Break free from shyness and self-doubt to create the life you truly want. Join the world's leading confidence expert, Dr. Aziz, as he teaches powerful skills to increase your confidence in dating, relationships, business, and life.
Is Being Too Nice Causing You Pain? With Laura Heidrich
08/05/2019 Duração: 55minThe Connection Between Niceness And Pain As surprising as this might sound to you, the vast majority of chronic pain conditions are caused not by structural damage to the body, but chronic tension due to negative emotions? The biggest source of these emotions? You guessed it—pressure from trying to be nice, pleasing everyone, and getting everyone to like you. Join Dr. Aziz as he interviews a Master Health Coach who has helped hundreds of people permanently end their nightmare with chronic pain and recurring injury.
Being Scared In Life Is Good
01/05/2019 Duração: 28minHow To Break Through Your Comfort Barrier Do you give into your fears? Or do you face your fears head-on? Practice engaging and accessing your natural courage to help process through moments of fear. Join Dr. Aziz as he shares how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Understanding Masculine and Feminine Energy
24/04/2019 Duração: 33minHow to Discover and Maintain Energetic Balance The quality of the your internal energy can be masculine, feminine, or both. Debunk the societal standards of gender and harness your energetic power to take self awareness to the next level. Join Dr. Aziz as he guides you through understanding your core essence and how to use it for effective communication.
Healing Toxic Shame
17/04/2019 Duração: 28minLearn how to reclaim your self love, self acceptance, and self worth. Are you held down by self criticism? Do you feel you are not worthy of love, success, or acceptance? Toxic Shame is a cycle of chronic abusive thoughts and feelings towards yourself. Join Dr. Aziz as he guides you through how to identify and label where this Toxic Shame is coming from. Reclaim your sense of worth and repair your lovability by committing to being on your own side no matter what (OMOS).
The Awful Skill of Settling
10/04/2019 Duração: 28minHow To Recognize Your Patterns of Settling Do you often measure opportunity vs. risk? Do you feel that you are overly cautious? Have you been staying in the “safe zone” because you are afraid? The more you practice your skills of settling the more risk averse you will become. Join Dr. Aziz to learn how to silence your Safety Police and overcome the fear of taking risks.
Are You B.A.F.?
03/04/2019 Duração: 23minHow To Embrace Your Inner Boldness Do you want to take risks? Do you want to speak up in a group setting or a business meeting? Do you want to ask that person who excites you out on a date? Learn the how, the when, and the why behind exercising your B.A.F skills. Join Dr. Aziz as he shares how to unapologetically practice boldness in your daily life and feel good about it.
Upgrade Your Maps
27/03/2019 Duração: 25minHow To Release Your Negative Predictions Do you have predictions of how people will respond to you if you were to speak up and put yourself out there? Most people imagine the response they’d get would be critical, negative, or harshly judgmental. Join Dr. Aziz as he dismantles these fears one by one, leaving you feeling eager to test out what really happens.
Plan C: Assertiveness Tools for Daily Life
20/03/2019 Duração: 24minDiscover How And When To Speak Up For Yourself Setting boundaries, challenging others, and otherwise speaking up for yourself can be confusing, scary, and difficult. Join Dr. Aziz as he provides practical, specific guidance on exactly how to become more assertive in the areas that matter most to you.
How To Feel More Confident Sexually
13/03/2019 Duração: 36minOvercome Self-Consciousness To Enjoy More Exciting, Fulfilling Sex Many people struggle during sex, despite trying to look like they are enjoying themselves. This often comes from unspoken pressure to perform and “do better,” combined with a sense of inadequacy or inexperience. Join Dr. Aziz and Coach Amber as they discuss specific ways to increase your sexual confidence immediately.
When Your Confidence Disappears Once You Like Somebody...
06/03/2019 Duração: 32minHow To Maintain High Confidence After The First Date Have you ever had a great connection with somebody and wanted to see them again? But then, after a date or two, you start to have feelings for them, which ends up causing you stress and anxiety. You start to worry about “doing it right” and “not messing it up.” Join Dr. Aziz and Coach Amber as they discuss how to sustain high confidence no matter what you feel.
My Favorite Confidence Tool
27/02/2019 Duração: 32minHow To Rapidly Dissolve Social Anxiety, Fear, And Stress Join Dr. Aziz in this impactful episode where he guides you through his favorite confidence tool. You’ll not only learn what it is, but actually get to practice using it with Dr. Aziz’s guidance. Enjoy!
The Hidden Benefit of Comparison
20/02/2019 Duração: 28minWhy Comparing Yourself Can Actually Be Good For You Generally, comparisons to others can lead to feeling inadequate, frustrated, or somehow disappointed in ourselves. We are often taught to stop comparing and just live our own lives. And yet, this is quite difficult to actually do. Join Dr. Aziz and Jonathan as they discuss the nature of comparison, and how to work with it for optimal benefit.
Everyone Has It All Together But You…
13/02/2019 Duração: 27minHow To Stop Beating Yourself Up For Not Being “Like Them” So often we can criticize and pressure ourselves because we are not being confident, successful, or otherwise good enough. We look to others and imagine that they have it all together and we’re someone failing. And yet, nothing could be further from the truth. Join Dr. Aziz as he reveals what people are really feeling on a daily basis.
The Risk Of Life
06/02/2019 Duração: 23minHow To Live Fully With Confidence And Courage How do you handle risk in life? And would your life benefit from being able to lean in more to positive, healthy risks? Join Dr. Aziz as he examines the fundamental elements of this game of being human, and how risk is an essential quality of our lives.
30/01/2019 Duração: 20minAre You Missing Out On Life? Do you often feel a fear of missing out? Do you feel a pressure to say “yes” to things, and a sense of guilt or inadequacy about not engaging in the right social engagements, events, and other experiences? Join Dr. Aziz and Confidence Coach Jonathan as they discuss this topic in this humorous and fast-paced episode.
Seek Out Fear
23/01/2019 Duração: 22minThe Fast-Track To More Confidence And A Better Life This one is counter-intuitive! Ever cell in our body wants to move away from what makes us scared, uncomfortable, or anxious. And yet, the confidence you seek, and the life you want to create requires you to fundamentally change your relationship with fear. Find out how!
The Power of Unconditional Love
16/01/2019 Duração: 28minHow To Enjoy More Love In All Your Relationships Many of us think of love as something you give or get based on who you’re around. While this is partly true, there is a deeper, stronger, and more persistent form of love—unconditional love. In this heartwarming episode you’ll discover more about this virtue, and how to access more of it in your life.
The 3 Elements of Magnetic Confidence
09/01/2019 Duração: 30minDiscover What Naturally Attracts Others To You What makes you magnetic to others? Is it your appearance, your status, or your smile? Join Dr. Aziz in this fascinating episode as he reveals the key things that create a confidence that draws people in. And here’s the best part—you have control over all three!
Blow Your Own Mind In 2019
26/12/2018 Duração: 28minDiscover Your Intention For The New Year And Create Something Incredible What do you want this coming year to be about? What is one thing you would love to experience more of in your daily life? Join Dr. Aziz to uncover what your guiding intention for 2019 is, and find inspiration to take control of your destiny in this coming year.
How To Enjoy The Holidays
19/12/2018 Duração: 29minDiscover What You Want And Take Care Of Yourself So many people feel pressure on holidays to go a certain place, be with certain people, act a certain way, or even feel a certain way. Join Dr. Aziz in this liberating and relieving episode about how to discover what you actually want, and make it a reality this holiday season.