Game-changing technologies and strategies are transformational, exciting and disruptive for a reason. They shake up your status quo. They get you thinking about new ways to scale, compete and grow. They move you in amazing new directions.Join host Bonnie D. Graham as she invites you to take an additional coffee break with game-changers for our special series on todays top HR trends, on HR Trends with Game Changers.Learn how you can become the savvy HR innovator who takes your company across the finish line as you look ahead to the next breakthrough human resources strategy.
2020 Leader: Leading in the New World
29/04/2014 Duração: 57minThe buzz: 2020. The workplace of the future is being shaped by breakthrough technologies and the Millennial generation, causing employers to rethink talent management and leadership. Does your company have a plan for this brave new world? The experts speak. Ravin Jesuthasan, Towers Watson: “The future of work will place different requirements on the next generation of leaders: new skills, agility…a greatly heightened tolerance for ambiguity and risk.” David Learmond, The Conference Board: “Business needs a leadership correction” (Go Where There Be Dragons. Leadership Essentials for 2020). Niki Ernst, TEDx: “If you want to achieve something big, focus on little things with great passion” (Eckhart Tolle). Karie Willyerd, SAP: “Millennials will make up half the workplace in a few years, largely due to the unprecedented exit of Baby Boomers…Few workplaces have planned well…for what it will take to lead the next generation of employees.” Join us for The 2020 Leader: Leading in the New World.
Workplace Learning Revolution: Developing 21st Century Leaders
22/04/2014 Duração: 58minThe buzz: Workplace learning. Disruptive technologies and shifting demographics will redefine your company’s workforce, sooner or later. Are you among the smart companies already reinventing workplace learning with relevant programs that create a continuous learning culture and develop innovative leaders at all levels? If not, listen up. The experts speak. Mal Poulin, Ancile: “The most important question to ask in the world of learning is ‘so what?’” Jill McGillen, Next Turn: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.” (Chinese proverb) Jenny Dearborn, SAP: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” (Steve Jobs) Join us for Workplace Learning Revolution: Developing 21st Century Leaders.
Women Driving Change: Power of Employee Resource Groups
15/04/2014 Duração: 58minThe buzz: Women at work. Women in the workforce wield significant influence as drivers of change across industries and fields, far beyond their traditional roles in HR. How? Through ERGs (employee resource groups), a think-tank networking forum where the brightest, most effective women leaders exchange ideas and strategies. Is your company leveraging this power? The experts speak. Simone Morris, Diversity and Inclusion Leader: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us” (Marianne Williamson). Marla Britt, Applied Materials: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people never forget how you made them feel” (Maya Angelou). Bela Dwivedi, SAP: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Join us for Women Driving Change: Power of Employee Resource Groups.
Social Recruiting: Art or Science?
08/04/2014 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Social Recruiting Gone is the era of your HR manager hoping hard-to-find talent would stumble upon their business-critical job postings. Today, millions of job candidates eagerly post their credentials on social media sites. Is successful social recruiting for top talent an art or a science for today’s HR? The experts speak. Mervyn Dinnen, Social engagement strategist: “Social recruiting is just recruiting. Forget the word ‘social’… Get the hiring process right… then ‘social’ is no different than the phone or Internet.” Katrina Collier, Winning Impression: “Finding people on social channels is easy. Getting a response is a different matter and that’s the art. If you ignore or mistreat social job seekers, you’ll miss hiring great people...” Will Staney, SAP: “Social media is not necessarily a source of hire, it's a communication channel. It's important to remember this when measuring an ROI of your social recruiting efforts.” Join us for Social Recruiting: Art or Science?
Secrets of Optimizing Talent in the Workplace
01/04/2014 Duração: 59minToday’s buzz: Secrets! Is your HR team working hard to streamline and strengthen your talent management, but too often seeing disappointing results? Stop and learn the secrets for getting the most from today’s talent. The experts speak. Deepti Singh, American Savings Bank: “Fairness and equality are not the same. HR needs to have the courage to invest differently to reflect the contributions of talent fairly. Let’s stop with the peanut butter approach“ (Paraphrased from “Transformative HR” by John Boudreau and Ravin Jesuthasan). Gilda Stahl, Economist Intelligence Unit: “Culture eats strategy over breakfast” (Peter Drucker). Tracey Arnish, SAP: “This week, go and re-hire your best people. Namely, tell them what you see in them that is so valuable, and tell them that the team is relying on them to bring these strengths to work every day. Recognize them, and then turn this recognition into an expectation” (Markus Buckingham). Join us for Secrets of Optimizing Talent in the Workplace
Early Talent: What Millennials Really Want from the Future Workplace
25/03/2014 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Millennials at work. They’re here! Millennials, aka Gen Y, are the post-Gen X demographic born between the early 1980s–2000s. Diverse, well-educated, highly expressive, they’ve already made a unique mark on commerce, work, social media. We’ve heard their mindset and outlook on life and work are different from other generations’. Myth vs. truth? What do these newcomers really want, expect, need in their careers today and in the future? The experts speak. Lindsey Nelson, SAP: “I personally despise the word Millennial…We are constantly and consistently stereotyped and often not provided the opportunity to voice our individual inputs. Some would be shocked to see how different all of our wants and needs are.” Thibaud De Keyzer, SAP: “Technology is like air to us. We are Generation Y. You can call us ‘Net Gen’ers.’” Erwil Heath, SAP: “It always seems impossible until it is done” (Nelson Mandela). Join us for Early Talent: What Millennials Really Want from the Future Workplace.
Diversity & Inclusion: Outreach Beyond Imagination
03/12/2013 Duração: 57minToday’s buzz: D&I (diversity and inclusion). Is your organization’s depth and breadth of diversity – gender, age, abilities, ethnicity, other – keeping pace with that of your customers and prospects? Heads-up! By 2014, the workforce will include four generations, with 47% under age 35. Are you ready? The experts speak. Jim Norman, HR & Diversity Consultant: “To reach out effectively to recruit and retain diverse talent, reach deeply inside your organization.” Toni Wilson, AquaInternational Leadership Consulting: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou) R “Ray” Wang, Constellation Research: “HR is re-emerging as a board room topic.” Debbie Schmidt, SAP: “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” (Madeleine Albright) Join us for more insights on Diversity & Inclusion: Outreach Beyond Imagination!
HR Trends: Career Development - Own It!
26/11/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Your career. Do you view your career development the same way your company sees it? Is your so-called work-life balance mostly lopsided on the company’s side of the seesaw? Unless your career aspirations and success path align with the organization’s business requirements and goals, you will not find a match made in heaven. If this sounds all too familiar, it’s time to start owning your career. The experts speak. Cathy Benko, Deloitte: “Those who don’t create the future, live in a world not of their making.” (Anonymous) Dr. Katherine Jones, Bersin by Deloitte: “The secret to a happy life is work worth doing.” (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor) Liz Brenner, SAP: “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it!” (Maya Angelou) Join us for Career Development: Own It!
HR Trends: Leading The Millennials: Myth vs Fact
19/11/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Millennials. Millennials, aka Gen Y, are the post-Gen X demographic born between the early 1980s–early 2000s. A diverse, well-educated, expressive cohort, they’ve already made a unique mark on commerce, work, social media. How do you lead these newcomers in the workplace? The experts speak. Rick Thompson, Rising Medical: “’They’re immature, lazy, entitled, self-centered, and shallow’ – descriptions of my generation, the Baby Boomers, when we were entering the workforce in large numbers during the 1970s.” Shawn Price, SuccessFactors: “Don’t underestimate your impact, don’t overestimate your self-importance.” Al Gini, professor and author: “We do not learn ethics from reading a treatise on virtue. We learn ethics through the witness of others.” (Aristotle) Tracey Arnish, SAP: “People want you to believe you are sincerely interested in them as persons, not just for what they can do for you…” (UCLA coach John Wooden) Join us for Leading The Millennials: Myth vs Fact.
HR Trends: Women In Leadership: Resilience Through Change
12/11/2013 Duração: 54minToday’s buzz: Resilience. Just the facts, ma’am. Women comprise 53% of entry-level workers, 40% of managers, 35% of directors, 27% of VPs, 24% of SVPs, 19% of C-suite execs. Impressive. But the number of women in Fortune 500 top leadership roles in 2012 stayed the same as 2011. Say, what? The experts speak. Jazmine Boatman, DDI: “Never mistake a woman’s silence for her ignorance, her calmness for her acceptance, her kindness for weakness.” (Anonymous) Jill McGillen, Next Turn: “A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) Katherine Jones, Bersin by Deloitte: “I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.” (Mother Teresa) Janet Wood, SAP: “My priorities are customers first, the organization second, myself and my team third. If I do the first two right, my team and I will benefit and be successful.” Join us for more insights on Women in Leadership: Resilience through Change.
Working Models: Virtual Hives for Collaboration and Innovation
05/11/2013 Duração: 57minToday’s buzz: The hive. Your search for the best talent no longer has to be limited to candidates within driving distance of your site. Now the world can be your proverbial workforce oyster. But before you salivate over the benefits of talent globalization and diversity, first be sure your HR knows what to do when traditional face-to-face team environments are augmented or replaced by virtual ways of working. The experts speak. John Hagel III, Deloitte: “Virtual hives will never achieve their true potential until we move beyond process and protocol to passion and performance.” Jason Lauritsen, Talent Anarchy: “Technology is a tool, not a strategy.” Alan Lepofsky, ConstellationRG: “’X percent reduction in email’ is not an effective measurement of social business success.” Join them and SAP’s Sameer Patel for insights on Working Models: Virtual Hives for Collaboration and Innovation.
HR Trends: HR Analytics: Science or Art?
29/10/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: HR Analytics. Reality check. Your workforce could account for as much as 60 percent of your company’s total operating expenses. That means your HR department should be applying as much intelligence – and the right kind of analytics – to your people-related decisions as other managers apply to finance, sales, production, supply chain and other business factors. For example, if HR is collecting activity metrics that lack a business performance context, they could be spinning their wheels and yours. The experts speak. Greta Roberts, Talent Analytics: “HR is the new Marketing.” Holger Mueller, ConstellationRG: “The holy grail of analytics is to give analytics metrics to the hands of business users.” Peter Howes, SuccessFactors, an SAP company: “Workforce planning is about risk mitigation and not about “best practice”. We invest in workforce planning only because the risk of not doing it is too great.” Join us for more insights on the HR Analytics: Science or Art?
HR Trends: Globalization of HR
22/10/2013 Duração: 57minToday’s buzz: Going global. Do you still consider your company a one-country/single-region organization? It’s time to check your traditional notion of ‘borders’ at the door if supply chain pressures, competitive realities, and staff mobility are forcing you into external markets for new sourcing, customer and talent opportunities. The experts speak. Elmar Kronz, DDI: “It’s been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity” (Kofi Annan). Beth Thiebault, Deloitte: “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” (Wayne Dyer). David Swanson, SAP: “Competition is no longer someone down the street or in the same town. Chances are it is someone in a small and agile organization that you have never heard of operating on the other side of the world.” Join us for more insights on the Globalization of HR.
Finding the Right Talent: Recruiting Best Practices
15/10/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Recruiting. A lot to consider. Are your hiring practices healthy or broken? Do you favor experienced drones over unpolished gems? The experts speak. Herb Greenberg, Caliper: “In life – as well as in business – we’d be much more successful if we judge people in terms of who they are, instead of what they may have done in the past.” David Selinger, Rich Relevance: “The business war of the 21st century will be fought, then won or lost, solely on the battlefield of talent.” Kris Dunn, Kinetix: “But you know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on your door, 'cause I let myself think I might get there, and you'd be gone. I'd knock on the door and you wouldn't be there... (Chuckie Sullivan, Good Will Hunting, 1997) Will Staney, Success Factors, SAP: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” (John Wanamaker, 1838-1922) Join us for more insights on Finding the Right Talent: Recruiting Best Practices.
HR Trends: Business Models: The HR-Led Business
08/10/2013 Duração: 56minToday’s buzz: HR. Reality check. Your CEO may be proudly telling the world that “talent” is a top priority on the company’s agenda. But when your business managers meet to rank the strategic importance of departments, does HR rate lower than Sales, Marketing, Finance, or IT – or even come in dead last behind them all? The experts speak. Jill McGillen, Next Turn, “Ask Jill” Work Advice Columnist: “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world” (N.H. Kleinbaum, Dead Poets Society 1989 film, character John Keating). Simon Mitchell, DDI: “All advertising is unwanted, so if you're going to crash the party, bring some champagne with you” (Bob Thacker, OfficeMax Senior VP, Marketing and Advertising). Brigette McInnis-Day, SAP: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” (Oscar Wilde, author and playwright). Join us for a candid discussion on Business Models: The HR-Led Business.
HR Trends: Diversity and Inclusion: Business Impact of DandI
01/10/2013 Duração: 55minToday’s buzz: D&I. We know that a solid diversity and inclusion policy can expand your workforce talent – but what about the bottom-line impact to your business? The experts speak. Karen Sumberg, Center for Talent Innovation: “Companies need to walk on two legs; they need two kinds of diversity, in order to innovate and remain competitive”. Mark McLane, Barclays: Diversity and Inclusion should be about first recognizing that our colleagues are our customers; they are not separate and distinct”. Andrea Agnew, Comcast: “My grandmother told me to go out in this world and find your purpose to leave the world better than the world you found. In other words, ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world’ (Mahatma Gandhi)”. Anka Wittenberg, SAP: “Companies that successfully build diversity within their employee base, coupled with a truly inclusive workplace culture, will have an undeniable competitive advantage in the future”. Join us for Diversity & Inclusion: Business Impact of D&I.
HR Trends: Leaders Showing Up – Power of Leaders Teaching Leaders
24/09/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Showing Up. Who better to grow and strengthen the capabilities of your leaders, than other leaders? When done right, a leader-as-teacher paradigm can be a win-win for your organization and your bottom line. The experts speak. Dr. Katherine Jones, Bersin: The real measure of a leader is in his or her followers. What if the general at the front turned around and all the troops were nowhere to be seen? Leadership is vested in a person by the followers, not ‘assigned’ to an individual. Leadership isn’t in a title – it is in the ability to inspire and to motivate – and to take responsibility for that decision to ‘Charge!’. Christine Comaford, Author: “Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed” (Mwai Kibaki, president of Kenya). Carmen O’Shea, SAP: “My greatest professional accomplishment lies in the success of the individuals on my team.” Join us for Leaders Showing Up – Power of Leaders Teaching Leaders.
HR Trends: Leadership: Empowering Leaders at All Levels
17/09/2013 Duração: 58minToday’s buzz: Leaders. Your entire workforce, entry level to C-suite, has leadership potential that can benefit your organization. What is your HR team doing about it? The experts speak. Grace Killelea: Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability” (John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach). Jo Miller: “You can’t get a higher-level job without leadership experience, but you can’t get the leadership experience without the job. That is the greatest stumbling block faced by emerging leaders, and especially women who want to ‘lean in’ and advance.” Sharlyn Lauby: “Comparing leadership and management can be detrimental to the business. Management performs a different role within the organization. Both are absolutely necessary for the organization’s success.” Pam Seplow: “Good judgment comes with experience, but experience comes from bad judgment” (Will Rogers). Join us for Leadership: Empowering Leaders at All Levels.
HR Trends: Finding Talent in Unexpected Places: Differently-Abled
10/09/2013 Duração: 55minToday’s buzz: Differently-abled. Seeking unique talent to enrich your workforce? Diversity and inclusion could open that door. The experts speak. Joe Gerstandt: “We talk about inclusion as if it were an attitude or a state of mind, but it is an activist thing. If you do not intentionally and deliberately invite and include difference in the groups and processes you are a part of, you will always unintentionally be exclusive. No hatred or fear required.” Karen Russell: “In 1943, psychiatrist/researcher Leo Kanner found autism was identified in 2-4 children per 10,000. Today the Center for Disease Control reports autism spectrum disorders in 1 in every 88 children.” David Hofferberth: “The 21st century professional services workforce demands the diversity required to innovate and execute. By tapping into a highly unique talent pool we can create and deliver solutions to problems we don’t know even exist today.” Join us for Finding Talent in Unexpected Places: Differently-Abled.