Learn practical tips and tricks for your job hunt. Hosted by Justin Dux. Hear from resume writers, career experts, recruiters and HR experts. If you listen to this podcast you will become a better job seeker. Guaranteed! Topics include resume writing, interviewing, job searching, job sites, hidden job market, personal branding and other career advice.
Big Careers in the Big City
01/06/2010 Duração: 15minAuthor Vicki Salemi talks about finding work & living in NY City.
Job search library talk
10/05/2010 Duração: 47minChris delivers a job search talk to a few dozen participants at a local library.
Over 45 Job Search Advice
26/04/2010 Duração: 26minGuest Podcast: Peter Clayton interviews coach Rita Ashley on How to Overcome the Grey Ceiling in Your Job Search if you are over 45.
Tips from an HR Manager
12/04/2010 Duração: 02minA quick lesson from a true HR manager reveals her tips and tactics for job hunting...and what she looks for from a candidate.
The Twitter Job Search Guide
28/03/2010 Duração: 20minInterview with Co-authors Deb Dib, Chandlee Bryan, Susan Whitcomb
How I got a renewable energy job
15/03/2010 Duração: 18minListen as Chris Williams discusses how he went out and got himself his dream green job.
10/03/2010 Duração: 02minHear the details of this new green job search engine.
Trends in Resume Writing
14/02/2010 Duração: 27minWendy Enelow is one of the top leaders in the careers industry. She's authored 20+ resume, cover letter and job search books; runs a careers think-tank disseminating best practices and trends in resumes, career coaching, and everything careers. Today, she and I are going to discuss trends - trends in resume and cover letter writing.
How to Cold Call Employers
01/02/2010 Duração: 14minDebra Feldman, the Job Whiz discusses the effects and strategies of cold calling to find your next job.
7 job search strategies from Chandlee Bryan
16/01/2010 Duração: 26minAuthor and coach Chandlee Bryan discusses one of her recent blog posts with 7 ideas for finding a job.
Lets Talk Green Jobs
03/01/2010 Duração: 20minMark Gragg from GreenManAlliance stops by to talk about the green job market.
Linkedin tips for the Unemployed
19/12/2009 Duração: 06minVarious experts sound off on how to use Linkedin if unemployed.
Keywords and Resumes
06/12/2009 Duração: 49minCareer expert Jennifer Scott discusses adding keywords to resumes and other secrets of recruiters.
Recruiter-Blogger Career Advice
28/11/2009 Duração: 08minFrom My 2006 archives here's a quick interview with recruiter/blogger Tiffany Bridge with some good career advice for seekers.
Case Studies in Guerilla Job Hunting
14/11/2009 Duração: 23minThe authors of "Guerrilla Marketing for Job-Hunters 2.0" Kevin Donlin and David Perry are back with 3 case studies in guerrilla job hunting.
Going from Military-to-Civilian
07/11/2009 Duração: 14minJanet Farley, Author of Military-to-Civilian Career Transition Guide
Jobs with the Most Growth
02/11/2009 Duração: 05minA look at the top 10 jobs with best growth prospects for the next decade.
Sideways Career Moves
25/10/2009 Duração: 14minGiven the slim pickins for a move UP –I've become expert in how to repackage and repurpose skills to move sideways. Pat Palleschi, is a Ph.D. and founding partner at the Executive Agency a coaching a placement firm in Los Angeles.
Changing careers for the 55 and older crowd
18/10/2009 Duração: 12minAccording to Betsy Richards, Director of Career Development at Kaplan University, the 55+ crowd has a lot to offer in terms of competency and experience, and we’re likely to see more of them in the workforce in the years ahead.
Do creative job search tactics really work?
05/10/2009 Duração: 08minCreative job search tactics get a lot of press. Do they work? Some do, some don't. Find out more by listening.