The Chick Whisperer Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 303:57:36
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In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!


  • All About Cheating - MTP118

    08/12/2017 Duração: 49min

    How have we gone over ten years without covering this topic? Dating and relationship coach Benjamin Ritter of Live For Yourself Consulting joins me to talk about what cheating is, people who cheat and why they do it. We reveal the huge mistake people make when beginning a relationship that practically dooms them to cheating accusations in the future. I also share the shocking conversation I had with Emily that has cheat-proofed our relationship for nearly 12 years and counting. We talk about whether or not to tell your significant other if and when cheating happens. Does having sex with someone else really have to mean a horrible, cataclysmic end to the relationship? Meanwhile, is distaste for the thought of someone else having sex with your partner simply a social construct...or even a limiting belief? Plus, hilarious observations about how Facebook actually compels people to cheat. Finally, we'll show you how to know if she's been cheating and a genius way to confront her about it. My first all-new program

  • How To Find A Feminine Woman Who Actually Loves Men - MTP117

    19/11/2017 Duração: 34min

    Okay, here it is... Even though there are more high-profile men being outed as sexual assailants every day, that doesn't necessarily mean YOU'RE a monster simply for being male and attracted to women. Yet more guys than ever before are at a total loss as to how to even TALK to women, let alone express romantic interest. And an even more profound challenge seems to be even finding a woman who still loves, adores and appreciates a real man...especially US. Meanwhile, the greatest tragedy of all is it seems the most significant collateral damage to angry 3rd-wave Feminism has been femininity itself. Well, for this show I'm joined by none other than Relationship Theory host and Quest Nutrition co-founder Lisa Bilyeu, who was genuinely excited to discuss how we as men can find a strong, empowered yet FEMININE woman who is all about honoring your masculinity. If you've found yourself feeling a bit jaded by all the gender politics swirling around in today's world, you'll find Lisa's message--and her whole persona, r

  • The Far-Flung Future Of Dating And Relating - MTP116

    29/10/2017 Duração: 52min

    When you think of 'futurism' your first thoughts are probably of Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk and talk of 'The Singularity'...when machines will become smarter than humans. All that techie stuff is ridiculously cool and all, but have you ever noticed how little speculation there is out there about the future of sex, dating and relationships? Well, after a bit of going back and forth in one of my mastermind groups for relationship coach types, I discovered my friend Jason Silver was pretty much the only guy thinking about these ideas as much as I was. So I invited him on the show for a uniquely mind-blowing discussion about men, women, sexbots, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and much more. We kick it all off by thinking about the relatively near-term future of social media and male/female relationships. But where it all gets completely out of hand is when we start considering the next hundred or two hundred years and beyond. Basically, Jason and I go back and forth rapid-fire trading face-melting

  • How Has Donald Trump Affected Dating And Attraction? - MTP115

    08/10/2017 Duração: 36min

    Co-Host Rich Gosse ( First of all, let's clarify something important: This show is NOT about politics, and this episode is no exception. Rich Gosse is head of the world's largest singles group and the author of The Donald Trump Syndrome: Why Women Choose The Wrong Men To Love. What got my attention most about this guy is he's actually hosting mixer parties in California for women who can't stand Donald Trump. So who are the guys he's inviting? Well, get this... Rich's hypothesis is that women SAY they want a man who's older, taller, richer, better educated and more 'alpha'. But since The Donald represents all of those traits and women still seem to abhor him, why not introduce these ladies to men who are younger, shorter, poorer, less-educated and incredibly shy? If you're like me, you've GOT to be wondering how well these parties have been going. Let's just say Rich swears they're incredibly successful for everyone involved. Does this mean the whole paradigm of what wo

  • How Dating Advice Has Evolved - MTP114

    16/09/2017 Duração: 47min

    This time I'm joined by a true legend in the world of men's dating advice, none other than Clifford Lee. His claim to fame, of course, is the notorious Cliff's List, which started out as a cornerstone of the 'underground' pickup artist movement back in the early '00s and has evolved with the times to remain one of the top men's portals.  As such, there's no better guy to talk about how men's dating and seduction advice is different nowadays than it used to be. But now that the PUA movement is dead and gone, it's not like men have stopped needing to get better with women. So now what? Can there be another group of men as united in the cause of excellence with women as the Seduction Community was?  The truth is that because of changes in the socio-political climate, more men are looking for 'natural' ways to meet women without 'running game' or anything else that would appear sleazy.  Is that an overreaction, or simply a much-needed mindset correction? How have social media and dating apps contributed to the tr

  • Living Together - MTP113

    05/08/2017 Duração: 37min

    Lots of couples move in with each other these days, and there are more reasons why than you might think. My special guest Damona Hoffman spends as much time thinking about 'cohabitation psychology' as anyone. After all, she's the resident dating expert on the new FYI Network show A Question Of Love, featuring three couples about to embark on the adventure of living together. We talk about the hurdles couples have to overcome, the three discussions that MUST take place before moving in together and our three best keys to living with a significant other without tearing each other apart. Does the sex get better...or worse? What about cross-cultural misunderstandings and misguided expectations? Should you sign a 'pre-hab'? On top of all else, we rant about how smartphones and online dating have changed people's expectations and brought about unexpected relationship challenges. If you haven't yet joined the new Mountain Top Summit Facebook group, it has over 300 members and is rockin'. Come join the discussion wit

  • Lucid Dreaming Sexcapades And Surreal Sleep Adventures - MTP112

    15/07/2017 Duração: 47min

    Co-Host Chris Hammond ( People talk about making their dreams come true all the time. But what if your dreams WERE truth? My co-host for this episode is Sydney's own Chris Hammond, the Chief Lucidity Officer at World Of Lucid Dreaming. You sleep up to a third of your life, so why not make the most of it? Lucid dreaming is a learned skill that allows your conscious mind to take over your dreamscape...without waking up. If you've already done it before, you know it's not only freaking EPIC, it leaves you challenging your very perspective on what 'reality' actually means. After all, your mind manufactures both your internal perceptions and your complete external reality on the fly...even including original works of art and music in the mix.  Chris and I dare to talk about the most insanely bizarre aspects of lucid dreaming including time travel, superhuman skills, putting your unconscious mind into 'auto' mode so you can compete against it and to call any woman i

  • Don't Men Care About Their Health? - MTP111

    23/06/2017 Duração: 45min

    How is it that we can wax our car, tune race engines to perfection, make sure our guitars stay immaculate and keep the dust off of our trophies...yet we don't give a rip about our own health most of the time? My co-host Jed Diamond from Men Alive has been wondering aloud about that for the last forty years. Jed is a long-time advocate for men's health, true masculinity, strong character and functional male/female relationships. What's more, he's a hell of a great guy. In this episode we explore why so many of us seem so hell-bent on finding what we love and letting it kill us. Discover all the warning signs that you're letting your health slip, including the ones that the women we love issue to us. What is 'Irritable Male Syndrome' and how do you keep it from happening to you? How can you take back control of your health today, living a longer, happier and more masculine life? You can also look forward to my epic closing rant on doctors and health I've had pent up for YEARS now, just looking for th

  • Stop Boring Women To Tears - MTP110

    26/04/2017 Duração: 38min

    One of the biggest fears most guys have is being boring...especially to the very women they're trying to attract. But let's face it, it's hard to make every conversation stimulating, let alone every date night the biggest adventure ever. The pressure to keep her interested can be crushing...and we haven't even gotten to the part where you're in a long-term relationship and trying to keep things fresh and exciting. Well, my co-host is the always-effervescent Jessica J, who you know from Playboy Radio. Jessica's freewheeling, happy-go-lucky personality makes for a hilarious and shocking episode that hits the ground running and only gains momentum from there. Oh, and she's one of the least boring people you'll ever meet, which makes her perfect for the job at hand. Given that easily-offended people are boring, and being 'Mr. Nice Guy' so as to not offend them is even more so, we somehow talk about politically-incorrect Warner Brothers cartoons, our shared penchant for streaking in the middle of the night, Jessic

  • Do Men Even Have Rights Anymore? - MTP109

    26/03/2017 Duração: 53min

    Emotions are at a fever pitch regarding the state of male/female relationships nowadays. We as men are told our masculinity is 'toxic', even as the very women who say so seem to claim masculine traits for themselves. Worse, guys are finding themselves in bad situations with virtually zero recourse...and not even a chance to defend themselves. Well, my co-host for this episode is Linda Gross, a female men's rights advocate who is about to fry your circuits. Why are men so trivialized in the family law system? Can women really cry 'rape'...even with consent? Are good, well-meaning women truly just as damaged by the current state of affairs as men, whether they even realize it or not? Get thought-provoking answers to all those questions and more. Plus, receive golden advice from both Linda and me on how to make sure you're never accused of rape...which goes WAY beyond the obvious. What can good men of character like us do to make a stand for men in today's world? Stand up and cheer when you hear my final take on

  • Know What You Want In Life And Make It Happen - MTP108

    18/03/2017 Duração: 38min

    The idea of 'radical transformation' appeals to nearly everyone. Most of us would love to be the best version of our most authentic self. But what do you do if you don't even know what you want...or who you even are? My co-host this time is serial entrepreneur and former ESPN SportsCenter host James Swanwick, who has done more thinking AND acting on this topic than most. Among the deep, life-changing questions we tackle in this episode are: Do we recognize when we're the ones causing ourselves problems, purely because of the bad habits we've let creep in over time? What if you know you a certain habit is killing you, yet you somehow can't find the will power to stop? Is the status quo really 'safer' than the risks you take by making changes to your life? You'll discover weird but powerful ways to live your passion and achieve wild success without burning out like a workaholic. Why the part of your life most people treat as a 'throwaway'--or even a total waste--might be the most strategic time you spend in you

  • Crush Limiting Beliefs About Women - MTP107

    05/03/2017 Duração: 37min

    Forget the stereotypes about hypnosis that you may have heard along the way. Clovis Colley is a well-known hypnotherapist who specializes in helping people gain greater access to their skills and maximize their personal power in areas they haven't even tapped into yet. As you listen to this episode, we'll expose common limiting beliefs that lead to anger and bitterness toward women, profoundly affecting your relationships and interactions with them. The crazy part is that you may have never even considered them before. This goes way beyond what your Dad modeled for you...birth order, high intelligence, parental over-protection, even the bombardment of media and the public opinions of virtually everyone via social media. Clovis can eliminate such limiting beliefs and install charismatic and magnetic new positive ones very quickly. As an added bonus, be sure to listen closely from 23:44 through 26:23 for my secrets to why men with a higher view of women tend to have better relationships with them for reasons th

  • How Dating Makes You Stupid - MTP106

    05/02/2017 Duração: 44min

    We're taking a break from the serious stuff to go on a protracted (and hilarious) rant about how and why both men and women seem to completely lose their minds whenever they meet and interact with each other. My guest for this is the always witty and personable James Preece, who is the UK's number one dating coach. Only two guys with respectively long histories of going brain-dead when relating to women could bring you a tirade this poignant and complete, so get ready to laugh along with us. We cover everything from meeting women to botched first-date conversation, twisted mindsets and more...including, of course, the mandatory coverage of online dating and breakups. Granted, this show definitely gets a bit harsh and painful in places, but if you ever feel like we've been spying on you in particular PLEASE know that each example we throw on the table is backed by at least several different true stories...if not several dozen. It's all in fun, but hey...if you get a bolt of lightning here and there that snaps

  • Is Anything I Ever Do For You Good Enough? - MTP105

    15/01/2017 Duração: 30min

    Have you ever felt like whatever you do for a woman it's never good enough? Worse...have you been left thinking that no matter what ANY man does in a world with so much 'man bashing', it's always going to be flat-out wrong? Obviously, any well-meaning man with solid intentions can be left thoroughly frustrated with a quickness. That's why I brought in my long time friend Iris Benrubi, who is a genuinely man-friendly licensed psychotherapist. Find out how seeds of discontent in your relationship with a woman--and her relationship with you--were actually sown in early childhood. And wait until you hear the fascinating truth about how the mental trigger of 'getting beat by a girl' when asking a woman out ends up screwing up your relationship with her later. Also, why some women are so good at triggering your 'hot buttons' and what to do when it happens. Finally, you'll also get true clarity on who should apologize to whom, and when...all the while gaining personal power and respect instead of squandering it. Rea

  • 'Hidden Detractors' That Ruin Your Chances With Women - MTP104

    06/01/2017 Duração: 40min

    Co-Host Suzanna Matthews ( You go out with her and everything seems fine...but obviously it wasn't because she NEVER returns your calls after that. What happened there? My guest co-host for this episode is super easy-going and guy-friendly dating coach Suzanna Matthews, aka The Date Maven. In this episode we expose the major ways both men AND women screw up on dates--usually without even realizing it. In addition to revealing exactly how 'Mr. Nice Guy' tends to be his own worst enemy on dates, we boldly delve into touchy subjects like manners, weird dating conversation, bringing the right energy, and attempted humor gone horribly wrong. Is there such thing as sexual innuendo etiquette? What critical dating mistake do we tend to make more and more as we get older? And what is it that virtually everyone does on dates that's invariably a HUGE blunder? Is social media actually conditioning you for dating disasters? Plus, you'll discover the number one way to get a woman to

  • Manning Up In A Politically Correct World - MTP103

    22/12/2016 Duração: 37min

    Co-Host Frank Miniter ( Frank Miniter is an author, journalist and former editor of two different hunting magazines. Since his specialties are masculinity and politics, he's the quintessentially perfect man to have such a poignant conversation with...and with manhood being marginalized more than ever in Western culture, the timing has never been better. The first thing you'll find out about Frank is that he not only lives life to the fullest, he's curious enough to gain as much knowledge as he can along the way. I LOVE guys like that. You can look forward to insider tales about running with the bulls and how Ernest Hemmingway was a badass. Even though modern society can't handle the idea of a true Renaissance Man, men who are both genteel and adventurous are still somehow revered. You'll discover how to get out of the box and maximize your potential. Then you'll be treated to the most compelling and amazing boxing story since Rocky...only this one is one-hundred percent

  • The Ultimate Conversation About Consent - MTP102

    11/12/2016 Duração: 49min

    Co-Host Mike Domitrz ( Mike Domitrz (rhymes with 'Amish') tours the country talking to crowds of men and women about consent. Knowing how confusing, potentially scary and flat-out frustrating this topic is to so many of us as men, this is one of the most anticipated episodes ever. And you're in for a no-holds-barred session where everything gets thrown on the table. We dive right in, starting with WTF is happening at our universities and workplaces...are men under attack simply for being heterosexual? Then, you'll discover how to check off the 'consent' box without being awkward, dorky and ruining the moment. The number one sign of sexual immaturity and why you should run from it. What to do if you don't exactly feel smooth and cool when it's time to get physical with a woman. How to handle 'Netflix and chill'. What to do when she asks, 'Should we be doing this?' Does 'yes' ever really mean 'no', and if so what's a man to do? Mike also has an answer for for any guy who b

  • Find Your Passion And Leave A Legacy - MTP101

    03/12/2016 Duração: 38min

    Will you leave this world better than you found it? Will you be remembered or even revered for the positive influence you had? Remarkably, the vast majority of men walking this Earth not only have no answer for those questions, they don't even care. Why is that? Do we lack passion, leaving us unmotivated and apathetic? Well, my co-host for this episode is the world famous author of the mega-bestselling E-Myth book series and self-proclaimed 'Chief Agitator', Michael E. Gerber. Now 80 years old, Michael has been rattling the cages of countless would-be entrepreneurs for over 40 years, and is widely considered the father of modern-day business coaching. But despite his infamous reputation for disruption, he's one of the warmest--and wisest--men you'd ever hope to meet. Listen in as he shares brilliant and at times wholly unexpected angles on how to leave your legacy...and why you should want to. Oh, and there's one other bit that I had to make sure Michael talked about. He married his lovely wife at age 70, and

  • You Can't Fake True Love - MTP100

    25/11/2016 Duração: 43min

    For this milestone episode of the big show, having the best co-host ever was a must, if not a moral imperative. The choice was obvious, given that he's my biggest influence and greatest role model. It's none other than my Dad, of course...Russ McKay. This is the first time in the eleven year history of X & Y Communications that I've done an audio with him, and to say it was well worth the wait is an understatement. As he describes what has made his relationship with my Mom so exemplary for over 55 years, he mixes in a golden take on love at first sight along with gems like 'you can't fake love' and 'love is the one touch with infinity that we can have as human beings'. Then you'll hear what it was like to be a rockstar in 1961 sub-Saharan Africa. After that, you'll get shocking revelations about working with supermodels in New York City. But what's truly going to fry your circuits is how a working-class Baltimore guy was able to make friends with billionaires, Hall of Fame athletes and even the Royal Fami

  • Forgetting The One Who Got Away - MTP99

    16/11/2016 Duração: 31min

    Some men firmly believe that every one of us has a certain old flame our life who we think of as 'The One Who Got Away'. We either had her or thought we did, but the relationship slipped through our fingers and she was gone. The loss can be devastating, throwing us into a vortex of grief for months, years or even decades. Why is it that we pine for that one woman in our past, even when we know it's no darned good for us and we need to move on? And geez...what if we let it happen more than once? Well, according to my co-host, relationship expert Susan Winter, there are actually powerful mind triggers that cause us to pine away for someone so deeply. But thankfully, you can actually use those same psychological principles to reverse course and move on for good. Susan also explains why there's never such thing as 'the last bus', and I share my own strange but true story of how I loved, lost, lost my mind and finally recovered from the devastating breakup. All that and some hilarious surprises are in store for yo

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