Executive Life Coaching with Heiner Karst.
Recognition and the place for Criticism and Praise
18/05/2015It’s not what people say or do that we remember; it’s how they made you feel, isn’t it? Recognition: are you the “good finder” or the “nit-picker”? The post Recognition and the place for Criticism and Praise appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
11/05/2015Are you and your team always crystal clear about the difference between accountability, responsibility and authority? Who or what's holding you accountable? The post Accountability appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
20/04/2015Edification. When you tell the person you are speaking with about someone else, do they look forward to meeting them because you have "talked them up"? The post Edification appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Trust and Respect
13/04/2015How consistently do your deeds and behaviour prove you “walk the walk” and deserve trust and respect? As a person? As a parent? As an employee? As a leader? The post Trust and Respect appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Managing Agenda’s
07/04/2015How well are you managing agendas? And those you answer to in supporting you to implement the agendas and expectations that they set in the first place? The post Managing Agenda’s appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
How good are you at “I don’t know”?
31/03/2015Faced with an "I don't know" situation, is your fear of being found out preventing you from learning what will prevent you from being found out? The post How good are you at “I don’t know”? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
So when you face a challenge….
23/03/2015When you are facing a challenge, do you focus on the obstacle or can you be inspired by what you’re about to learn now? The post So when you face a challenge…. appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Power over ourselves and others
03/03/2015How do you go about exercising power - your power? How do you feel when others use power over you? How often have you abused your power over someone else? The post Power over ourselves and others appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Are You Thriving or Surviving?
18/02/2015You've worked consistently hard over decades, right? Are you now where you wanted to be? With other words, are you truly Thriving or Surviving? The post Are You Thriving or Surviving? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Front Bench or Opposition?
09/02/2015Are you more constructive or destructive? If it isn’t your idea, do you criticize or “find the catch” or do you add perspectives that might improve it? The post Front Bench or Opposition? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Are you part of the Problem or Solution?
02/02/2015Problem or Solution? Do you need to be a problem solving hero, or can you step back and operationalize so the problem can’t happen again? The post Are you part of the Problem or Solution? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Character and Charisma
27/01/2015Does the character and charisma in your personality enable you to inspire, influence, enthuse and motivate with care and an attitude of “fun and fetch”? The post Character and Charisma appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Dancing until it rains
19/01/2015Perseverance. To get what you want, are you just willed to “dance in the rain” or are you prepared to keep dancing until it rains? The post Dancing until it rains appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Mindfulness: Pleasure only in Leisure?
14/01/2015How great is your mindfulness about your experiencing pleasure any and all the time, or is that only possible when you are in a leisure situation? The post Mindfulness: Pleasure only in Leisure? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Choice or Chance?
05/01/2015Choice or chance? Are you leaving your destiny to chance, or pro-acting what will raise the possibilities of these choices to be better supported by chance”? The post Choice or Chance? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Can you Meditate?
15/12/2014How often do you allow yourself to find a quiet space where you reflect and visualize deep down into who you are and what you want most? Can you meditate? The post Can you Meditate? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.