An ongoing series of Executive Coaching Tips designed to help you be perceived in the workplace the way you want to be perceived.
Coaching Under Attack
06/02/2020 Duração: 19minThis month’s coaching conversation isn’t so much a conversation as a fencing match. A newly installed president grills Tom about the coaching he’s been delivering at her company for years. There are two different strands you might follow from this episode. One is about coaching. You might listen to these episodes: Coaching Your People Coaching Versus Therapy Readiness in Coaching Another strand you might follow is about self-management. Episodes on that strand would be: Creating New Behaviors How Behaviors Change High Stakes Meetings You could also search the archive using the filters: Developing New Behaviors Personal Growth & Self-Development Self-Talk The archive is at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: From all of us, thanks! See you next month!
Thinking Errors
09/01/2020 Duração: 21minThis month’s coaching conversation examines phrases we use that lead us into self-deception. Tom and his client explore why thinking errors so often remain invisible and, once revealed, what other words might be possible substitutions.SHOW NOTES: Tom mentions two books in this episode: “How To Raise Your Self-Esteem” by Nathaniel Branden “The Four Agreement” by Don Miguel Ruiz Tips & EpisodesDon’t Take Anything Personally Self-Awareness & Self-ManagementSelf-Limiting BeliefsSmoothing Harsh Edges Three Words You Should Never Say This Tip is in five categories in the archive:For Women,Managing Yourself, Perception - How You Perceive Yourself,Personal Growth & Self-Development,Self-Talk The archive is at: the HTML transcript: in touch with Tom at
Don’t Take Anything Personally
05/12/2019 Duração: 18minThis month’s coaching conversation wrestles with the eternal struggle to depersonalize the events in our lives that feel so personal. Is it even possible to actualize the adage, “Don’t take it personally?”Tom mentions two books that can help you manage yourself so you don’t take things personally: The Four Agreements Six Pillars of Self-Esteem In the archive, this Tip is in five categories: Managing Yourself Perception – How You Perceive Yourself Perception – How You Perceive OthersPersonal Growth & Self-DevelopmentSelf-TalkFive related Coaching Tips you can listen to areActing on the Corporate StageAnimating Your PersonaDon’t Take It PersonallySelf-Limiting BeliefsTaming the Wild ChildLots to browse through! The archive is at: the HTML transcript: in touch with Tom: everyone at “The Look & Sound of Leadership,” thanks!See you next month!
14/11/2019 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation explores how hard it can be to say ‘no’ sometimes. Together, Tom and his client come up with four strategies for setting better boundaries.This month’s coaching conversation explores how hard it can be to say ‘no’ sometimes. Together, Tom and his client come up with four strategies for setting better boundaries. Tom mentions three books that will help you speak up and set boundaries: Crucial Conversations The Four Agreements Leadership and Self-Deception If you want to receive a zip file with Executive Coaching Tips related to assertiveness, reach out to Tom at: [email protected] This Tip is in four categories in the archive: Developing New Behaviors Personal Growth & Self-Development Self-Talk For Women Lots to browse
Agreeable Disagreement
10/10/2019 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation follows an executive’s journey from a bulldozer, rolling over people and their ideas, to a thoughtful seeker of ways to get his ideas heard while also building positive relationships. Related episodes are: Assertion versus Aggression Be Impeccable With Your Word Disagree Agreeably – yes, that was an episode long ago! Don’t Take It Personally The Conflict Conversation Sorting & Labeling This Tip is in four categories in the archive: Communication Skills Executive Presence For Women Relationship Building The archive is at: Get the HTML transcript: Be in touch with Tom at: From all of us, thanks! See you next month!
Video Feedback & Executive Presence
05/09/2019 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation centers on learning how to watch yourself on video. It might be uncomfortable at times, but the benefits are enormous. During the commentary, Tom talks about a checklist for you. It’s here. direct link: Related episodes are Captivate Your Audience Executive Presenting “I Talk Too Fast!” Performing Like a TED Talker The Power of Rehearsal This Tip is in these categories in the archive: Executive Presence Feedback Presentation Skills Perception – How You Perceive Yourself The archive is at: Get the HTML transcript: Tom is at: [email protected] From all of us here, thanks! See you next month!
The Talky Executive
08/08/2019 Duração: 16minThis month’s coaching conversation wrestles with the obstacles that arise when you try listening to people who think out loud – often at great length! Related episodes are: Sorting & Labeling A Breakdown of Listening Leadership & Listening Short Sounds Confident In the archive, this Tip is tagged in four categories Communication Skills Leadership Relationship Building Social Skills The archive of Executive Coaching Tips is available at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: [email protected] See you next month! From all of us on “The Look & Sound of Leadership” team — thanks!
The Focused Executive
11/07/2019 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation focuses on a leader who finds herself in a storm of heavy seas. To help her find calm, Tom shares a technique from his past. You can grab the PDF that Tom mentions in this episode at: In the archive, this episode is tagged in four categories: For Women Managing Yourself Personal Growth & Self-Development Self-Talk Related episodes are: Combating Emotional Hijacks Conquering Fear Eliminating Distractions Choosing Persistence The Mindful Executive The archive of Executive Coaching Tips is at: Subscribe to the HTML version and get transcripts of each month’s episode at: Be in touch with Tom at: Thanks, all! See you next month! "The Look & Sound of Leadership" team
Fighting Authority
06/06/2019 Duração: 16minThis month’s coaching conversation revolves around a former client’s direct report who is caught up in old wiring which is short-circuiting his effectiveness. This episode is tagged in six categories. Something of a record! For Women Management Skills Managing Yourself Perception – How Your Perceive Yourself Personal Growth & Self-DevelopmentSelf-Talk Here are eight, yes, eight related episodes. Combating Emotional Hijacks Conquering Fear Negative Self-Talk Self-Limiting Beliefs Self-Awareness & Self-Management Taming the Wild Child The Many Parts of You Unmasking a Stand-In The archive is at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: Thanks for your iTunes reviews!!!
Ask The Coaches - Readers' Letters
02/05/2019 Duração: 26minThis month’s coaching conversation is between Tom Henschel and Mindy Danna who answer questions from our audience. Tom and Mindy have grown up together professionally. He runs Essential Communications where Mindy is a coach. She also works with the cutting-edge global consulting firm Cultivating Leadership.During the episode, Mindy mentions two books: "Being the Boss" by Linda Hill & Kent Lineback "Thanks for the Feedback" by Douglas Stone & Sheila HeenFive related episodes are: Discussing Difficult Behaviors Giving Powerful Feedback Handling Defensive Behaviors Soliciting Feedback Upward FeedbackIn the archive, this episode is tagged in four categories: Feedback Assertiveness Management Skills Managing UpThe archive is at: to the HTML version at: in touch with Tom at: or [email protected] for your reviews and ratings!
Inviting Dialogue
11/04/2019 Duração: 16minThis months’ coaching conversation is with a leader who genuinely wants open dialogue with his direct reports but finds he may have been unintentionally limiting his conversations. In the archive, this episode is tagged in four categories: Communication Skills Management Skills Relationship Building Social Skills Six related episodes are: Building Rapport Communicating With Clarity Creating New Behaviors Facilitating Open Dialogue Leadership & Listening Questions as Leadership The archive is at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: Thanks for your iTunes reviews!
Becoming Expert
07/03/2019 Duração: 18minThis month’s coaching conversation focuses on a leader striving to become “more visible.” She and Tom imagine raising her presence by giving her a way to speak about herself as an expert without feeling like she’s bragging. A challenging needle to thread! If you want help on this topic, Tom mentioned a resource he strongly recommends “Brag! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It” by Peggy Klaus. In the archive, this episode is tagged in four categories: For Women Executive Presence Perception - How You're Perceived Self-Talk Five related episodes are: Act “As If” Acting on the Corporate Stage Personal Branding Speaking Your Truth The Look & Sound of Self-Esteem The archive is at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at:
Managing Former Peers
07/02/2019 Duração: 17minInternal promotions can be mixed blessings. Managing former peers has the potential to upset everyone. This month’s coaching conversation explores ways to handle this live grenade with aplomb. Two books mentioned during the commentary: Difficult Conversions by Stone, Patton & Heen and Crucial Conversation by Patterson, et al. Lots of related episodes mentioned: Relating to the issue of clarity: Communicating with Clarity Creating Clarity Driving Your Message Home Sorting & Labeling Relating to the issue of managing people who are upset: Combating Emotional Hijacks Building Emotional Intelligence Dealing With Emotional Responses Deep gratitude to those who post reviews. Thanks! Browse the entire archive at: Be in touch with us at: [email protected]
Executive Presence - Three Pillars
10/01/2019 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation explores the three pillars of executive presence. In this episode's commentary, Tom mentions research about Executive Presence conducted by the Center for Talent Innovation. The key findings are available at: Three episodes grew directly from ideas in that white paper: Gravitas Emotional Intelligence Showing Teeth The Executive Coaching Tips archive has a filter for "Executive Presence." It's at: Four additional episodes you might listen to are: Conquering Fear Inhabiting Executive Presence Short Sounds Confident The Voice of Authority Browse the entire archive at: Be in touch with us at: [email protected]
Ask The Coaches - Readers’ Letters
13/12/2018 Duração: 27minThis month’s coaching conversation is between Tom Henschel and Mindy Danna who answer questions from our audience. Tom and Mindy have grown up together professionally. He runs Essential Communications where Mindy is a coach. She also works with the cutting-edge global consulting firm Cultivating Leadership.Tips related to the questions and answers in this episode are: A Breakdown of ListeningThe Executive ImpostorLeadership and ListeningManaging TraumaSelf-Limiting Beliefs Mindy mentions: “Being The Boss” by Linda Hill. Google’s Aristotle StudyTom mentions: “What Color is Your Parachute” by Richard Boles Every episode is available at: in touch with us at: [email protected]
The Executive Impostor
08/11/2018 Duração: 18minThis month’s coaching conversation explores that insidious feeling of being an impostor. Research tells us that the vast majority us experience this to some degree at one time or another. Here are ways to combat impostor syndrome. The two psychology professors mentioned in the episode were Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes at Georgia State University. The TED Talk is: Related Categories in the podcast archive: For Women Managing Yourself Perception – How You Perceive Yourself Self-Talk Related episodes are: Act “As If” Acting on the Corporate Stage Inhabiting Executive Presence Self-Awareness & Self-Management The Many Parts of You Browse the archive at:
Leading Offsites
04/10/2018 Duração: 18minA senior leader wants to give one of his direct reports the experience of leading her own offsite. This month’s coaching conversation is about how a leader can foster an offsite with the power to create change. AN INVITATION: Send us questions for our upcoming Q&A episodes! Send your questions to [email protected] In the episode, there are many resources to help you learn to lead activities with your team. The six mentioned in the show are: "The Fieldbook of Team Interventions" by Harry Eggleton "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni "Overcoming the Five Dysfuctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni "Power Tools for Teams: Plus/Delta" April 2016, The Look & Sound of Leaderhip "Personal Histories as Your Brand" May 2016, The Look & Sound of Leadership Five episodes to help you build your team leadership skills: Facilitating Open Dialogue Leading Teams Questions as Leadership Your Team’s Best Int
Animating Your Persona
06/09/2018 Duração: 19minA coaching client needs to exude more presence. Tom proposes a visualization process and walks another coach through it. In the archive, this episode is tagged in three categories: Developing New Behaviors, Perception - How You Perceive Yourself Personal Growth & Self-Development Five related episodes are: Acting on the Corporate Stage Creating New Behaviors Inhabiting Executive Presence Self-Awareness & Self-Management The Many Parts of You Plus, if you want to hear about why our brains find visualization so powerful, listen to: Prepping Like A TED Talker. Five listeners posted reviews in iTunes this month. Thanks go out to: In the US, Rmb4 catalyst leader Lisabobbi Then, from the UK, Ewen C And from India, FP PJ Sharma Thanks. We couldn't keep growing without this steady stream of support. Thanks so much! Every episode is available in the archive at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: https://essen
Managing Bad Behavior
09/08/2018 Duração: 17minThis month’s coaching conversation focuses on a feedback technique that can help manage bad behavior. The coachee likes the technique so much, he wants to try it on his high performers, too! Related episodes: Discussing Difficult Behaviors Holding People Accountable Managing Disruptive Executives Managing Performance: Up or Out Sorting & Labeling Every episode is available in the archive at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: To everyone who has ever posted a review for the show in iTunes -- THANK YOU! If you haven't yet, please do. Our survival depends on it. Thanks!
Managing Trauma
12/07/2018 Duração: 23minThis month’s coaching conversation focuses on developing someone who may be a trauma survivor. A team leader’s compassionate caution may not be in the survivor’s best interest. Related episodes: Dealing with Emotional Responses Intimacy in Business: Setting Boundaries Managing Beyond Bad Behavior Showing Teeth Speaking Your Truth Every episode is available in the archive at: Subscribe to the HTML version at: Be in touch with Tom at: Thank you so much for your reviews. It's hard to convey how meaningful those are. You help keep the podcast alive when you post a review. Thanks!