Executive Life Coaching with Heiner Karst.
Being More Strategic
30/01/2017Are you known more for being more strategic or are you still stuck in the comfort of the detail? What will it take to change that? The post Being More Strategic appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
What Does Your (Personal) SWOT Analysis Look Like?
20/01/2017What would your SWOT analysis look like if I asked you to do one right now? Would you be happy with it? Or do we have some work to do? The post What Does Your (Personal) SWOT Analysis Look Like? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
The Chameleon
09/01/2017Can the chameleon in you enhance your influence by adapting your communication style to that of whom you are speaking with? The post The Chameleon appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Front Office and Back Office
05/12/2016Is the front-office and back-office divide alive and well in your organisation? How well do you contend with and manage its vagaries? The post Front Office and Back Office appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Allies and Foes
24/11/2016Allies and Foes. How do you know who is for and against you and your agendas? And how well can you leverage them and influence them? The post Allies and Foes appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Holding The Power In The Room
01/11/2016How well do you hold "the power" in rooms of significance? Can you? Or do you admire others for this and wish you could too? The post Holding The Power In The Room appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Leveraging “Top Pocket” Anecdotes?
10/10/2016How well are you leveraging your "top pocket anecdotes"? You know, vital, valuable information only you have, that your bosses need? The post Leveraging “Top Pocket” Anecdotes? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Pride and Ego – What Have They Lost or Cost You?
01/09/2016Pride and Ego.Think about their incredible power. But gone wrong, what might they have cost and lost you? The post Pride and Ego – What Have They Lost or Cost You? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Managing Stakeholders – Why Bother?
08/08/2016Stakeholders - those I need to influence or whose influence I rely on for my success. How can I influence and manage their expectations if I don't know or care about who and what they are? The post Managing Stakeholders – Why Bother? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Keeping Good People
17/07/2016Finding and keeping good people. Ask any leader and this is usually the most common leadership challenge. If you are a leader would you agree? The post Keeping Good People appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Managing Distractions
04/07/2016Managing distractions to stay on track towards your goals? Or are they a welcome escape? How do they affect your energy, focus and success? The post Managing Distractions appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Fair Dinkum Transparency. Really?
20/06/2016Leadership transparency. Are you really fair dinkum? How "filtered" are your messages? What makes you (and me) think I can trust you? The post Fair Dinkum Transparency. Really? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Jumping In. The Curse of Modern Day Impatience?
14/06/2016Guilty of "jumping in" too quickly? Do you know how much asking: "What's One More Thing" can help enhance your patience and communication? The post Jumping In. The Curse of Modern Day Impatience? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Being More Inclusive. The Power of “We”
06/06/2016How inclusive are you in your interactions with others? Do you naturally attract people towards you? How well do you use "we"? The post Being More Inclusive. The Power of “We” appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Does Age Matter? 70 is the new 60
12/04/2016Does age matter in recruitment, career or retirement planning, or doesn't it? What's your prejudice or excuse? Can you be swayed? What's your story? The post Does Age Matter? 70 is the new 60 appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Driving your Success
03/04/2016Looking for an idea that will help you raise your game to stay on top of it and ahead of the rest? It's called leveraging achievement. Interested? The post Driving your Success appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Why Aren’t You Leading If You’re The Leader ?
28/03/2016If you’re the leader, why aren’t you leading? Well are you? Or are you hoping everyone in your team will “just do the right thing?” If you prefer listening to reading, click here for an audio version: Leading: Making It Personal The art and science of leading has and continues to change. Old style leaders…More The post Why Aren’t You Leading If You’re The Leader ? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
What are you worth?
22/03/2016How much have you invested in your personal and professional development this year? And last year? Tell me and I’ll tell you what I think what are you worth The post What are you worth? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
How Do You Deal With Adversity?
14/03/2016What will it take for your handling adversity to become one of your primary winning characteristics? What makes it so? Willing to have a go? The post How Do You Deal With Adversity? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.
Intuition: How Strong Is Your “Vibe-Meter”?
08/03/2016Can you “pick up vibes”? How well can you “read" situations or people? Can you rely your on intuition? How strong is your “vibe-meter”? The post Intuition: How Strong Is Your “Vibe-Meter”? appeared first on letstalkcoaching.