In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!
How To Be A Worldly Man - MTP98
06/11/2016 Duração: 41minCo-Host Henrik Jeppesen ( At age 28, Henrik Jeppesen makes Johnny Cash jealous. He's been everywhere, man. Seriously...he is the youngest man ever to travel to every country in the world. Trust fund baby? Guess again... Right out of the gate Henrik gives you his secrets to traveling for very little, or even NO money. He then reveals the weird but wonderful ways his travels have helped him overcome shyness and fear of all areas of life. Discover the surprising, unexpected reasons why Henrik wanted to go to every country rather than to the same places favored by tourists again and again. Plus, you'll hear the ironic reason why world adventurers also tend to be couch potatoes in their "downtime" moments. What are the countries that are really safe contrary to popular belief...and vice-versa? Best of all, you'll hear Henrik's account of being the only tourist in Syria when he went just last year, along with what it's like to shake hands with the Prime Minist
Dating Differences Between Men And Women - MTP97
27/10/2016 Duração: 33minMy co-host Dawoon Kang and her sisters famously refused Mark Cuban's 30M offer for their dating app, Coffee Meets Bagel. Now she's on the show for a frank discussion about the differences between how men and women date...much of it based on her company's own market research. Personally, I think their app should have been called "Beer Meets Pretzels", but as it turns out there's a strategic reason why that wouldn't have been the best plan. In this show you'll discover what "high quality" means to both men and women...based on survey results. Plus, you'll hear their genius solution to ghosting, along with the 100% ninja way they actually make their woman-friendly app more GUY friendly by removing the single biggest bane of every man's online dating existence. In fact, they actually HELP us as guys solve another major area of online dating that usually leaves us twisting in the wind. Oh, and just for good measure, Dawoon's shocking take on hook-up culture will NOT be what you expect to hear. Fair warning: You'll
Making Friends With Other Guys - MTP96
16/10/2016 Duração: 41minHave you ever noticed that half of your Facebook friends are from high school? Meanwhile, most of the other half are from college. The crazy part is you're not alone. After all, half of your friends' friends are on your friend list too. What is up with us nowadays? How come it's so incredibly challenging to make friends with other dudes after you graduate from school? According to at least one survey out there, the average number of close friends the typical adult American male has is...wait for That means the number is closer to zero than one. The truth is, even though we can make friends so easily when we're a kid, it tends to feels weird when we're adults. Could it be we practice talking to women, but never practice talking to other men? Or maybe it's much more than just that. Well, my co-host Kyle Ingham from The Distilled Man and I both have our theories, and in this show we're not only going to throw them on the table, we're going to give you step-by-step secrets to building your social circl
Announcement: We're Changing The Name Of The Show
13/10/2016 Duração: 05minAfter nine years of production, it's time for a new name. Find out what the new name is, why we're making the change and all the other details you'll need to know. Subscribe to the free newsletter at, and experience the outrage over on the YouTube channel at === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by rating the show (takes one second) and leaving us a review. As we say here in Texas, we appreciate you!
Why Women Love To Be Seduced - TCW95
01/10/2016 Duração: 46minHas seduction in the true sense of the word gone the way of chivalry...seemingly irrelevant in today's post-modern feminist world? Following on the success of the last episode, join another New Yorker friend of mine, Jennifer Rhodes of Rapport Relationships, for the clearest conversation ever defining true seduction from a woman's perspective. Could confusion about this very topic be why men and women are having a harder time connecting these days on first dates? You'll discover the counter-intuitive truth about the very foundation of seduction itself...and I guarantee it's the OPPOSITE of everything you've ever been taught. Jennifer will also reveal what women have done to shoot themselves in the foot, depriving themselves of a quality romantic experience with a man. But then again, she'll also reveal the biggest mistake we as men make that robs us of the chance to be a master seducer. But the best part is saved for last...get practical tips on how to get the dance of seduction right from now on. Be sure to
Dating Differences Between Cities, Rural Areas And Suburbia - TCW94
19/09/2016 Duração: 54minThere's no doubt about it...where you live can have a massive effect on your experience dating and relating to women. My co-host Rachel Russo is a matchmaker in her native New York City, so there's nobody better to talk urban dating with. So how about 'alpha' career women in a city like The Big Apple have all the power? Rachel's first-hand take might surprise you. But what about living in a rural area? If you do, listen in for a counterintuitive but brilliant secret to meeting more women. We'll even hash out how to avoid the same old boring dates if you live in the suburbs. How is it that people can live in city a population of 20 million and still feel lonely? Are beautiful women everywhere really being jetted to Papeete by billionaires, leaving us 'normal' guys with no chance whatsoever? And most importantly, was that Rachel's pet pig that oinked at 29:30, or what? By the way, I realize now it was Eva not Zsa-Zsa, so cut me a break, will you? Link to the newsletter, Twitter, Facebook and the newly-r
Be A Great Man Of Adventure - TCW93
09/09/2016 Duração: 34minThis time we journey off the beaten track to discover how to get more adventure into your life. After all, no self-actualized man ever became great by sitting on the sofa and watching life happen on TV. So as you can guess, my co-host Derek Loudermilk is certainly no couch potato. In addition to hosting the Art Of Adventure podcast, he's studied the Great Barrier Reef, trained with world-class cyclists in Spain, discovered a new species at Yellowstone, explored Bali and done about a million other badass things...yet he's one of the most easy-going and down-to-earth guys you can imagine. Listen in as we consider some of the greatest men of adventure in history, what they did that was so cool, and what we can learn from their experiences in the quest to create our own epic adventures. And by the way, what IS 'adventure', anyway? All this and more in one action-packed episode. Get in on the most popular dating, relationship and men's lifestyle newsletter around. It's free for the taking at: http://www.thechickwh
Creative Text Messaging And Lots Of Bisous - TCW92
02/09/2016 Duração: 58minCo-Host Claudia Cox ( Have you ever noticed that all advice about texting women has started sounding the same? Tell her she's a 'troublemaker'. Give her a nickname. Don't send lame, generic messages like, 'Hey, how are you doing?'. There's been nothing new for years, it seemed. Then, along came my co-host Claudia Cox, and ever since we've enjoyed an all-new wellspring of creative texting genius. aren't in on the secret yet? Well, you will be as soon as you finish listening to this epic episode. Claudia gives you simple but crazy smart ideas on how to separate yourself from the herd of other guys with just one simple message. Then, she drops brilliant new secrets that'll make women absolutely adore you...all with the power of your smartphone. For good measure, I'll share with you the undisputed greatest moment in my own personal texting history...which led directly to my kissing Emily for the very first time. Best of all, you're about to be treated to the most la
Why Men Hate Going To Church - TCW91
26/08/2016 Duração: 38minFirst off, let's get the most important part out of the way.'ll be able to relate to this episode and enjoy it regardless of your spiritual leanings. Weirdly enough, it doesn't matter if you're a man of faith, agnostic, atheist or anywhere in between...chances are extremely likely that you can't stand going to church. In fact, you probably avoid it at all costs. For most of us, that's a foregone conclusion we don't spend much time thinking about. It is what it is. But what happens when you finally sit down and wrestle with the question of 'why'? My co-host David Murrow did exactly that, almost to the point of obsession. The end result is a stream of consciousness that is as brilliant as it is iconoclastic. David is not a preacher or clergyman of any kind. Therefore, there are no 'sacred cows' he has to protect. That means you can expect a no-holds-barred conversation that's likely to fry your circuits. He says all the things everyone else is afraid to, and it all makes perfect sense in the end. Add
How To Make A Brilliant First Impression - TCW90
14/08/2016 Duração: 54minIt only takes a mere thirty seconds for someone to form a first impression of you. So what's it gonna be? According to my friend and co-host Kimberly Seltzer (but you can call her 'Kim'), all the magic is in the clothes you wear, other elements of personal style, your attitude and your social skills. In fact, you might be amazed how much your first impression is made or broken even before you say anything. Kim is super smart, full of energy and a ton of fun, so tune in for a fast-paced discussion on 'double yay-hoos', 'sergeant waitresses', 'Rockers For Dockers' and everything else in between. You'll also discover what's in a name, and who 'Susy' is. All of this and more in one of the most hilarious episodes we've recorded lately. When you're done listening, you'll be able to fill in the blanks... 'When it comes to first impressions, men look at _____, but women look at _____. So, have you gotten in on the free newsletter yet? In it you'll discover golden tips for dating, peak performance, maculine power and
Turning Shyness Into Boldness - TCW89
03/08/2016 Duração: 34minDid you know that almost everyone experiences shyness? So why is it we always think we're the only ones feeling it? Well, my guest the time around is none other than Myke Macapinlac from Social Confidence Mastery. Now, you may not have ever felt compelled to eat your lunch in a bathroom stall back in high school like he did, but wherever you are on the shyness scale you're sure to be inspired by how far he has come since emigrating to Canada from the Philippines at age 17. I have to admit, I was plenty shy and socially awkward myself back in school, so this conversation with Myke was an easy one to have. It's all for your benefit, of course. Find out what Myke did to beat shyness over the head until it stops twitching, along with six steps you can take to do the same. Myke's an easy going, likable guy, so you can look forward to one of the most inspiring episodes in quite some time. If you've not taken advantage of my newsletter yet, it's completely free to sign up. Just head to the show notes page and getcha
The Single Dad Episode - TCW88
22/07/2016 Duração: 45minYou never wanted it this way, and you certainly never thought it would come to this...but the breakup with your children's mom happens and you find yourself a single dad. How do you get your spirits up, keep your health in check and maintain your job performance? And what mindset should you have to start dating again? Most of all, how do you do right by your kids, making decisions that are truly best for them? Well, my co-host Stephen Roy from Single Dad Fit Dad and I have both walked in those shoes, and we collaborate on this episode to give you the ultimate roadmap for navigating single parenthood as a 'big four' man. And don't worry, we most definitely give you 'been there, done that' ideas on how to handle the family law system. Fair're in for a good, long rant from me on that subject that I've had pent up for over a decade. It's not to be missed for sure, especially the ridiculously valuable gold nugget that gets dropped at exactly 36:17. Want all the dating, sex and masculinity advice you
What To Say To her...Texting, Online, Or In Person - TCW87
29/06/2016 Duração: 46minHe's a fast talker, but he's equally quick on his feet. That can only mean my co-host Rob Judge from Date Hotter Women is a grand master at talking to women. In response to an avalanche of requests, this episode focuses on overcoming a massive stumbling block for most guys...what to say to a woman first when you're just starting a conversation with her. You want real, actionable examples? You got 'em...and it's way more than just a few. You'll shake your head in disbelief at some of the magnificent, genius ways Rob will help you avoid drawing a blank. Better still, whether you're writing a first e-mail to a woman online, meeting her in person or hammering out your first text to her, we've got you covered. And oh yeah...expect lots of real-world "been there, done that" advice straight from our in-field coaching sessions with guys. Rob and I may have different styles when it comes to meeting women, but that just means you get an even healthier smorgasbord to draw from. Love the show and want more? Sign up for t
Conquering Fear And Anxiety - TCW86
23/04/2016 Duração: 37minJustin Stenstrom is the man behind both Elite Man Magazine and the popular Elite Man podcast. He and I made friends immediately, which meant it was a must to have him on the show. The unique topic on the table for this episode is facing fears and anxiety, dealing with them when necessary and--when you should--beating them over the head with a shovel until they stop twitching. Listen in to discover the simple truth that will help you get past habitual worry once and for all. Of course, we also talk about approach anxiety. Plus we'll define 'confidence' for you, before moving on to a no-nonsense breakdown of the fear of failure vs. fear of success. You'll also find out why post-modern life really brings LESS adventure for most people, and you'll get Justin's three-step process for conquering the fear that paralyzes you. Justin is running a big time conference in the Boston area this August, and I'm thrilled and honored to be a speaker at it. Find out all the details when you visit the show notes page at: http:/
How To Be More Attractive Immediately - TCW85
15/04/2016 Duração: 26minMy co-host, James Knight is also one of our newest team members here at X & Y Communications, along with Rob Brinded. He's a world-class expert in human movement with over 17 years of experience helping La Liga players, tour golfers and other athletes achieve peak performance. But most importantly for you, he also knows untold keys to training your body to be more attractive to women...all without you having to learn, memorize, do or even say anything. Discover how our brains unconsciously trigger love and sexual desire based on primal, animal instincts. Find out what James calls 'the deep essence of attraction', and how to keep your head in the game...quite literally. You'll also hear why our 21st-century lifestyle is killing our inherent attractiveness at a baseline, physical level. And perhaps best of all, you'll be treated to a class A rant on how attraction is dirty trick from God. You'll quickly figure out why we're so thrilled to welcome both James and Rob to the team. They straight-up know secrets
Reconnecting With Women From The Past - TCW84
08/04/2016 Duração: 33minJohnnie Raines is a Hollywood casting director best known for working on reality television shows like The Bachelor. His latest project is called 'First Love, True Love', which will be bringing together couples who knew each other in the past but haven't seen each other in years. As soon as Johnnie contacted me about that, I immediately recognized it as a brilliant topic that has never been covered on this show. With the meteoric rise of social media it's almost impossible NOT to find yourself catching up with someone, if not everyone, you haven't seen in ages. So then, is it ever a good idea to rekindle an 'old flame'? And what about someone you've secretly desired ever since high school or college, but never had the chance to connect with in the first place? What are the chances it'll turn out to be true love instead of a major disaster? And if you do decide to go for it, how do you go about it? Plus, there's plenty of time to talk about reality TV in general, and even a chance for you to be on Johnnie's ne
Holding Out For A Hero - TCW83
25/03/2016 Duração: 40minMaybe you've seen the beer commercial that's been on sports channels lately where all the sexy women are 'holding out for a hero'. Weirdly, some guys are all up in arms about that commercial, somehow seeing it as an example of how men are disparaged in the media. But what's the problem? Isn't a man SUPPOSED to be a hero...especially to women? And as such, is it really a slap in the face for women to WANT us to be heroic? After all, not enough of us ARE these days. Here's what I think...we as guys have simply lost touch with what it means to be a hero, mostly because we have no idea what a hero even looks like. My long-time friend and co-host Justice Donnelly from Steal Her Heart agrees. What's more, both of us firmly believe that BEING a woman's hero is one of the most valid (and almost supernaturally powerful) ways to feel like a man. In this epic episode we talk about heroism and role models in a way you're guaranteed to have never heard before. Find out how heroes aren't without their faults, and why that'
The 'Nice Guy' Problem And How To Fix It - TCW82
14/03/2016 Duração: 37minIf you're guilty of being a 'nice guy', you know how frustrating it is to hear women tell you they're 'just not feeling it'...right before they banish you to the dreaded Just Be Friends zone. But WHY does this happen...especially when all women ever talk about is how much they want to find a 'nice guy'? If you're who they really want, then why do so many hot, sexy women end up with idiots and jerks instead? Well, in this episode I'm joined by the host of the Nice Guy Dating Podcast himself, Kevin Alexander. Get ready for a completely different take on what's wrong with the 'nice guy' persona, and how you can get out from under it and start making women genuinely 'feel it' for you, for a change. I guarantee Kevin's revolutionary thoughts on this topic, combined with one of my more epic rants all-time, will conspire to get you out of the JBF Zone and into the hearts, minds and naughty fantasies of women everywhere. Are you getting my daily newsletters yet? They're packed with solid, practical steps for attracti
Do Women Really Like Sex? - TCW81
22/02/2016 Duração: didn't think I'd get some dude on this episode, did you? Of course not. You want straight facts from a woman herself, which is why I got one who's 100 percent woman all the time. That's none other than Shana James of AMP fame, who jumped at the chance to do this show. What more would you expect from someone who runs the men's Sexual Satisfaction Summit these days? After having coached thousands of men AND women, you're about to experience the clearest, most direct answers exposing the real truth of the matter. Do women REALLY like sex, or is that a big lie? Get ready for one of the most powerfully compelling (and hottest) episodes ever. Have you heard the brand new podcast Emily and I are doing together on action, adventure and world travel? If not, tune in here and give it a listen: === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you love what you hear, please give us a 'thumbs up' by
Because Women Want Your Hands All Over Them - TCW80
19/01/2016 Duração: 30minThis unique episode kicks off with an exciting announcement. We welcome a new expert to the X & Y Communications team. That's none other than Trace Loft of Massage Your Date fame. Now Trace isn't a smooth talking pickup artist, but since he loves spending time with sexy women he needed to develop a way to get more of them in his life. What he's discovered (and now teaches) gets right to the heart of what WORKS with women. Listen in as Trace talks about how to make a woman feel comfortable with you, how to initiate physical contact and even what to do if she has unusually large breasts. We'll also answer the age-old question made famous by Pulp Fiction: Is a foot massage, just a foot massage? Count on this episode to challenge your mindset and empower you with a new perspective that just might bring more naked women into your world...just like it did for Trace. Oh, and most incredible part is that they'll love every minute of it. Have you visited the brand new show notes page? It's all here at: http://www.