A weekly podcast exploring how to manage your mind to make changes in your life, through lively discussion & engaging entertaining interviews that empower, inspire & motivate the listener to pursue their dream/vision of a better, happier, successful life & business.
CA020: What is visualization
13/12/2014 Duração: 38minWhat does the word ‘visualization’ mean to you – what image does it conjure up in your mind? Or maybe you’ve never given visualization much thought before now. In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re introducing visualization. We look at the basics of what is visualization and why visualization can be a powerful mind management technique to add to your self-development tool-kit. Visualization is about using the power of your mind, and your imagination in particular, to help you live your best life now and achieve your goals. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” ~ Albert Einstein It’s a technique you can use to your advantage, to give you an extra edge and take you to the next level in your achievements. And we talk on the show about some people who are doing just that, where visualization makes a real difference to their performance, and helps them become the best they can be. If you want to learn how to use the power of your imagination to mana
CA019: Affirmations to manage your mind
06/12/2014 Duração: 44minWhy use affirmations to manage your mind? Positive affirmations are a powerful tool and technique when it comes to managing your mind. They are positive, specific statements that focus you on the self-beliefs, behaviours and characteristics you need to achieve your goals and live the life you want. “An affirmation opens the door. It’s a beginning point on the path to change.” Louise Hay The idea behind affirmations is that through repetition you gradually implant them into your subconscious mind. They help you manage your mind by exerting a positive influence on the way you think about yourself, and in turn the way you act. And in doing so, positive affirmations help to counteract the self-sabotaging, negative affirmations and thoughts that get in the way of achieving your desires and intentions. In episodes 17 and 18 of the Changeability Podcast we talked about what affirmations are, how to create your own and how to use them. This week we look at some different types of affirmations. We discuss
CA018: How to make affirmations work
29/11/2014 Duração: 40minYou know you want to change or improve something in your life or business. So you set yourself a goal to state your intention to do something about it. And because you’ve listened to the Changeability Podcast you recognise a few negative self-beliefs and unhelpful limiting thoughts lurking in your mind that could potentially scupper the whole thing. Well now comes the exciting part – because this is where you start to tell your new story, as you affirm yourself and whatever it is you want to achieve. Because today is the day we talk about how to make affirmations work for you. In episode 18 of our Changeability Podcast we look at how you can easily create your own personal positive affirmations and once you’ve got them, what you can do with them. “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things start to happen.” Muhammad Ali In today’s episode you find out: Why affirmations are a great way to help you change something and get more success A
CA017: The what why and how of positive affirmations
22/11/2014 Duração: 31minEver thought about the power of your words? We’re not talking about the affect your words have on others when you say something encouraging, uplifting or downright hurtful and unkind. No, we’re talking about the affect your words have on you. Every day we think thoughts in words and we tell ourselves things about what we’re doing, what we should do and what we have done. We interpret the world through our words and thoughts. Our words influence our thoughts and at the same time our thoughts influence our words. 90 years ago Florence Scovel Shinn wrote about the influence of our subconscious on what we do and the way our words “Any man who does not know the power of the word, is behind the times” Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and How to Play It, 1925 Over the last few episodes we’ve looked at the unhelpful words that we tell ourselves, the words that with repetition lead us to the beliefs and thoughts that hold us back, keep us living small and limit our opportunities and achievements. Today
CA016: Clear your head trash - with Alexia Leachman
15/11/2014 Duração: 41minWhat do you call the negative thoughts, feelings and emotions that clog up your mind and get in the way of you living your best life? In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we are delighted to be joined by a guest who calls them our ‘Head Trash’. The last few episodes of the Changeability Podcast have been about how to discover your negative limiting thoughts and self-beliefs – and last week (in episode 15) we explored a way of examining and releasing them. Today we look at it from a different angle with an expert with her own take on the subject and how to do it. Alexia Leachman joins us to talk about head trash - what it is and how you can clear your head trash. Alexia is the founder of Head Trash and host of the chart topping The Head Trash Show podcast. We were also honoured to have our youngest ever guest making her first podcast appearance. If you listen carefully you might hear some cute baby noises in the background from Alexia’s new daughter Sofia. In episode 15 you’ll find out about: What
CA015: Letting go of limiting thoughts and beliefs
08/11/2014 Duração: 36min“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ~ Socrates We all have thoughts and self-beliefs that impact how we go about every aspect of our life and business or work. Some are positive and some negative – and the negative ones limit what we do and how we do it – they get in the way of us achieving the goals we set ourselves and our vision for the life or business we want. So to stop this happening we want to find a way of minimising the effect of these disempowering thoughts that limit our opportunities. And to paraphrase the words of Socrates - we need to get rid of our old limiting thoughts, so we’re not inadvertently focusing our energy on ‘fighting the old’, but release them to focus on ‘building the new’ going forward. That’s what we’re talking about in today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast –practical ways of dealing with and letting go of limiting thoughts and self-beliefs. We even talk you through a couple of simple exercises you c
CA014: What self-beliefs hold you back?
01/11/2014 Duração: 38min“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare Do you want more money? Ever feel you want more time to yourself? Think you’re too old or young to do some of the things you want to do? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you’ll like today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast. Because we’re looking at examples of the limiting thoughts we all have – and what self-beliefs hold you back. The type of thinking that narrows our horizons, holds us back from living the biggest best version of our lives, and gets in the way of us achieving our goals. In episode 14 you’ll find out about: A super quick way to find what self-beliefs hold you back Common limiting thoughts around money What’s wrong with the fact that money doesn’t grow on trees The emotional side of wealth The fear of success (yes – really!) Why Kathryn has a big clock on her vision board Why you might not be as busy as you think you are If busy = good Who thinks sleep is a waste of living time Wh
CA013: Discover your limiting thoughts and beliefs
25/10/2014 Duração: 34minGetting what you want in life and business is not just about having vision and goals – great though they are. In episode 13 of the Changeability Podcast we take a step back from thinking about where you want to get to and what you want to achieve. We take you back to the all-important starting point, to discover what’s sabotaging your best intentions and desires. To tease out what’s stopping you reaching your potential and getting in the way of positive change in your life or business. This is the crucial self-development step that most people miss out. It’s understandable because we’re so keen to be getting on with our goals and actions. But it’s the key to unlocking the behaviours and characteristics that you need in order to make the changes you want to make in your life. Without it you’re in danger of repeating the same behaviours and ways of thinking and acting that got you into the situation and position you now want to change – whatever that is, however big or small. “You are today where your though
CA012: Making goals happen - with entrepreneur Chris Marr
18/10/2014 Duração: 48min“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn In episode 12 of the Changeability Podcast we talk about making goals happen with entrepreneur Chris Marr. Yes, we’re super excited to have our first guest on the show, because Chris is a real-life example of someone who takes massive action when it comes to using goals in his life and business. Chris set out two years ago with a mission to become an expert goal setter and in this practical session he shares the challenges and successes he’s experienced, and gives us a fascinating insight into the system he uses. We’ve been looking at goals and vision in the last few episodes of the Changeability Podcast, and it’s great to hear today from someone who’s making goals happen in such a real and positive way in his life and business. This episode is full of actionable tips and techniques for anyone who wants to change or achieve something and have a positive outlook in their life and business. All this and more with Chris Marr, host
CA011: How to set goals that work
11/10/2014 Duração: 38minHow to set goals that work "Humans work best when they have a sense of purpose. It doesn't seem to matter what it is, as long as there is one! Without a sense of purpose the Human lacks direction and meaning to life." Dr Steve Peters Goals help us define what we desire, give us clarity about what we want to achieve and articulate a sense of purpose. Goals are a way of making our vision and ambitions manageable and achievable. In setting goals we state our intentions, based on the big picture of how we want our business or life to look. Goal setting is an excellent mind management technique. Goals give us focus, determine our direction, and create the lens through which we look at business, life and it’s opportunities. In short, goals help us manage our minds to make changes or improvements in business and life - by helping us cultivate the optimum mindset to take the actions to bring those changes into reality. But how do we it? How do we create goals that inspire and motivate us? In episode 11 of the Chan
CA010: The Power of Goals
04/10/2014 Duração: 33min“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where” - said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat “So long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough. (Lewis Carroll from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 1865) Do you like goals – or does talk of goals make your eyes glaze over and your mind shut off? Do you set goals in your life or business – or do you think they’re a waste of time and energy? Have you heard people talking about goals but don’t know what the fuss is about? In episode 10 of the Changeability Podcast we’re talking all things goals. We explore the power of goals to help us manage our minds to get the life and business we want. What they are and why they work (or do they?) How goals take the vision or big picture of what we want (which we talked about in episode 9) and turn it into
CA009: What is your vision in life and business?
27/09/2014 Duração: 35minWhat is your vision in life & business? “When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: 'If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right.' It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” ~ Steve Jobs Last week we looked at an overview of 5 more techniques and tactics that can help us use our minds in a beneficial way for making changes and improvements in our life and business. Giving us more changeability so we can achieve our goals and desires. It was part two of a 10-technique blueprint we’re laying out over the coming episodes here on the Changeability Podcast. In today’s show we start back at the beginning. In the first of those 10 techniques, we’re going back to basics - asking a basic
CA008: 5 more ways to manage your mind
20/09/2014 Duração: 34min“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start.” Nido Qubein This is where the background theory of the first six episodes of the Changeability Podcast morphs into the practice. Last week we started looking at practical techniques and actions to move us beyond the theory of how our minds work and hold us back from doing what we want to do. We outlined 5 mind management techniques to do this. In today’s show we carry on where we left off at the end of episode 7. This is like the part 2 of How to Manage Your Mind, as we take a look at 5 more ways to manage your mind. These are 5 more techniques and tactics that can help us use our minds in a beneficial way for making changes and improvements in our life and business. Giving us more changeability so we can achieve our goals and desires. In episode 8 you’ll find out about: How it’s not all about what we want to achieve and future goals and dreams. How a bit of appreciation can go a long way. The simplest ex
CA007: How to manage your mind
13/09/2014 Duração: 35minHow to manage your mind “If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.” Jim Rohn Over the course of the first 6 episodes of the Changeability Podcast we’ve talked about our brains, our conscious and subconscious minds – their different but equally important roles and how the subconscious mind is many times more powerful than the subconscious (episode 2). We’ve seen how the things our conscious creative imaginative mind wants for us can be undermined by our subconscious, whose job it is to keep us safe within the realms of our current experience and way of looking at the world through our self-beliefs and habits. And in doing so can unintentionally restrict our awareness of opportunities and ultimately make the difference between us achieving what we want to or not (episode 3). We’ve talked about how all change starts with a conscious thought (episode 4) and how important it is to take control. We constantly take choices whether we realize it or not – and one of the things we can choose to
CA006: What is Mind Management?
06/09/2014 Duração: 24minWhat is mind management “What is the single most important skill you can master to increase your happiness and success? Training your mind.” ~ T Harv Eker in Success Magazine In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re thinking about our strap line – ‘Manage your Mind’. You might have heard the term mind management before, but what is mind management? Why is it becoming popular and what’s in it for you? In episode 6 you’ll find out about: Kathryn and Julian’s acting skills (you’ve been warned) How many thoughts you have in a day Why sports people love mind management How thoughts have energy How you are not thoughts How mind management needs training How Mind management can improve your personal and professional life Links and resources mentioned in this episode: T Harv Eker: Success Magazine Dr Steve Peters: The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness Kathryn Bryant: Changeability: Manage your Mind - Change your Life
CA005: Take control of your life
30/08/2014 Duração: 28minTake Control Of Your Life “Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.” ~ Stephen Covey If you’ve ever changed or improved something in your life or business, especially if it was something you’d struggled with, was there was a point where you made a choice and decision to take control and do something about it? Because we think there was. Whether we always remember the exact moment of taking charge or not, there is a point where we get ourselves into the right frame of mind or mindset to do what’s needed. If not nothing happens. In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re thinking about why the need to take control of your life is crucial if you want to change anything or get better at something. In episode 5 you will find out: You can take control of what you want to change (despite what some may think) Why going with the flow will not get you whe
Thinking about thoughts
23/08/2014 Duração: 32minThinking About Thoughts “It's not what you have to ‘do’ that needs to change. It’s first how you ‘think’ that needs to change. It’s who you have to ‘be’ in order to ‘do’ what needs to be done. The good news is that it doesn't cost much money to change your thinking. In fact, it can be done for free.” - Robert Kiyosaki In episode 4 of the Changeability podcast we're thinking about something we don't often think about - something that we all take for granted. We're thinking about thinking. And that means thinking about thoughts. As this week’s ‘quote of the show’ says - you can change your thinking and it can be done for free. This might depend a bit on your definition of ‘free’ as it’s not without some effort – but it can be done. And that’s what lies at the heart of the whole idea behind Changeability. Changing our thinking to change or improve things in our life through managing our minds or mind management. It’s what the Changeability podcast (and book) is about. In a couple of episode’s time we’ll ge
Changeability - The Start
10/08/2014 Duração: 28minWahay - The Changeability Podcast is here. And in the first episode ‘Changeability – the Start’ you get to hear us, your hosts - Kathryn and Julian – introduce ourselves and the idea behind the Changeability show. We also talk a bit about what you can expect from the shows over the coming weeks and months. The Changeability podcast is for people who are interested in changing or improving aspects of their life or business, whether big or small. It’s for those people like us, who’re interested in finding ways to make our lives better bit by bit – so we can be more successful (whatever that means to you), happy and fulfilled.