't easy - especially if you're responsible for running your own business simultaneously. That's why when John and I started planning for our 60-day Europe trip happening Fall 2018, I set aside specific and dedicated time for our trip prep. I'm excited to be sharing my process with you here through a four part series on Trip Prep. Tune in to this episode to hear all about the fourth step: The push. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode205 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 204: Trip pre: Putting a Plan in Place with Systems (Part III)

    17/09/2018 Duração: 12min

    Trip prep is not a simple or a quick thing, especially when you consider all of the unknown variables surrounding travel. Let's just say taking off for weeks or months at a time isn't easy - especially if you're responsible for running your own business simultaneously. That's why when John and I started planning for our 60-day Europe trip happening Fall 2018, I set aside specific and dedicated time for our trip prep. I'm excited to be sharing my process with you here through a four part series on Trip Prep. Tune in to this episode to hear all about the third step: Putting a plan in place with systems. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode204 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 203: Trip prep: Getting your work in order (Part II)

    10/09/2018 Duração: 12min

    Trip prep is not a simple or a quick thing, especially when you consider all of the unknown variables surrounding travel. Let's just say taking off for weeks or months at a time isn't easy - especially if you're responsible for running your own business simultaneously. That's why when John and I started planning for our 60-day Europe trip happening Fall 2018, I set aside specific and dedicated time for our trip prep. I'm excited to be sharing my process with you here through a four part series on Trip Prep. Tune in to this episode to hear all about the second step: Getting your work in order. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode203 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 202: Trip prep: Getting your travel in order (Part I)

    03/09/2018 Duração: 23min

    Trip prep is not a simple or a quick thing, especially when you consider all of the unknown variables surrounding travel. Let's just say taking off for weeks or months at a time isn't easy - especially if you're responsible for running your own business simultaneously. That's why when John and I started planning for our 60-day Europe trip happening Fall 2018, I set aside specific and dedicated time for our trip prep. I'm excited to be sharing my process with you here through a four part series on Trip Prep. Tune in to this episode to hear all about the first step: Getting your travel in order. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode202 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 201: Biggest Podcasting Lessons From Podcast Movement 2018

    27/08/2018 Duração: 22min

    Podcast Movement is one of our favorite events of the year! Tune in to hear our biggest podcasting lessons from their 2018 event in Philly! Post that accompanies this episode: EOFire.com/episode201 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 200: How to Build a 7 Figure Business: Behind the Scenes of Entrepreneurs On Fire

    20/08/2018 Duração: 23min

    A question we get asked a lot is around how to build a 7 figure business. When John launched  Entrepreneurs On Fire, he was starting from scratch. No online presence, no connections, and no experience. During his first year, John netted just over $25,000. But by 2014, the tides had changed - drastically. That year Entrepreneurs On Fire generated nearly 3 million dollars. In this episode my goal is to break it down and share exactly how we did it - and, how we continue to do it. Tune in to hear the 5 steps to creating a 7 figure business. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode200 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 199: Systems Setup Phase III: How to Implement Your Systems

    13/08/2018 Duração: 11min

    A systems setup is a process I developed in order to help any entrepreneur - no matter what stage of your business you're in - identify repetitive tasks and setup systems in order to help you save time, work most efficiently, and have peace of mind that your business is working for you. Join me in this episode as I review Phase III of a system setup: How to Implement Your Systems Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode199 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • BONUS: July's 2018 Income Report

    10/08/2018 Duração: 01h00s

    By documenting the struggles we encounter and the successes we celebrate as entrepreneurs every single month, we’re able to provide you with support – and a single resource – where we share what’s working, what’s not, and what’s possible. Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/income59 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

  • 198: Systems Setup Phase II: How to Write Out the Steps for Your Systems

    06/08/2018 Duração: 10min

    A systems setup is a process I developed in order to help any entrepreneur - no matter what stage of your business you're in - identify repetitive tasks and setup systems in order to help you save time, work most efficiently, and have peace of mind that your business is working for you. Join me in this episode as I review Phase II of a system setup: How to Write Out the Steps for Your Systems Post that accompanies this episode: https://www.eofire.com/episode198 EOFire.com/blog: Check out all the posts at Entrepreneurs On Fire! The Freedom Journal: Set & Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days! The Mastery Journal: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus in 100 days! The Podcast Journal: Idea to Launch in 50 Days! Leave a rating & review for Kate's Take!

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