Break free from shyness and self-doubt to create the life you truly want. Join the world's leading confidence expert, Dr. Aziz, as he teaches powerful skills to increase your confidence in dating, relationships, business, and life.
Defeat Your Fear Of Rejection
07/05/2014 Duração: 29minHow do you feel about rejection? Do you hate it and avoid it at all costs? That might be part of the problem...Join Dr. Aziz as he shares why rejection is so painful and exactly how to overcome your fear of it. You will learn how to defeat your fear of rejection so that you can start talking to people, meeting women, and going after what you really want in life.
You And Your Inner Critic
30/04/2014 Duração: 38minWhat do you say to yourself in your own head? No, you're not crazy... Everyone has a voice in their head that tells them things. Most commonly, it is critical and judgmental. It tells you that you can't do things and that people won't like you. Join Dr. Aziz as he uncovers the source of this negative voice and teaches you how to break free from it forever. If you are stuck in self-doubt or you don't like yourself much, then this episode is a must-listen!
Overcoming Fear (Part 2)
23/04/2014 Duração: 35minThe biggest obstacle in your way is fear. It's not your appearance, your net worth, your clothes. These are just things you focus on instead of the real underlying block, which is simply fear. In order to overcome shyness and social anxiety, you must be willing to confront and overcome your fears. In this episode, Dr. Aziz goes deeper into how to transform your relationship with fear to no longer be paralyzed by it. He continues his interview with Josh and gets into fear in dating and relationships.
Overcoming Fear (Part 1)
16/04/2014 Duração: 29minWhat stops you from having the life you truly want? Most likely, it comes down to fear. Fear of failure, fear of what others will think, and fear that you just aren't good enough. Join Dr. Aziz to learn how to break free from self-doubt and the limitations of your fears.
How To Change Your Story
09/04/2014 Duração: 27minWhat stories do you have about yourself? Do you perceive yourself as attractive, capable, and effective in the world? Do you believe you deserve to be loved for who you are? Or do you see yourself as defective, awkward, and unlovable? Whatever you believe about yourself tends to create your reality. If you think no one can like or love you, then that is what you will discover. Join Dr. Aziz to uncover what your current stories are, and how to transform them into ones that inspire and empower you.
The Cause Of Shyness
02/04/2014 Duração: 30minIf you are feeling stuck with shyness and social anxiety, then you probably have come to some pretty negative conclusions about yourself. You might think there's something wrong with you and you are somehow different or worse than others. Join Dr. Aziz as he breaks through the myths about shyness and uncovers what the REAL cause of shyness and social anxiety is...and it's not what you think!
What Is Social Anxiety?
03/02/2014 Duração: 30minDo you have social anxiety? Join Dr. Aziz to discover what the difference between shyness and social anxiety is. You'll also learn the truth about social anxiety and what the biggest misconceptions are about social anxiety.