Andy Murphy uses his 12 years of experience working with VIP clients such as Saudi Arabian Royalty, TV producers & world-champions to give you a competitive edge in your business and life. Join him while he uses his wisdom to interview world-class entrepreneurs, internet marketers, martial artists, Ironmen, Forex experts, and copywriters, from around the world. Andy brings you in-depth interviews in a fun, entertaining manner using his English brogue. If you are looking for inspiration, motivation and cutting edge MINDSET, NLP, hypnosis, & behavioural psychology techniques delivered to you a podcast full of ACTIONABLE advice, this is this podcast for you!
Episode #77: Stop Anxiety in 7 Steps 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
08/05/2015 Duração: 29minEpisode #77: Stop Anxiety in 7 Steps 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Why Anxiety 4:00 Free Focus Session 8:00 Everybody deals with it 11:00 Triggering 13:00 Dictionary 13:40 Perspective 14:00 Different meaning 17:00 Step 1 18:00 Step 2 18:40 Step 3 19:00 Step 4 19:30 Step 5 20:00 Step 6 22:00 Step 7 23:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #76: Menprovement & the science of becoming more with Sean Russell
05/05/2015 Duração: 01h16minEpisode #76: Menprovement & the science of becoming more with Sean Russell Yesterday 2:00 Collage 13:00 Anxiety 16:00 Angry Birds 19:00 Support 24:00 Feel 27:00 NLP Technique 29:00 Men on the web 34:00 Suffering 37:00 Tim Ferris style 42:00 46:00 Chronic Fatigue 51:00 Dan Monroe 57:00 John Cooper 57:00 Allana Pratt 1:00:00 Dating 1:05:00 Authentic you 1:08:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today My episode on MenProvement
Episode #75: F!@# IT 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
01/05/2015 Duração: 33minEpisode #75: F!@# IT 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Urban Dictionary 4:22 Monty Pthyon 5:00 Most F’s ever 6:00 Hypnosis audio 9:00 Hangout with me 12:00 When to use the F’ word 13:00 Time quote 13:00 Break the belief 16:00 Being in Pain 17:00 Focus 18:00 QUESTIONS YOU NEED 21:00 Expand 26:00 Against a wall 28:00 Bandler MATRA 29:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #74: Ebook Master-Class Tom Corson-Knowles
27/04/2015 Duração: 47minEpisode #74: Ebook Master-Class Tom Corson-Knowles Why the song? 1:31 What do you do? 10:00 Think and grow 14:00 What is the drive? 15:00 Where do Entrepreneurs go wrong 17:00 Unlearn 19:00 Kindle 23:00 Ebook 6 Billion Dollars 24:00 Tom Fan 27:00 5 years from now 29:00 Parents 32:00 100 years past 32:00 India 36:00 What is in Tom’s Head 37:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #73: Accountability 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
24/04/2015 Duração: 30minEpisode #73: Accountability 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Quotes of the podcast 1:37 Be like you only 2:30 Get your morning hypnosis 4:30 Why Accountability 8:00 Muscle building 10:00 How are you training? 13:00 Certainty 14:00 Time, effort and energy 17:30 Speak to yourself right 19:00 Cant say yes 21:00 Everything has a positive intent 23:00 Beautiful life 25:00 Little secret..!28:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #10: Installing Happiness 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
22/04/2015 Duração: 37minEpisode #10: Installing Happiness 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Bali smiles 7:43 Fight or flight 9:50 Confucius 10:45 Going inside 11:30 Sales 13:30 Who is around you now? 17:00 Who to trust 20:00 Push & Expand 25:00 50 Cent 27:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #72: Psychedelic Revolution with Dennis Mckenna
20/04/2015 Duração: 01h30minEpisode #72: Psychedelic Revolution with Dennis Mckenna Terrance Mckenna 17:00 Our own tradition 18:30 LSD and Death 24:00 MDNA 24:00 DMT and Rick 28:00 MAPS & PTSD 33:00 Cannabis 36:00 The bit at the beginning 40:00 The science 42:00 Quitting smoking 46:00 Mystical experience 55:00 Ram Dass 58:00 Ayahuasca 59:00 Don Jon 1:06.00 Plant Intelligence 1:10.00 You see it 1:12.00 Dad 1:16:00 Curiosity 1:19:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #71: Suffering 10 min Tune up with Andy Murphy
17/04/2015 Duração: 21minEpisode #71: Suffering 10 min Tune up with Andy Murphy Breakdown 5:00 Don’t know what is next 7:00 Concentration camp 8:00 Attachment 9:00 Its not real 12:00 World-class version 14:00 Leader 15:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
The Best of MBD: Choose the right choice
15/04/2015 Duração: 14minThe Best of: Choose the right choice with Andy Murphy Software in your head 3:00 Break the pattern 4:30 Choices 6:00 New Options 8:00 Ask the right questions 9:00 What excites you? 10:30 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #70: 3 Years to Freedom with Mike Tecku
13/04/2015 Duração: 55minEpisode #70: 3 Years to Freedom with Mike Tecku Move forwards 9:00 Does he care? 14:00 What will this do 16:00 Being in a band 18:00 Woman 20:00 Main belief 24:00 4 hour work week 27:00 Network 29:00 Photo booth 31:00 Independent contractor 35:00 Amazon 36:00 Learn, create, systemise 38:00 Invest 41:00 Zooming 43:00 Solve the problem 47:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #69: Powerful Environments 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
10/04/2015 Duração: 26minEpisode #69: Powerful Environments 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Why keep traveling 4:00 Palace 5:00 What are emerged in? 7:00 Tony Robins 8:00 Castle Villa 10:00 Time to reflect 14:00 Nans advice 15:00 Team 17:00 Virtual teams 21:00 Academy 22:00 Quotes http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #68: World-class Productivity with Ari Meisel
07/04/2015 Duração: 38minEpisode #68: World-class Productivity with Ari Meisel Productivity King 6:00 Getting rid of the stress 8:00 Inbox 11:00 Richard Branson 13:30 Optimised 16:00 Atomisation 16:30 Outsourcing 16:50 12 months ago 18:00 High fat 21:00 Iron man 23:00 Out sourcing 26:00 5 years from now 30:00 Live event 34:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #67: Spiritual ?? 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
20/03/2015 Duração: 41minEpisode #67: Spiritual ?? 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy No rules 8:50 Spirituality 10:00 What is the result 12:00 Shift in Consciousness 16:00 Quantum 17:00 Universe 19:00 Child me 22:00 DMT 26::00 Dream World 28:00 Bill Hicks 32:00 Serving 34:00 Amma 35:00 Quotes 37:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Bonus #4: THE BEST OF: Money Mindset
19/03/2015 Duração: 34minBonus #4: THE BEST OF: Money Mindset Lies about money 4:00 Think about $ like this 5:00 Focus on $$$ 10:35 Build the business 11:58 Solve the problem 12:45 6 months money 14:30 Build your App? 15:47 Stop being a consumer 18:20 6 Minute Abs 19:30 Whats your network 22:00 Rocky! 26:30 Overview 30:00
Episode #66: Mental Weight-loss with Stephanie Matos
17/03/2015 Duração: 01h05minEpisode #66: Mental Weight-loss with Stephanie Matos Exercise Expert 12:00 Not worthy 16:00 Pissed off 20:00 Book 25:00 80% full 28:00 Lizard brain 33:00 Entrepreneur time 25:00 2 weeks notice 38:00 The Summit 41:00 Start small 44:00 5 years 48:00 Am I good enough 52:00 The Journey 54:00 Excited 58:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #65: OVERWHELMED 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
12/03/2015 Duração: 23minEpisode #65: OVERWHELMED 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Whatever level 8:00 Everyone gets it 9:00 Break up the mindset 10:00 Ego 11:45 Obsessed 12:00 Messy wiring 15:00 The grass in greener 16:00 Is this real ? 18:00 Focus 20:00 Quotes 21:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #64: Stess, sex & Business
10/03/2015 Duração: 52minEpisode #64: Stess, sex & Business Obsession 7:00 Block out time 13:00 Top 5 key points 17:00 Physical pressure 22:00 Prioritise touch 26:00 See the matrix 31:00 Anxiety 33:00 Going soft 35:00 Energy 40:00 Stop ejactulating 43:00 How many books 47:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Bonus Episode #3: Going to the Hospital
06/03/2015 Duração: 09minhttp://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #63: Sales Master Class with Joe Girard
04/03/2015 Duração: 01h27sEpisode #63: Sales Master Class with Joe Girard Going to the Uk 1:00 What do you do? 9:00 Probing 11:00 Authentic Sales 13:00 Mac went crazy 14:00 Price Objection 17:00 Paypal guy 19:00 Joes Book 21:00 5 years from now 25:00 Internet marketing 28:00 I just don't care 30:00 Act calm no matter what 38:00 Scripts 40:00 Psychology Sales 45:00 First month free 50:00 Best Advice 52:00 Quotes 55:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today
Episode #62: My Birthday Lessons 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy
01/03/2015 Duração: 25minEpisode #62: My Birthday Lessons 10 min tune up with Andy Murphy Awesome birthday songs 2:30 Sunday morning 6:00 Play full out 8:00 Pull the people around you 10:00 California 11:30 UK 13:00 Fast changes 15:00 Perfect Football Mindset 16:00 When you were winning 18:00 From the heart 19:00 Who? 20:00 Ego 22:00 http://LifeByDesign.Today