48 Days to the Work You Love
Are you paying for “education” or a piece of paper?
15/11/2019 Duração: 52minIn today's rapidly changing work environment, we have to be very clear on what really is required to get a job or start a business. Never borrow more than your anticipated income for one year for any academic degree. And be confident that a valuable "education" comes in many forms. Questions: 1. My daughter wants to go to Vanderbilt. Should I encourage her? 2. How do I get around the growing popularity of AI interviews? 3. Should I go into the military or start my own business? 4. I would like to know some of your strategies to keeping focus and persevering when life gets rough or you are feeling overwhelmed/discouraged? 5. How do you stick to a goal when you keep getting defeated when trying to accomplish this goal? 6. How do you come up with longtime goals when you are not sure what you are currently doing is the right fit for you? 7. I find myself in a position where sometimes I think I outgrow friends in aspirations. These are perfectly good people and we get along just fine, so is it ok to let go
God has a plan for you ... Really?
08/11/2019 Duração: 39minThese platitudes about God’s will can sometimes leave us sitting on the side of the road feeling lost. God is not going to tell you to buy a Ford vs a Chevy. You’re gonna have to do the research to make an intelligent decision. Being in God’s will is like being on a cruise ship - you need to be on the ship but you get to choose your cabin. I've got specific instructions for this listener to take action. Questions: 1. Unemployment is at an all time why can't I find a job? 2. Feeling like a piece of trash at 53. I know I have a lot to offer, but nobody wants it apparently. 3. I know all the catch phrases: it takes longer than you expect, God's got a plan, stay positive. 4.Do you believe in all those personality tests companies give you before they continue with your interview? 5. How can I personalize a $10 product for each customer? Get direct links to the resources mentioned in this podcast, including the sign up for Dan’s free masterclass, “How to turn 15 hours/week into $4,800/month in your
I’m not an early bird. Can I still get a worm?
01/11/2019 Duração: 39minI say trust your natural rhythm. Don't force yourself to be a morning person if you're not. I know - we keep hearing about that early bird - but then all he got is a worm. I know plenty of highly creative and productive people who don't get started till noon. Questions this week: 1. What jobs or business opportunities are there for me where I can make people feel good about themselves? 2. I know getting up early (say about 5a) is extremely important to being most productive throughout each day. My problem: I'm a night owl. 3. I'm a reading and writing instructor teaching online. Is there any way to turn this into a business. 4. I have been dealing with PTSD and the current line of work has gotten the best of me. A recap of our discussion: • Hug more • Clarify how you can make people happy and find work that allows you to do that. • Trust your natural rhythm for sleep - don’t force yourself to be something that you’re not. • Be a specialist, not a generalist • Choose growth when the possibility of a
Am I selling out if I give up and get help?
25/10/2019 Duração: 39minYou’re slamming the door on any hope of success if you DO NOT reach out for help. I really can’t imagine any business where any one person could do it all alone. If you’re an artist - chances are strong you need someone to help sell your work. If you’re a writer - you’re going to need an editor and a publisher - otherwise you’re going to have a book that sells 100 copies. Questions: 1. Am I selling out if I give up and get help? 2. I’m hesitant to charge $120 a session for my coaching 3. How did that pastor move to a trainer position? 4. I’ve heard you talk about a “business chaplain.” Is that a real thing? 5. I’m a veterinarian. How can I jump out of this boat that’s making me miserable? Get direct links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, including, “When is it too late to find work you love” and the links to training companies that use facilitators in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
My parents don’t support my dreams!
18/10/2019 Duração: 52minThis was a listener's question - should I give up my dreams to please my parents. When I put this phrase in a Google search it gave me 48,800,000 results. Apparently that's a challenge for quite a few people. You can love your parents but don't let them bury your dreams. Everyone will end up resentful. Go ahead and surprise them by being successful! Questions: 1. Why didn’t my school encourage me to follow my passion? 2. I’ve been unemployed since May - should I start my own business? 3. I am 40+ trying to make a career switch from admin assistant to teaching. 4. What do you do when your parents don’t support your dreams? 5. Why shouldn’t my son get a degree in game design? Get direct links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, including the 2020 Goal Setting Workbook in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Giving up isn’t the same as moving on!
11/10/2019 Duração: 49minI test lots of things for one year. If at that time is not the success I had planned for, I typically stop spending time and money there and move on to the next opportunity. But that's much different than giving up. All of life's experiences are preparing us for things to come. If we give up, it implies we stop and just wallow in our misery and disappointment. I give more examples of what this looks like in this episode. Questions this week: 1. Any advice for a 28 year old looking to really find a long-term reliable position 2. How can I meet my favorite author? 3. How do you know when it’s time to cut your losses and close a business? 4. How do you find the balance between being content and not greedy? To get direct links to the resources mentioned in this podcast, including Acres of Diamonds, go to the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I love my job - it’s my career that I hate!
04/10/2019 Duração: 51minThis listener unpacks his own question. He has a side business that's very profitable and now he's bored at his regular job. No surprise there! Once you realize you can be the captain of your own ship, it's hard to be a shipmate on someone else's. Check out my advice. Questions this week: 1. My total commitment to the corporate world, to the office environment, to high heels and to Microsoft Excel has run its course. 2. I'm wondering what is your secret to staying optimistic and continuing to have a positive outlook. 3. I lost money on an investment………how can I keep from being angry. 4. I have written a book, but have been advised to focus on graduate school right now, instead of publishing now… Get direct links to the resources mentioned on the podcast, including the brand new 2020 Goal Setting Workbook in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Can you be rich and still have a peaceful mindset?
27/09/2019 Duração: 46minI share the story of an actor who is giving away his $714 million nest egg. He says he just wants a normal life and peace of mind? Would you still have peace of mind if you had millions to your name? If you aren't confident you could, then you may be sabotaging your ability to increase your wealth. PLUS we talk about how you can leverage your unique knowledge by creating a course, writing an ebook or developing a membership site. Questions this week: Do you have any suggestions on what I could do 348 days in advance of a move to another state? I'm creating a course. How long should an online course be? How can I leverage my knowledge about security into online and offline income? What was the course you took on how to build a membership group? Get direct links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, including the Venn diagram in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Don't chase the snake of revenge
20/09/2019 Duração: 41minIf you feel like someone has done you wrong - listen in. How often I see people chasing the snake in their own lives. The company folds or you just simply get laid off. The immediate reaction may include anger, resentment, bitterness, and backstabbing. These lead to discouragement, frustration, guilt and depression. Be aware that all of these reactions and feelings focus on the past. Turning around and looking to the future opens up confidence, boldness, and enthusiasm. Questions: 1. What does one do, when they finally realize, after 33 years in the wrong profession and now 55 years old, that they should have chosen a totally different profession? 2. My son is 16 and will be going off to college in a couple of years. His career aspiration is to own businesses. Do you think it is too early to get him some coaching/mentoring in this arena? 3. Hey there Dan, My friend and I are working through the 48 days book and we both are suffering from somewhat profound depression issues. We are currently working on tho
I don’t want to lose what I have, but I also don’t want to lose who I am
13/09/2019 Duração: 48minA listener wants to know if it's possible to blend purpose and passion with making money. Not only is it possible - it's essential. Without purpose and passion you will burn out. Making money alone is not enough compensation for investing your time and energy. Questions: 1. Is it possible to make money and stay true to your purpose? 2. They saw promise where I perceived uncertainty. They saw opportunity where I perceived deception. 3. I just need to let you know that I've used LinkedIn about 90% of the time in my career and it has been very efficient and effective. 4. I still don't get it, though. "what I love to do and do best" is writing software. That's not unique at all. 5. I’m in a rock band. How can we be more confident in our pricing and our worth? Get direct links to the resources in the podcast, including a digital copy of Acres of Diamonds in the show notes at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Frustrated college graduate?
06/09/2019 Duração: 52minCollege Graduates will be homeless slaves with massive debt...the story continues Two years ago I wrote this piece that continues to get input. In this week's episode I share current questions from college graduates who feel trapped by virtue of their college degrees. But no one is trapped. We all have so many options to take our personal talents and move into our dream position. I’m not dissing getting a college degree. I have more degrees than anyone needs, but not with the idea that it was going to get me a particular job. I have those degrees for the sole purpose of learning and engaging with others. Questions: I'm on day 25 of the 48-day plan, I sent introductions via Linked In, but now that I’m getting ready to send my resume and cover letter to these contacts, I’m realizing I can’t send them through Linked In and their e-mail addresses aren’t available. What do you recommend as my next step? I’ve got a degree in teaching but don’t want to be a teacher I am a 45-year old attorney (married with four chi
I just want to give up on my stupid dreams!
30/08/2019 Duração: 51minThey say ignorance is bliss. And sometimes I hear from people who wish they had never had their eyes opened to bigger possibilities. Do you think it's time to give up on your dreams? Or do they keep pulling you to new adventures and new levels of success? Check out this week's quotation - yes, I think your dreams are "the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." Questions this week: 1. What do you do when circumstances, family situations, etc. keep you from the things you would really like to do? 2. This past week has left me feeling hopeless and I'm tired of waking up every morning in my house with my parents. I'm also losing my motivation and just want to settle and give up on my stupid dreams 3. How do I do a job search if the position has already been posted? 4. “You just have to figure out what unique value you have to offer" - how do I do that? I just don't understand. Get direct links to the resources Dan mentions in the podcast, including the dream resources and the Kickstart Guide To Starting Your
Should you follow your dreams and risk failing or protect yourself by not trying?
23/08/2019 Duração: 31minShould you follow your dreams and risk failing or protect yourself by not trying? Many people protect themselves from any possible failure, and thus end up living their lives too small. Failure is not the end - it's simply a valuable learning experience. Listen in to the Top Five Regrets of the Dying to avoid the mistakes people in their last 12 weeks of life said they had made. Questions this week: 1. Are you following your dreams or living out other peoples expectations? 2. Are you working too hard? 3. Are you afraid to step back in order to surge forward? Get direct links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, including the 5 Books Dan Recommends To Help You Improve Your Mindset and Act On Your Dreams, in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is your life like a crappy movie?
16/08/2019 Duração: 45minWhat if viewers were watching a movie of your life so far. Would they be glued to their seats because of the excitement and scenes of victory? Or would they walk out in boredom? Here's a process for directing a movie that would be captivating - and inspiring. Questions this week: 1. Is your life so far interesting enough that anyone would want to watch it? 2. If not, what could you do to make it more interesting? Get the resources mentioned in this podcast,including the 7 step process for directing the movie of your life AND Dan’s list of 5 books to help you improve your mindset and act on your dreams, in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Is this good news or bad news?
09/08/2019 Duração: 53minWe are quick to assume an unexpected change is "bad news." But is it really? Maybe it's an expected opportunity to move into a higher level of success. Listen to the story - is losing your horse good news or bad news? You might be surprised. Questions this week: 1. I have struggled for years trying to figure out what to do as my vocation. Looking for that thing that is calling out to me but still struggle to understand 2. I’m 45 yrs old and was let go this past Wednesday. So I’m bewildered but I’m also in a bad situation. 3. I think if I had my son read your book he would feel overwhelmed or not confident or skilled in any way. How do I best encourage him to launch him in life? 4. What are good ways to get on a podcast? Get the resources mentioned in the podcast, including direct links to top booking agents for being a podcast guest in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What if I don’t want a Mercedes?
02/08/2019 Duração: 53minIs the goal to always want more? If I'm content with what I have does it mean I have an "upper limit challenge?" No - success is defined by much more than how big our house is or what kind of car we choose to drive. Questions: 1. I hate this job 2. I am currently without a job. I was fired June 25 from a job I thrived at. 3. We had so much business we had to hire people - but there went the profit. 4. Everyone seems to talk about building a list but no one really speaks to what you do if you have no list. 5. As a single dad with 20k in debt I don't know how to get my idea to the market place. 6. What if I don’t want a Mercedes - is that an “upper limit challenge” or truly something I don’t care about? Get direct links to the resources Dan mentions on the podcast, including Who Are You and Why Are You Here, an 11-page workbook at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Does God care if I’m a doctor or an author?
26/07/2019 Duração: 48minWhat do you think? Is "God's will" so specific that it matters if I buy a Ford or a Chevy? I think God's will provides a compass, not a detailed map. Listen to Jim's heartfelt question and explore these questions with me: 1. Is God’s will specific for every situation? 2. I’m 65, broke and on the verge of losing my home. 3. I am scared to make any moves that will disrupt my family, so I drift to work daily. 4. I feel guilty wanting to leave a job that pays $150,000 with great benefits and few demands. 5. How do I get money? I can’t just wish it to happen. Get direct links to the resources Dan recommends, including the audio download, “Is Your Job Your Calling,” in the podcast show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
You can't handle the truth!
19/07/2019 Duração: 36minHow To Work Through An Upper Limit Challenge Remember the movie A Few Good Men? Jack Nicholson screamed “you can’t handle the truth" at Tom Cruise. Well, this is another time when you may not be able to handle the truth. We dig into The Upper Limit Challenge in this episode. You may discover the obstacles that are holding you back are right between your ears. Plus: 6 steps to work through your upper limit challenge Click directly to the resources mentioned in this podcast in the Show Notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I feel like I have to sacrifice my dream or be broke and starving!
12/07/2019 Duração: 52minHundreds of you responded to our one question survey: "Where are you stuck?” Dan Miller shares some of those responses and then offers specific solutions to creating the Right Mindset, finding the Right Idea, and connecting with the Right Community. Click directly to the resources, including the free quiz to find where you are on the flightpath to starting and growing your business in the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Do you really have to go to work?
05/07/2019 Duração: 51minWhen we say "I have to" our brains rebel - they naturally resist. Say "I get to" or "I want to" and see what happens. What statements can you reframe this week? Questions: 1. What happens to your brain when you say "I have to"? 2. As an introvert, how can I improve my networking skills? 3. What would you pay for lunch with someone to get their advice? 4. If I'm starting a business should I burn the boats so I have no other option? Click directly to the resources Dan mentions, including the 15 hour per week formula and the quiz for entrepreneurs by going directly to this week's show notes at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit