Kate's Take: where Kate Erickson of Entrepreneurs On Fire shares a behind-the-scenes look at how to run a 7-figure business. Looking for step-by-step, in-depth and actionable lessons that will help you start creating, growing and monetizing your business? Then you're in the right place! Ditch overwhelm and start taking action today.
152: How to leverage feedback from your audience (even if you don't feel like you receive feedback from your audience)
18/07/2016 Duração: 12minThere are 2 steps to leveraging feedback from your audience. 1. get your content in front of your audience. 2. start a conversation. Chances are you do receive feedback from you audience - you may just not see it as feedback. In this post and episode I dive into how to spot feedback, and also how to leverage that feedback. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
Bonus: Podcast Movement 2016 in review
15/07/2016 Duração: 24minIf you attended Podcast Movement 2016 in Chicago, then you don't need me to share with you that it was the BEST Podcast Movement yet. But regardless of whether you attended or not, I created this post and episode to share a recap, along with some of the biggest takeaways we had from attending Podcast Movement 2016, and how these insights can help you in your business - regardless of whether or not you have a podcast. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
151: What's the deal with prioritizing and balancing work and life?
12/07/2016 Duração: 20minConclusion: it's doesn't always work out the way you expected - even if you plan your butt off. Prioritizing is super important. Without your ONE focus, it's going to be super tough to make any progress towards your goals. Balancing work and life is a constant; there will never be a time when you're completely balanced and just get to turn it on auto-pilot. My #1 piece of advice? Always give whatever you're doing right now 100% of your focus. It'll make your time at work and your time with your family so much more enjoyable, productive, and meaningful. Tune in as I share a very unconventional recap of how I'm attempting to handle prioritizing, work and life. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
150: Could it actually be possible to get out of this rut in just 100 days?
01/07/2016 Duração: 12minThe answer is YES. But you don't have to take my word for it. Instead, let me share Elizabeth Granados' story with you - a story that literally starts with Elizabeth breaking down in front of her husband - feeling as though she had hit rock bottom. Join me on Elizabeth's Freedom Journey towards accomplishing her num. 1 goal in 100 days. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
149: What 'no self-promotion' means (Facebook Group Guidelines)
06/06/2016 Duração: 16minWhen you're looking to create a platform where your community can come together, support one another and provide feedback to one another, a Facebook group is an amazing option. But creating the actual group is half the battle. Actually managing it, creating guidelines, making sure your members are engaged - this is not easy to do. In this episode I talk specifically about the 'no self-promotion' guideline that we have in every one of our Private Facebook group communities, including how to enforce it, and what to do when people don't understand what no self-promotion means. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E10: A finale on creating systems
09/05/2016 Duração: 18minThe Season 2 Finale is here! In this episode I recap everything that's gone down here in Season 2 on Kate's Take. Looking to create systems in your business that will help you create freedom in your life? This is your guide to creating systems that will help you save time, be more productive, and work most efficiently. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E9: Top tools & resources for systems in your business
05/05/2016 Duração: 18minIn this episode I review and provide a description of the top tools and resources we use every day here at EOFire to create, run and document our systems. Tune in to hear about time saving tools and resources, along with tools and resources that can help you automate, delegate and batch your systems! Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E8: 5 Systems every business should have
02/05/2016 Duração: 22minThere are bigger, overarching systems every business should have in order to build a strong foundation and operate most efficiently. In fact, most of the smaller, more specific systems you create will sit under the umbrella of these bigger systems, so the bigger systems are a great place to start if you're creating systems for the first time. In this episode I share the steps for each of the top 5 systems every business should have. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E7: Checkpoints: When and how to review your systems
28/04/2016 Duração: 20minIn this episode I walk through exactly how to schedule checkpoints for your systems and how to conduct an actual review of your system when the time comes. I also have a special bonus video of me finding a step in a process that could be handled more efficiently and how I went about updating just that single step of the process. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
Season 2 Bonus: A system for marketing and promotion
25/04/2016 Duração: 33minIn this bonus episode I lay out a system for something much bigger than an individual task or project; I lay out a system for marketing and promotion. I cover the 5 steps you can follow every time you come up against a launch, or even a new product, service or offering you want to market and promote to you audience. Follow these 5 steps and you'll have a plan you can refer to in order to implement a marketing and promotion plan for your next product, service or offering. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E6: Documenting your systems
21/04/2016 Duração: 31minWe've chosen a single recurring task or project to focus on, and we've written out the steps and given each of those steps an efficiency category. Now, it's time to actually document how our system is going to work. In this episode I walk through a detailed example of what it looks like to document a system. I also talk about some great tools that can help you document your systems and that we use here at EOFire! Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E5: How to identify efficiencies within each of your systems: Automate, Delegate, Batch
18/04/2016 Duração: 20minIn Episode 5 we get to identify efficiencies. Get ready to save time by assigning each of the steps in your soon-to-be-system one of the following: automate, delegate or batch. This is where we really get to start saving ourselves time and frustration by figuring out how we can be more efficient with each step we take when we do a task or project that is recurring. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E4: Breaking down each individual system: Write out the steps
14/04/2016 Duração: 09minIn Episode 4 we'll walk through how to break down each individual step you take every time you do the ONE task or project you're creating a system around. Once we have a list of the individual steps we take every time we perform a task, we'll be able to start identifying the efficiencies that will save us time and create freedom in our lives. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E3: How to prioritize the systems you've identified for your business
11/04/2016 Duração: 12minIn Episode 3 we're going to walk through how to prioritize the systems you've identified for your business. Until we choose a place to start, overwhelm will prevent us from taking our next step forward. It's time to choose just ONE task or project to create a system around, and today, I share how. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E2: How to identify what systems you should have in your business
07/04/2016 Duração: 10minThe very first step for creating systems in your business that will create freedom in your life. In Episode 2 we're going to talk about how to identify the systems you should create in your business by way of a super simple 3-step exercise. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
S2E1: Why creating systems in your business is so important
04/04/2016 Duração: 06minDon't let that ceiling cap your business growth. In Episode 1 we're going to talk about the many reasons why creating systems in your business is so important. Systems allow you to scale your time, generate more revenue, and create freedom in your life. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
Intro to Season 2 on Creating Systems
04/04/2016 Duração: 05minWelcome to Season 2 on Kate's Take! Season 2 will be dedicated to walking through every step you need o take in order to create systems in your business that will create freedom in your life. Tune in to this season as I share the 3 steps to creating systems, along with how to document, check up on, and maintain the systems every business should have. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
148: How to CRUSH Kickstarter
30/03/2016 Duração: 04minWhat goes into creating a physical product and successfully launching that product via a Kickstarter campaign? A LOT. In this episode I introduce the post I create that is a complete wrap up of everything we did from step 1 - John coming up with the idea for The Freedom Journal - to step done - completing our 33 day launch on Kickstarter, which resulted in over $453k raised from over 7,000 backers and being named the 6th most funded publishing campaign of all time. How'd we do it? Tune in and check out the post that accompanies this episode at to find out. We share all!
147: What do you do when things go wrong?
21/03/2016 Duração: 17minToday's episode is dedicated to Karyn in Australia! Karyn, thank you so much for calling in and leaving me this voice message. I love your question regarding how to mentally handle criticism and obstacles so they don't end up making you feel flat and taking you out of your flow. Listen in for examples of criticism and obstacles I faced personally, and how I've handled each of those situations. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kate's Take! Set and Accomplish your #1 goal in 100 days with The Freedom Journal!
146: Have you ever felt this way?
07/03/2016 Duração: 11minI've struggled with this for pretty much my entire life. It has caused me to make decisions that I knew in my heart weren't right, and in recent years it has proven to me that I'm the only person in the entire world who is responsible for my current situation AND my future. I'll call it a realization - one that has literally changed my life. Because now that I know it, I can no longer make excuses or dodge the fact that how I'm feeling, where I am, and what I'm doing is up to me - and me alone - to determine. This is my story, and it has helped me realize the major limiting beliefs that have held me back, and it's also helped me discover the pivotal moments in my life that have had a huge impact on helping me get to where I am today. You have a story, too, and in this episode, I encourage you to tell that story so you can discover the things that might be holding you back. Post that accompanies this episode: Buy The Fire Path book on Amazon! Leave a Rating & Review for Kat